Ron Paul Holds Crucial Card in GOP Race
2012 Elections, Headlines Monday, December 12th, 2011By Gerald F. Seib, The Wall Street Journal
Ron Paul is the wild card in the Republican presidential deck—and that makes him one of the most important cards of all right now.
It was possible earlier this year to write off the libertarian Texas congressman as an eccentric simply looking, as he did four years ago, for a place on a debate stage to proclaim his gospel of small government and hard money. But now Mr. Paul appears to be the man who could shape the outcome of the Iowa caucuses, which could go a long way toward shaping the overall race.
Nationally, Mr. Paul’s support runs a modest 10% or so in most polls, putting him well behind front-runners Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney. But in Iowa, four polls in the past two weeks or so have put him at an average of 18%—high enough to compete for second place.
Indeed, to watch Saturday night’s Iowa debate, and hear the audience reaction to Rep. Paul, was to sense how well he is striking chords with voters. A strong Paul performance in Iowa would go a long way toward determining not just the outcome of the Jan. 3 caucuses there, but the path of the crucial phase of the race that immediately follows Iowa.
Here’s why.
If Mr. Paul does well in Iowa, he could so muddy the waters that there is no clear winner. An inconclusive outcome would be a boon for Mr. Romney, who hasn’t done all that well in Iowa, and who is counting much more heavily on winning the New Hampshire primary a week later. A murky Iowa result would reduce any momentum the upstart Mr. Gingrich might enjoy heading into New Hampshire.
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Ron Paul is not the one muddying the waters. It is the RINO’s and the old stream media.
If the GOP is stupid enough to keep nominating RINOS and fake conservatives,it’s days as a party that is worthy of support will be at an end….And Ron’s support has risen to 12-14% nationally among Republicans…Much higher among independents and disillusioned Democrats…
The Wall Street Journal(WSJ) is the banksters Journal. Ron Paul is much higher in the polls than what WSJ claims. Starting with a wrong statement (that Ron Paul is in the 10% nationwide) makes the whole article useless and false.
Ron took 8% 3 years ago, and we’re expected to believe he’s only increased by 2%?
To WHOEVER thinks they are running the tea party group.
Wake up! Ron Paul is the only candidate who has not sold-out in one way or another. He is not a “nut-case” nor was he in 2008! Everything he stated is true and the debt bubbles are getting larger.
I am outraged that this TEA PARTY has been reported as supporting Newt Gingrich. Gingrich pushed through NAFTA–the first job killing episode of so-called “free-trade agreements” After that, he declared NAFTA worked because it created jobs in MEXICO! Where’d that getcha?
Gingrich will lose to Obama because of all the deceitful ideas he’s propounded over the years. For instance–Global Warming, support of Bush’s Mandatory carbon caps, he advocates an attack on Iran and North Korea, He is a lobbyist for Federal Ethanol subsidies, He’s over a million dollars in debt on his campaign, he defended Romney Care, he supported Medicare drug coverage and recently he received millions from Freddie Mac–another lobbying deceitful act.
The guys just a piece of low-life scum and as a tea party member I expect YOU to bring it all out and keep hammering the truth to all the members.
These reports of the TEA party supporting anyone but RON PAUL are absolutely false and are meant to weaken the cause !
To say the Tea Party supports him is like saying Dems support Obamanation. Some do but a lot don’t
People make up the Tea Party and they – the people – will vote for who they want. They are looking for the most conservative they can find. they – not any leadership – want to find him/her. .
Ron Paul’s support by The People who want rational, fiscally responsible government can no longer be ignored. Most of ‘US’ balance our checkbooks regularly. When we are told that ‘We’ have run up so much debt, we know that it is the unresponsive Demos and RINOs and their global banker friends who keep these wars going to get rich. We know that the Fed transfers that debt onto our backs. We understand that there is not enough ‘money’ in the world to balance the books with the fake debt they have created. And WE are saying “ENOUGH.” Ron Paul is our spokesman.
Their propaganda ‘news’ machine churns up enough fear and division among the people that they stay in power. And the Tea Party has fallen for it. Wake up People! McCain and almost all our ‘Representatives’ and Senators are traitors who have betrayed their oath of office and sold us into totalitarianism. Ron Paul represents a decisive turn down a different road and that scares the excrement out of them. That we might try to take back our government is almost inconceivable to the power establishment. And make no mistake, almost all in Washington represent that machine. Most of all people like Gingrich and McCain represent the World Trade Organization who sanctions tracking us from cradle to grave..
And who was picked by McCain to stand with him in 2008??? The Tea Party sweetheart Sarah Palin. Don’t you really think McCain knew where she stands? The two of them formed a non-profit Delaware corporation in Feb. 2008 months before he ‘discovered’ her in August.
