Home » 2012 Elections, Breaking News » Rick Santorum says he’s ‘in it to win.’ Could he?

Rick Santorum says he’s ‘in it to win.’ Could he?

By Peter Grier, Christian Science Monitor

Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum announced Monday that he’ll run for the Republican presidential nomination. He’s “in it to win,” he told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos on “Good Morning America.”

That’s kind of a defensive thing to say, isn’t it? Presumably, nomination candidates always enter the race with hopes, even expectations of victory. To stress that point is to risk protesting a bit too much.

But that might be Mr. Santorum’s biggest problem. His White House quest seems quixotic, even in an electoral cycle where the field of candidates has no strong frontrunners.

After all, Santorum is an ex-senator because he lost his 2006 bid for reelection by 18 points. Current polling has him as the first choice of about 2 percent of GOP voters. He’s a strong social conservative in a year when conservatives’ energy seems focused on fiscal issues such as the national debt. More charismatic politicians such as Herman Cain, Michele Bachmann and Sarah Palin (maybe) are competing with him for the same rightward slice of the electorate.

Santorum’s “is an unusual case of presidential fever,” noted University of Virginia political scientist Larry Sabato in a rundown of candidates on his “Crystal Ball” blog earlier this year.

The strength of the fundamentalist Christian vote in Iowa might help Santorum score well in the caucuses there, to be held February 8, 2012. He is also strong in South Carolina, the first state in the South to hold a primary.

To read more, visit:  http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Politics/The-Vote/2011/0606/Rick-Santorum-says-he-s-in-it-to-win.-Could-he

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Posted by gadsden on Jun 6 2011. Filed under 2012 Elections, Breaking News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

3 Comments for “Rick Santorum says he’s ‘in it to win.’ Could he?”

  1. :”Posted by gadsden” That is who wrote this article and correct me if I am wrong, but this “gadsden” person is part of this “Tea Party” newsletter. No? After reading this article, I would say that that person is a “mole”. Guess which presidential candidate was not mentioned out of the lot of Republican candidates mentioned. Need I spell it out? No mention of the father of the TEA PARTY MOVEMENT, our very own Congressman Dr. Ron Paul and without him and us, this very newsletter would not exist!.

    That is sad. It is also sad knowing that most likely it will be this “gadsden” person who will do the moderating of this comment deciding whether or not to let it be seen by the public. If not gadsden, then the odds of a fellow company co-worker letting this out is slim. The thought of even taking a challenge and reply out here as to why Dr. Paul’s name was let out is generally not in such people’s actions.

    Saddened by our own people,
    Rhonda :-(
    June 8, 2011/Wednesday

    • All right, correct or not, I did figure this post of mine would not be allowed up based on what I said about Gadsden. After re-reading the article, I see that Gadsden apparently only posted the article about Rick Santorum and the other “viable” candidates minus Dr. Ron Paul. The article was written by a Christian organization, Peter Grier, Christian Science Monitor. Even if Dr. Paul were not religious or of another religion other than Christianity, leaving his name out of the list of candidates is still atrocious no matter what.

      I therefore am a lady and will at this time apologize to Gadsden over what I said or whomever might have allowed my comment to be posted.

      June 8, 2011/Wednesday

  2. I agree with you Rhonda. Sad to say, but this modern day “Tea Party” resembles NOTHING like the actual PATRIOTS of 1776 who actually dumped tea in the Boston harbor (really bringing an economic blow to King George III) and tarred and feathered British agents. Today’s Tea Party is soft and compromising. I recently read a poll saying they’d support Mitt “RomneyCare” Romney! He’s about as RINO/Establishment as they get! ONLY Dr. Ron Paul is unswerving and proven in his fight to restore America to its original 18th Century principles (and size). YES I want my federal government the size of a thumbtack, thank you.


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