Ventura, miffed by court, says he’s off to Mexico


Former Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura is so upset by the dismissal of his airport security lawsuit that he threatened Friday to apply for dual citizenship so he can spend more time in his beloved Mexico — or run for president of what he labeled “the Fascist States of America.”

Ventura, also a former wrestling star, sued the U.S. government in January, alleging that airport scans and pat-downs amounted to unreasonable search and seizure. A district judge threw out his lawsuit Thursday, ruling it should have been filed in a Circuit Court of Appeals.

Ventura has said a titanium hip implanted in him in 2008 sets off metal detectors and that agents previously used hand-held wands to scan his body. He said he was subjected to a body pat-down after an airport metal detector went off last November. Ventura said he hasn’t flown since and won’t fly commercially again.

Outside the federal courthouse in St. Paul, with a crew from his “Conspiracy Theory” cable TV show filming, Ventura said he hadn’t decided whether to continue pressing his lawsuit. He said he wanted to make his case before a jury, not a panel of judges.

Ventura, a political independent who served one term as governor, teased that he might have to run for president to change the policy and a court system he regards as broken.

Moments later, he vowed to apply for Mexican citizenship so he can live there more months of the year.

The former Navy SEAL said he had lost his patriotism.

“I will never stand for a national anthem again. I will turn my back and I will raise a fist,” he said.

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30 Comments for “Ventura, miffed by court, says he’s off to Mexico”

  1. See ya, Jesse! Don’t let the door/gate hit you on the way out of the country.

  2. He has finally lost all his senses

  3. I understand how he can be pissed at the courts and, or the judicial system but, I don’t see how that has anything to do with our National Anthem ?
    He’ll probably calm down and act intelligent eventually …

    • It has to do with our National Anthem, because we shouldn’t praise & be loyal to a Country that is turning into a tyranny. Instead, we should work to undo wrongs & get things back to the ideals of our Founding Fathers.

  4. @pthor- Ventura feels, correctly in my opinion, that the “country” (i.e. the government) has failed him in its only purpose–to protect his rights. The bloom is off the rose of patriotism for him. I completely sympathize with Jesse; I think more people should be a lot less calm about these things.

    • E.W. – You put this exactly right.

    • He wouldn’t be “miffed” if he didn’t value what our Republic used to be about. It’s like most people are in a blind stupor unwilling or unable to realize what is challenged and what is being stolen out from under us as a formerly free people. Who wants to be a mindless slave?, I don’t.

  5. Personally, I used to like Ventura and his show but, If he wants to turn his back on this great country and claim he is no longer a patriot I say get the heck out then we are already over crowded and that 1 less person to whine and cry about how they are treated here. If he doesn’t like it try a country where they will cut off a body part for theft maybe he will like that much better than my beloved U.S.A. GET OUT VENTURA!!!!!

    • You got it all wrong.

    • I used to like The United States of America. I still love America, but not The United States [of Britain] now that we have once again all but been conquered by the thieving dragon of The Red Shield. I agree that Jesse needs to clarify that he has not turned his back on the remnant of the American People. Are we going to win this fight? Well, the stakes are too high not to. When Britain owns and controls all of what was formerly known as The US Military, now under BAE Systems. That is British Aerospace for those that were not watching. Research it. Now the only real option for America is to individually get right with God and pray for His mercy and His divine intervention. Only God could ever save US and does so only for the right hearts obediently belonging to Him. Praise God because He lives.

  6. Ralph Kermit Winterrowd 2nd

    I agree with Ventura as the Federal Courts routinely deny access to constitutional issues, wherein you have no remedy. TSA is hiding behind “policies”, which have no “force and effect of law.” There is much more to this story that meets the eye. In 1934 under FDR they started the NEW DEAL “civil rules in 48 Stat. 1934, which were accepted and put into play in 1940. “They [the new Civil Rules] shall take effect six months after their promulgation, and thereafter all laws in conflict therewith shall be of no further force or effect.” This is codified today in 28 U.S.C. § 2072. Then as the “rules of Court” rule, also the TSA hides behind regulations due to “national security” that are never in compliance with the Administrative Procedure Act of 1946 codified in 5 U.S.C. chapters 5-9 to have the “force and effect of law.” There has been a complete coup d’etat, but the ignorant, illiterate and stupid have not idea and refuse to validate their facts and use “critical thinking.”

