Colbert Ad Airing in S.C. Attacks Romney For Being A ‘Serial Killer’

From: ABC News

The harshest attack against Mitt Romney to yet hit the South Carolina airwaves is coming not from his GOP rivals, but from comedian Stephen Colbert , whose Super PAC is up with a 60-second spot accusing Romney of being a “serial killer.”

The harshly-worded ad spares no drama, showing a butcher carving up a carcass and a limp pair of feet being ominously dragged around a dark corner. But coming from the Comedy Central funnyman, the ad seems more like a tongue-in-cheek jest than a legitimate character attack.

“Mitt Romney has a secret,” says the narrator, John Lithgrow, who played a serial killer on the Showtime series “Dexter.” “As head of Bain Capital he bought companies, carved them up, and got rid of what he couldn’t use. If Mitt Romney really believes ‘corporations are people, my friend’ then Mitt Romney is a serial killer. He’s Mitt the Ripper.”

The ad is airing on the CBS station in Colbert’s hometown of Charleston, South Carolina and comes just days after Colbert transferred control of his PAC to fellow comedian Jon Stewart and announced he would launch an exploratory committee to find out “if there’s a hunger” for him to run for president in South Carolina.

The pro-Colbert PAC, Americans for a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow, spent $7,600 to air the ad 11 times on CBS Charleston. Beginning last Sunday, the ad will air twice per day until Thursday, once during the morning news and once during the nightly news, said CBS affiliate WCSC’s General Manager Rita Scott.

So far the station has heard no complaints about the “serial killer” ad, Scott said.

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14 Comments for “Colbert Ad Airing in S.C. Attacks Romney For Being A ‘Serial Killer’”

  1. Colbert is a FREAKING MORON!

  2. Colbert should run a superpac ad for Obuma


  3. Who is Steven Colbert anyway?

  4. Colbert is the only voice speaking out against corporate ownership of your government, idiots. The whole concept behind the Colbert SuperPAC was to illustrate how screwed up and purchased our whole system really is.

    The comments above, full of name-calling yet lacking any discourse, are why the Tea Party can’t be taken seriously by so many Americans.

  5. Liberals should be embracing wRongney , he’s the most liberal of the bunch and they’ll have another friend in DC when he gets there…

    RON PAUL 2012-2020

  6. Why Romney’s ‘dog on car roof’ story makes him unfit to be president
    By Lanny Davis

    Published January 13, 2012

    January 11, 2012: Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, campaigns at The Hall at Senate’s End, in Columbia, S.C.

    It might be unseemly to bring this up just as Mitt Romney celebrates his win in New Hampshire on Tuesday night and seems to be a strong front-runner for the GOP nomination. But the story of his putting his dog in a carrier on his car roof for a 12-hour family trip is spreading again on the Internet and disturbs me the more I learn about it.

    In brief, as the Boston Globe first reported in 2007, in 1983, Mitt Romney, then 36 years old, drove his station wagon packed with five sons and his wife on a 12-hour trip from Boston to Ontario, where his parents had a cottage on Lake Huron.

    He took a dog carrier and attached it to the station wagon’s roof rack, built a special windshield, and put his dog Seamus into the carrier, where the dog remained for the 12-hour trip.

    Was the dog distressed? Was it illegal under Massachusetts law as cruelty? There is some evidence that both are true.

    During the trip, the Boston Globe reported, Romney’s oldest son, Tagg, looked around through the rear window and yelled, “Dad — gross!” A brown liquid was dripping down the back window — diarrhea from an animal that just might have been caused by the stress of being inside a cage for 12 hours on top of a car going 60 mph.

    And what did Romney do, even after knowing of the dog’s diarrhea? Did he realize that perhaps Seamus should be shown some mercy, cleaned up and allowed in the car, to sleep on someone’s lap?


    Here’s how the Globe described what Romney then did:

    “As the rest of the boys joined in the howls of disgust, Romney coolly pulled off the highway and into a service station. There he borrowed a hose, washed down Seamus and the car, then hopped back onto the highway. It was a tiny preview of a trait he would grow famous for in business: emotion-free crisis management.”

    Emotion-free crisis management??!

    I love animals, especially dogs. I don’t like people who are cruel to animals. I am told it is illegal in Massachusetts to put an animal on a car roof while driving. Had I been the local sheriff, I would have arrested him.

    But I am a forgiving person. If today Romney, looking back, were to say, “You know, in retrospect, that was a cruel thing to do to our dog — I was young, it was a long time ago, I am sorry” — if he said that today, I’d forgive him.

    But instead — Romney being Romney — he defaults into saying something utterly implausible. He recently told Fox’s dog-loving Chris Wallace that Seamus actually loved it up there!

    He then told Wallace that the dog was in an “air-tight container,” not mentioning the diarrhea.

    Air-tight container??!

