Home » 2012 Elections, Breaking News, Headlines » Tea Party to Back Any GOP Nominee— Including Romney

Tea Party to Back Any GOP Nominee— Including Romney

By Lexi Stemple, FOXNews.com

The Tea Party will support whoever wins the GOP presidential nomination – - even if that person is former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney. That’s the affirmative word from Tea Party Express chair Amy Kremer.

Kremer told Fox News on Saturday, “whoever the Republican nominee is will have to have the support of the Tea Party movement, the entire Tea Party movement.”

Kremer went on to say the Tea Party is “completely neutral,” adding that it “just wants to see the cream rise to the top… If Romney is the nominee I believe that we want to defeat Barack Obama.”

Her confidence comes while some Tea Partiers, including some at FreedomWorks, a leading voice in the Tea Party movement, set their sights on stopping a Romney nomination.

Kremer also wants to put to rest the idea the Tea Party would support a third party candidate, insisting the Tea Party can work from within the democratic and republican parties.

“There is no way that we are going to support a third party candidate. It would split the vote and it would guarantee reelection for Obama, and we need to crush Obama we have to get him out of the White House,” says Kremer.

Kremer also believes the Tea Party movement will have a “massive impact just as we did in 2010.”

In fact, she feels the Tea Party and its elected representatives are responsible for the failure of a clean debt ceiling vote in congress this week.

“We are still having an impact here in Washington. I really believe that if it weren’t for the Tea Party movement they would already raised the debt ceiling and the spending would continue to be out of control… The democratic party was completely split.

To read more, visit:  http://politics.blogs.foxnews.com/2011/06/04/tea-party-back-any-gop-nominee-including-romney

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Posted by gadsden on Jun 5 2011. Filed under 2012 Elections, Breaking News, Headlines. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

6 Comments for “Tea Party to Back Any GOP Nominee— Including Romney”

  1. “The Tea Party will support whoever wins the GOP presidential”
    No it won’t.

  2. I will not support Romney even though I like the Tea Party. Find someone else to back

  3. There goes the cowardly surrender already…the Founding Fathers would NOT have accepted just ANY candidate. They were just not that soft. What a society we’ve become.

  4. No way in hell i’m supporting any member of the War Party. Not Romney, not Obama. You’re pro-intervention you’re part of the deficit problem far as i’m concerned. Let the oil companies hire Xe to protect their booty on their OWN nickel, damnit!

    To me, this is the Tea Part spirit, and what got me involved (original NH caucus, summer 08). It’s not an “anti Obama” movement, or shouldn’t be. It’s about living free or dying, fighting the good fight regardless of outcome, even if vindication only comes later.

    Just my .02, but fwiw, i’m one of you, and as far as the “Party leadership” goes, “following leaders” *definitely* isn’t what i came for, and this Jean Kreamer or whatever her name is should be *ignored*, as anyone claiming a “leadership” role should be..

    If you don’t support Paul in a big way, then you deserve.. well i can’t say in public what you deserve, but “Romney” will suffice..

  5. Not me. If Romney’s the nominee, I’m voting 3rd party.

  6. I have never decided to leave a comment here, but this article about the fictitious “Tea Party”, since IT IS A MOVEMENT, NOT A PARTY, with this “leader” of a woman of which I cannot define as some men would define women they are having heavy sexual activity with, Amy Kremer, has me, a female, speechless. I am hoping that coming out here will once again get some restraint back to me, so here I am. THIS ARTICLE IS OUTRAGEOUS!

    “Tea Party Express”? What is the one that the defacto “leader”, Michelle Bachman, called? “Tea Party Nation”? “We will back up anyone from the Republican Party” or something to that affect? I cannot believe it! The people involved with the tea party MOVEMENT are gentle people, but I think for the first time, I can see something being done that could generate some meanness from those involved, especially those who were at the first tea party movements in honor of Congressman Dr. Ron Paul some years ago.

    I better quit now. I still have not gotten my ladylike senses back after reading this outrageous claim. Maybe I am saddened plenty because I cannot believe that there are people enmass who are actually part of this fraudulent “party”. It says very little about the mentality and the will of our brethren. “Sheeple” is a term most often used and this lends to the very meaning of it.

    Those who have commented here before me on this article, may we all meet someday as the brothers and sisters we all were when we participated in those early days when Dr. Paul inspired our hearts to join together as we did. (Yea, right. “The answer to 1984 is 1776″ with our defacto “leaders” this statement only has become just that—a statement!)

    Tongue tied still,
    June 8, 2011/Wednesday


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