    • God said, come out of her my people lest you be partakers of the cup of her sins. God’s wrath will come! Scripture says the least among us shall lead us out. To ignore any weak or poorer among us is to refuse victory.

  7. I am glad that he was subjected to what so many thousands of Americans have already been subjected to. I appreciate his aggressiveness. I also understand what he means by saying he will “never stand for a national anthem again”. When one feels that their government betrays all that this country ONCE stood for, then it is easy to say such a thing. I served as well and feel the same way, but it hurts to feel that way.

  8. As odd as Jessie acts and some of the ideas he rants on this he is right and has a right to be mad as hell when a fed judge is to intitmidated to go against the government. TSA is a very expensive joke and needs to be replaced by private sector people and the government union which pays a political extortion to exist ought to be decertified. The government needs paring down and if you want decent representative government then term limits will be the beginning to repair and maintenace to regain a government by the people.

  9. Leaving the U.S.A. isn’t the answer. Getting involved is. He should have stayed in the game.. I believe that it is cheaper for him to live there, though. And this is a bit dramatic, isn’t it?

    • Leaving the United States, (once in a while) does not mean he won’t stay involved.

    • Jesse’s wife is very ill which is why they moved down there in the first place. The slower pace there helps her immensely. She is also the reason he changed his mind in ’08 about running for President.

  10. They created an illusion for we the people of freedom. Never been free look up King John 1213 to 1223 he signed a contract that gave all the land he owned and all kings of the future to the Roman Church. Treaty of Paris 1783 King George III said he was the arch treasurer of the Holy Roman Empire and the United States. Then look up the history of the Attorney General of Illinois 1819 you have to scroll quite a ways down but you will see his main duty is to protect the property of the Crown. as far as your Constitution is concerned look up Padelford and Faye v the Alderman and Mayor of Savanah Georgia who they claimed had violed their Constitutional rights but the court said even though the Constitution was a compact they were not a party to it. So the Crown did by stealth what it couldn’t do by arms. Created wars to keep us in debt at high interest. Just today on MSN home Page, the three most powerful people in the world ,Obama, Merkel of Germany, and the Pope. I thought he was just the head of a church? Ron

  11. What do you expect from the MPCC (Minn. Political Comedy Central) the state that gave us HHH and the not-funny Al Franken(stein)

  12. Adios Jesse! I used to think you had some good ideas. Listening to you today,I wonder if you are playing with 52 cards! Have in good time in Mexico. Adios!

  13. I’m with Jesse on this one. Living in a police state (a.k.a. Human Farm) is no fun. Better to find a place with a dysfunctional government.

  14. Point of view and opinion and commit
    By edward johnston

    Why or public lands are protected by our Constitutional laws
    For legal Americans Only.,,

    I Encourage all Americans to Please vote NO and say NO TO HR 1126 any anther public land Constitutional born right of ways sales for personal gain of the public Employes unions,
    PLEASE State your Constitutional Authority and Honor thy OATH of office..

    There needs to be consideration of our future Legal Americans generations and in keeping our GOD GIVEN RIGHTS and What our for-fathers and woman gave there lives for your freedom rights that have been past down to you to handle for our United States of America republic..