    This is the ultimate Purple Issue — it cuts across Republicans, Democrats, blue states, red states, liberals and conservatives.

    There are more than 78 million Americans who own one or more dogs — about two out of every five households. A Google search of “Romney Dog on Car Roof” brought me 1,080,000 results.

    I don’t know how many of these 78 million dog owners (and thus, dog lovers) have yet heard or read about Romney doing this horrible thing, much less making his disingenuous claim that Seamus loved the experience on top of a speeding car for 12 hours, while his bowels turned to water.

    But I’m thinking if this story gets out and stays out, there will be tens of millions of Google hits by next October. And I am also thinking that Romney is going to lose a lot of dog-lover votes on this issue alone, regardless of party or ideology.

    Here’s one dog lover’s opinion — mine:

    I think anyone who puts his dog in a cage on top of a car for a 12-hour drive and then deludes himself or tries to delude others that the dog really enjoyed it — to me, with all due respect, I feel such a man shouldn’t be president of the United States.

    Lanny Davis is a Fox News contributor and the principal in the Washington D.C. Law firm of Lanny J. Davis & Associates, which specializes in strategic legal crisis management. He served as President Clinton’s Special Counsel in 1996-98 and as a member of President Bush’s Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board in 2006-07. He is the author of the forthcoming book to be published by Simon & Schuster, “Crisis Tales — Five Rules for Handling Scandals in Business, Politics and Life.” He can be found on Facebook and Twitter (@LannyDavis).

  7. Not only are Colbert and Stewart morons but CBS tops them by running such crud for for a mere $690 for each ad. It is obvious that Colbert and Stewart are far left idiots that know nothing about business. Bain capital acquires companies that are in distress with the goal of making them profitable and healthy. These companies are usually in distress because of poor management. If Bain and other investment companies don’t acquire these companies the odds are that they will fold and every employee will be out of jobs.

    Unfortunately, it is clowns like Colbert and Stewart that elect these leftist that live in a fantasy world that are job destroyers and government dependent increasers.

  8. edward smith jr

    Mitt Romney is one of the most qualified people to ever to run for the Presidency. He has a proven record of success. He is accomplished in the private sector, the public sector and with NGOs. He has mastered them all.

    He created thousands of jobs as a venture capitalist CEO of Bain Capital creating businesses such as Staples Office Supply, Sealy Mattress Company and, yes, Domino Pizza Chain. He was successful in rebuilding the 2002 Winter Olympics from a disaster of international financial corruption and drug abuse into a clean organization that attracted sponsors. He got the Olympic Committee out of $100 million in debt to about $200 million in profits. He was successful in Massachusetts reducing the state’s unemployment rate from 5.6% to 4.5%, reducing the states $3 billion deficit and requiring people who could afford it to buy health insurance so they didn’t sponge off the state in Emergency rooms.

    No other candidate for President is as well qualified as Mitt Romney. Especially not Obama who had no record at all.

  9. I think it’s hilarious. All one needs is a sense of humor for cryin’ out loud.
    Anyway, why anyone in the Tea Party would vote for anyone other than Ron Paul is beyond me. Mitt Romney is as bought and paid for as Obama, Bush, Clinton, etc, etc ad nauseum.

  10. To The American People :You know We The People are sick and tired of these bueracratic elitists on both sides of the fence.

    I am NOT for Mitt Romney ,for he is NOT pro life and not pro man and women in marriage or for families.
    Now we know he is not an American.
    According to The Constitution or The bill of Rights That was signed by our fore fathers from GOD IN JESUS CHRIST NAME.
    American is bleeding ! ENOUGH is Enough.
    If you care About American That cares for America.
    Then give America a chance .

    You Do not make America more sick you try and make the patient better.
    America.Prevention is better than cure.

    What We The People are saying ,you put people in office That are PRO FAMILY ,PRO LIFE , and pro jobs , and pro small medium and big buiness.

    And don’t disregard or use these businesses or jobs for the good of America :for you own political gain like obama , Romney ,and co

    If you care for your American families :THAT ARE PRO LIFE as The Constitution and our fore fathers that said in Jesus Christ Name.

    Than We The People if YOU CARE FOR AMERICA and her friends and allies in The Lord’s precoius Name.
    The you churches and America Jewry and JUDEO CHRISTIANS who Stand for Israel We The Majority of People DO NOT ant These liberals or there policies ,who ultimately want to wreck America.
    Than we won ‘t be voting for them NO MORE.

    You The People came out in 2010 in the mid term elections again we are asking for the good of The Country to do it again.
    And remove these bueracrats elitist FROM OFFICE and co mentioned before.


    Godly men that fear God and do what is RIGHT IN Jesus Christ Name.

    God bless you The American People and God bless America and her friends and allies in Jesus Christ Name.


  11. Stay With what Your Fore fathers would have wanted to Protect YOU THE AMERICAN PEOPLE in JESUS CHRIST NAME.


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