Samuel Adams admonished us that a vote in good conscience is a vote never wasted. Since I began voting in 1968, I have voted for ‘WINNERS’ who did not place 1st. It sends a message. Our message is getting strong enough that it is rocking the boat. It might be a Tea Party revolution if the Tea Party members don’t fall into the river and sink first.
If the “Tea Party” has sunk so low to become one of the “Good ol Boys” and not listen to the people, then the people must take a stand. Let the Newt’s & Romney’s bicker and fight – leave Ron Paul alone, but be sure to vote for Ron Paul (he is constant) and a true American. Have no doubts, he will appoint the right people to serve and protect us according to the Constitution of the united states of America!
Sentor Paul has stood his ground as far as his ideals and with many of them I agree, but his foreign policy is fatally naive. To compare Iran and North Korea to the old USSR is so dangerously flawed, the USSR was run by men who knew limits. The leaders of Iran and North Korea are absolutely mad with one sworn to wiping out Israel and America is next on his list. The other starves his own people and should be interned into a sanitarium. Both of these are set on America’s distruction at any cost, the USSR wanted us out but only if they could do it without getting the world obliterated.
Ron Paul is not my first choice, but given the alternative I would support him or any GOP nominee over Obama. I hope the rabid Paul supporters realize that we have to unite and support whoever the GOP nominee is. Obama hopes you’ll be stupid enough to stick with your rigid ideology and give him 4 more years in which to complete his Socialist Revolution. ABO
You obviously don’t know much about Ron Paul if you think he is a senator!!! He is a Congressman!!! If you didnt know that I am willing to bet you are not very educated about his positions!!!
I no longer vote the lesser of two evils. It’s Ron Paul or nobody!
I have listen to Ron Paul many timrs, He makes more sense than any man I ever heard, and I am 60 years old, He cares about the Americaan ppeople and our country, more than the money, has stayed the course in what we really need, Gingrich is a total joke, his intergity was shot with Clinton, with Freddie mac, another “good ole boy” and politics as usual, did he not step down as house speaker” Mitt dosen’t even count in my bookRon Paul would be a great Presiden, like FDR and this is what our country needs, our country is a mess, congress is a mess, we need a big change, we need Ron Paul and Ms Bachman, what a team, they both have the insight and courage
When did the TEA PARTY, any TEA PARTY become the voice of one candidate?
When they were co-opted by the “elites”. The tea party is grassroots and it is about Liberty. It is not about supporting big govt statists of any stripe. But the elites think they can fool us by calling themselves one of us. There are few genuine icons for the Tea Party, and Ron Paul is the foremost, because he best personifies what the Teap Party is about. This thing calling itself RE Tea Party? Does RE mean Republican Elite?
You are right, a genuine Tea Party group should be about issues, and as regards candidates, should strive to tell the truth about each. If that group were not an imposter.
Samuel Adams admonished us that a vote in good conscience is a vote never wasted. Since I began voting in 1968, I have voted for nonCFR candidates, who were not bought. It will be a Tea Party revolution if the Tea Party members don’t fall for the bankster’s CFRA&B election fix again.
Google: CFR,TC,Bilderberg – to understand the Bankster’s NWO agenda.
The election fix must be exposed and defeated.
Ron Paul, or kiss this Republic good bye.
With both parties allowing THE FED to run our economy, they have been partners in the destruction of our Republic. The Dems are just doing it faster.
Congressman McFadden warned us in the congressional Record in 1933. He was ignored then and now. Beware of CFR members in both parties. Read their own words quotes below -
“An end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece,
will accomplish much more than the old fashioned frontal attack”
– Richard Gardner in CFR publication – Foreign Affairs – April, 1974.
“Actions at the multinational level will be needed, if the process of international relocation of industries is to be accelerated in an organized fashion..” Trilateral Commission Report #23, 1982
The lessor of two evils is evil, plain and simple. A Rhino is essentially a Democrat, so nothing will change until a real Republican, Ron Paul, runs against Obama. My, those debates would be COOL!
I made a studied comment on my blog that no Republican has yet stepped forward wo can defeat Obama. Maybe I’m blinded by some position Ron Paul has taken that I cannot support.
At this time, I am giving Ron Paul a long hard look. As with all the others I may need to overlook some what I call negatives. He has and will continue to shake up the the Republicn “good old boys and girls club” and he may atttract a lot of independents and soft Democrats.
I am a betting man ($1) and I’ll bet that Gingrich and Romeny will not win against Obama. And Ron Paul wll be on the ticket one way of another. A third party would further doom the Republicans.