    H.R. 1126: Disposal of Excess Federal Lands Act of 2011 …
    A bill in the U.S. Congress: To direct the Secretary of the Interior to sell certain Federal lands in Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico … bill.xpd?bill=h112-1126 – Cached

    This Bills Appears to be a proposal for personal gain of the , Federal ,county and city’s,elected and public employees unions(( The One percent OCCUPY WALL STREET}},and special family corporations {This also Could possibility or would in Creating new private hunting and fishing lodges for there family’s and selected friends new personal food resources at the lost of all legal Americans public free use of public lands, To pay off debt money that The elected and public employees have crated off your strawman account in the name of jobs, Aiding Churches and non named non-profited at this time , To privatizes our PUBLIC Lands right of ways are for legal constitutional Americans two our more generations,
    What happened in Freetopia? A video fable about modern America
    YouTube – Not Natural Born — TRUTH MATTERS
    YouTube – Republic vs Democracy

    Food additives, what they don’t want you to know!

    Most of all Respect thy honorable and protect elected and public employees who defenders of Your constitutional born right, And your family’s
    I believe this could be treason to our Constitutional laws and fellow Americans.American Land for the Richest one percent.. The USA Constitutional is the laws your legal American common laws.
    We will have a lost of our right to use our lands with out compensation, We lose Material and freedom value for the gain of the unions the real one percent of 99%.
    family’s have died for there freedom to keep there ancestry blood line going.

    Attorneys and legislators claim their constitutional is open to interpretation which open up after the Banking act of 1913 ,The 1929 British Bank crash.
    Then you may apply for england birth registration certificates,
    Your Birth Stock exchange certificate is the only way that these Elected and public employees family’s can make there assets. At the thief to legal American assets and Constitutional born rights,

    Read An know your rights and in enforce your rights,, hr 2477,, Public rights To. public right of Complaint_Friends. Impose your born article.php?id=919 -

    The public employes unions members have forced private land owners to open their land up to them,Using science creating ownership of public employes resources , Or they could filed false agency created charges on ones family at the expense of your personal assets, As they our billing your strawman account .
    Those have illegally put gates and block access to public land. deliberately for the last 10 to fifteen years, In the name of public safety.{If you doing use it you won’t miss it, Called Marshal law} So they can purchase public lands for their family’s and friends banks.
    I Have personally presented evidence on this from
    1993-2004 On Oregon Senate and house,agency public hearings.
    Our Constitutional born freedom rights this includes all Legal Native Americans family’s two or more generations born on USA soil , Red , white, brown, black, tan, blue,yellow,etc.
    Under The Constitution Republic law of the USA soil,
    Now Playing
    George Washington vs. Napoleon Bonaparte – Episode 301
    Big leaders, bigger battle. The man who led the United States of America to victory over the British during faces up against one of Europe’s most successful conquerors of all time.
    Aired: July 20, 2011

    Constitutional law is one color and one race Called humanoids..
    {Baby born on this soil from anther country not legal takes five generation, Before Native. Refer to your court cases.}}
    Our public employes to date our a failure to the Constitution.

    Selling ours and your Grandchildren s public owned lands “”that our GOD”",, George Washington, gave us, yours and my for-father took ownership
    ,by treaty’s and admission acts of freedom 1846, Again free man Land in the name the United States Constitution,
    1864 civil war lead by Abraham Lincoln on land filed of freeman’s and woman’s blood to be tax free from the crown again,
    To Lose yours our my family’s Subsistence hunting,fishing, Free Camping, hiking,water fall viewing, etc.The only place in the world you can go free for medical stress relief in the world free, With out paying the Elected and public employee unions members the privilege ,
    In a national war our devastation how will you survived with out being shot by the elected and public employes unions, Survey done in 1984- 2003-2007 by the military and police unions, Would you give up your family’s and your freedom for your employment and benefits package..
    Ask your friends and family about the surveys they have taken from unions and corporation , YouTube – illegal seizure , 4th amendment violation
    oh that’s rights there confidential and one could be fired your give out such information.
    As I was years ago.
    Divide and concord bonaparte-french..
    Get Americans arguing about there rights and we just sell them off to the highest bidder, An set up for Marshall Law..

    Now they wont Steal more of American’s freedom that GOD gave us legal Americans. Stop selling our public lands Is the way to go,
    To pay for your DEBT that you sign for to your bank and your greed. I did not sign for your debts of employment,,An I’m and other legal Americans not Liable by law.

    We the states should go is Double and triple our public land states food productions is the way to go The Elected and public employes unions have the intimidation an abuse of privilege power to keep you in home prison .. 24/sen-edwards..…/2007-2008/ billanalysis/Senate/…

    {In our history food for thought ,Just an opinion
    Jesse Christ was Crucified – Image Results
    by a few men and 300 Roman soldiers watched.
    Also 10000sssss plus people stood by an watch his murder,An did nothing. An they won’t forgiveness..

    ” FOOD FOR thought” ,Threw God and our for-father gave us the Paradise – Image Results that it allegedly says in the bible, For over a hundred years Americans have are still paying for a system that is failing and has failed in every other country look at Greece, us and our children an know grandchildren. Paying for the Greed of Elected and public employees unions children’s Brought up spoiled, they judge on how many toys ,keeping up with the jones mentality, compared to the next generation, They don’t need my Education and property for my generation of blood line.WE HELL I made it through my time,((ALL ABOUT ME,MYSELF and my toys.. }}{{ Yes I agree to be passed down from one generation to the next taking care of ones blood family our those who you consider family..blood can be thin as water I know.} it up to them to fight for there’s in this there enslavement that I have allowed them to have the debt of my strawman to theirs.

    To my understanding of The USA Constitutional laws were put in place to protect us from commerce common wealth of democracy YouTube – Republic vs Democracy ,This Is the only place in the world legal Americans were allowed to feed themselves and family’s off of our public lands that legal Americans owns by our constitution and treaty’s. Were we did not have to pay the privilege to the DEVIL federal state and county,city’s the one percent to live, Commerce comply with treaty’s,Free People Do Not Owe Income Tax On Wages , Free legal Americans, One cannot sign his or hers legal constitutional born rights away with out legalese being explained to them,With out understand what they our signing away,Is this correct. As Attorneys and legislators have explained to me, So by signing this affects the elected and public employes members} Not paying the toll crossing bridge you will beheaded, That’s part of the European history.. Sure they will kill people like who wont comply with them said the thief,
    As In our community elected and public officials have and our destroy our historical files. It has been in the media and they were told not to write about it. The criminals our being protected by the State attorneys generals and District attorneys, I did a citens arrest an was told for for the last 10 years they our still investigating,{{So why our you paying the DEVILS taxes}}Even west coast talk show host our covering up for there radio advertizing money at the taxpayers strawman DEBT.
    All Attorneys belong to except real Americans,

    What does B.A.R. stand for in B.A.R. Asscociation?
    [Dec 31, 2007] I heard is was for British Accredidation Registry. Is that true? … Still stands for British axillary registry to the king and queen of england,,, ~ by Kat ( 5 comments ) index?qid=5620AA1IyIc – Cached
    More results from »

    I would trust one of these people before .

    As I have testified at Senate hearings from 1992-2009 ,I’m on public record against OIL Drilling on the oregon coast and west coast . Lets say there is an distruction of our legal american free public food resoures. YouTube – OIL SPILL – UN trucks preparations for martial law in Florida? . an the oregon coast has the oil disastrous lost of our American food resources, as the golf coast has lost an the food that is still contaminated,,, What next Cannibalism – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Sure this sounds crazy and far festive ( As It is possible},,Lets Protect Your children’s and future generations of what the rights of our for-father gave us..An raise our free food recourse on our public land and schools should do the same for there Elderly and disabled community members as themselves as I have recommend in the pass use it of on the strawman. That would have help solved this problem.
    } Again Lets say oregon coast has the oil disaster Like ,

    BP Oil Spill: Oil Hits All Five Gulf Coast States, as …
    [Jul 6, 2010] Sidelined by the choppy seas that have plagued oil spill cleanup efforts for a week, skimming boats today collected just three gallons of oily water from the entire … ( 4 Comments )…
    More results from »
    Look at the dept to our this has created

    ,, What could be next in tears in mean{years} to come too, I Believe We need to Protect your Legal Americans children’s and there future generations of our American blood lines of what GOD Gave us and yourself, BORN rights through our for-father by our USA Constitutional born rights ..
    A good read about the federal government Below .. » Modern Monetary Madness and King George III
    … thusly so strapped that interest on the debt could not be paid. It was in 1763-65 that King George III, Parliament … doesn’t even take into account unfunded liabilities … – Cached

    Not to pay a new privilege to the one percent of 99% to live on ones land or using our public owned lands
    To the elected and public employees unions the one percent.
    Oregon Admission Acts
    Oregon Admission Acts _____ ACT OF CONGRESS ADMITTING OREGON INTO UNION [Approved February 14, 1859] Preamble. Whereas the people of Oregon have … – Cached American_Civil_War

    California’s admission act to the unions
    {{ }
    Oregon Marine Board ,Land board,Violates their privilege of employment.
    Why Pay The new privilege to the elected and public employees unions for what our grandparent and parents did for free thru 2000. Wake up,, Stop being bulled by the real bullies.
    The disabled “”who our the system has failed”" an elderly who don’t have the resource to pay or denied there constitutional born rights and told if you don’t pay us the one percent, you will go to to jail for not paying the elected and public employees unions and its members OR We come on your property with force or to steal your assets you earn off your labor, for not paying our kingdom . Even if you are born disabled or because of injures, including on the job, Or we will bet you up if you don’t comply what you are told by us. The aged elderly and disabled are punished an told we our a burden and a drain on others {society}
    I can’t for the insurance companies family’s that fail in their commitment.
    Example one Them being Oregon Marine Board or any private cooperation, non-profit claims new privilege they list. I Can’t forget the legal working Americans born rights.

    “All the Navigable Waters of the State shall be Common …
    “All the Navigable Waters of the State shall be Common Highways and Forever Free” act.htm – Cached
    Common Waters of Oregon. Keep Our Rivers Forever Free!
    “All the Navigable Waters of the State shall be Common Highways and Forever Free” – Cached

    Why do Attorney’s belong to the bar

    What does B.A.R. stand for in B.A.R. Asscociation?
    [Dec 31, 2007] I heard is was for British Accredidation Registry. Is that true? … Still stands for British axillary registry to the king and queen of england,,, ~ by Kat ( 5 comments ) index?qid=5620AA1IyIc – Cached
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    Please read below links minutes/06/july/. senate_bill_111.html – Cached

    So no jobs,,,Please in helping to Make sure Legal Americans family’s public land food resources our available.
    Are Humans The Aliens On Earth to this planet.
    So when is GOD going to turn of the light off.
    I recall reading in High school called.napoleon’s book divided and concord that has been taking out of our library’s
    As I grow up hearing the saying teach an man and woman how to hunt, fish and gather so he can feed he’s family..
    Just because your have guilt stop passing it down generation for your bad decisions like Former President Woodrow Wilson did to his country men and
    Defects in Ratification of the 16th Amendment
    Defects in Ratification of the 16th Amendment “If you … sufficient number of states never ratified that amendment.” – U.S. District Court Judge James C. Fox …

    Other information below, for all to watch and read learn.

    I’m Disabled working the the systems has failed this legal American of more then five generation. The Doctors wonted to put me in surgery Sept 2011, For the worker comp enjoy the started 1989 on the job, All injures on the job {2008 Police betting,/}Advocating For Subsistence hunting and fishing. Your GOD GIVEN RIGHT.
    The elected and public employes and other conspires against me or on record. To starve and steal his land. State Attorneys office and DA our covering up the conspiracy refused to release public records, Of false police reports and the attempts on my life. And the disruption of my family in 2003 and thief of my assets.

    Written By
    edward johnston.

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    1% tax on All Bank transactions HR- 4646

    Watch for this AFTER November elections; remember this BEFORE you VOTE in case you think Obama’s looking out for your best interest.

    1% tax on all bank transactions HR 4646

    This government just cannot think of enough ways to hurt the American people! I sure hope this dies!!!!!


    1% tax on all bank transactions HR 4646 – ANOTHER NEW OBAMA TAX SLIPPED IN WHILE WE WERE ASLEEP.

    President Obama’s finance team is recommending a one percent (1%) transaction fee (TAX). Obama’s plan is to sneak it in after the November elections to keep it under the radar.

    This is a 1% tax on all transactions at any financial institution – banks, credit unions, savings and loans, etc. Any deposit you make, or even a transfer within your account, will have a 1% tax charged. ~If your paycheck or your social security or whatever is direct deposit, it will get a 1% tax charged for the transaction. ~If your paycheck is $1000, then you will pay Obama $10 just for the privilege of depositing your paycheck in your bank. Even if you hand carry your paycheck or any check into your bank for a deposit, 1% tax will be charged. ~You receive a $5,000 stock dividend from your broker, Obama takes $50 just to allow you to deposit that check in the bank.. ~If you take $1,000 cash to deposit at your bank, 1% tax will be charged.

    Mind you, this is from the man who promised that, if you make under $250,000 per year, you will not see one penny of new tax. Keep your eyes and ears open, you will be amazed at what you learn about this guy’s under-the-table moves to increase the number of ways you are taxed.

    Oh, and by the way, if you receive a refund from the IRS next year and you have it direct deposited or you walk in to deposit that check, you guessed it. You will pay a 1% charge of that money just for putting it in your bank. Remember, any money, cash, check or whatever, no matter where it came from, you will pay a 1% fee if you put it in the bank.

    Some will say, oh well, it’s just 1%. Are you kidding me? It’s a 1% tax increase across the board. Remember, once the tax is there, they can also raise it at will. And if anyone protests, they will just say, “Oh,that’s not really a tax, it’s a user fee”! Think this is no big deal? Go back and look at the transactions you made from on year’s banking statements. Then add the total of all those transactions and deduct 1%. Still think it’s no big deal?

    Johnston v. City of Toledo et al :: Justia Dockets & Filings

    Public Service Announcement.

    November 12 2011 Toledo library 6.30 pm

    Two Public meeting,

    Meeting one

    Elected and public employees over sight committees meeting.

    Purpose is for residents to get involved in the finance and decisions of your
    public employees and your voluntary TAXES..

    Explain the rights and responsibility of our employees to go by administrations
    rules compared to legal constitutional born Americans rights their employees,
    Administration rules apply to our employees only and those in commerce,
    Explaining the deference of Sovereigns and police enforcement who has
    the rights,

    Meeting two

    Constitutional Court watch Association.


    This is to unite residents including unite your neighbors and friends so you
    are not a lone,, Don’t stand alone any more,,

    Civil Rights

    Civil Rights.
    Hoofman v. Holden, 268F 2d 280 2d 280, 289.
    Every person who, under color of any statute, ordinance, regulation, custom, or usage, of any state or territory, subjects or causes to be subjected, any citizen of the United States or other person to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured by the constitution and laws, shall be liable to the party injured in an action at law, equity, or other proper proceeding for redress.(Civil Rights) 42 U.S.C. 1963.
    Title 42, Section 1983 has been held to provide a civil action to protect persons against misuse of power possessed by virtue of state law. “Was clothed with the authority of the state.” Davis v. Johnson, 1955 DC Ill. 138 F.Sup., 572; Jobson v. Henne, 1966 Ca. 2 NY 355 F. 2d 139.
    That an officer or employee of a state or one of its subdivisions is deemed to be acting under “color of law” as to those deprivations of right committed in the fulfillment of the tasks and obligations assigned to him. Monroe v. Pape, 1961, 365 U.S. 167. (Civil Rights)
    That an officer or employee of a state or one of its subdivisions is deemed to be acting under “color of law.” Stringer v. Dilger, 1963, Ca. 10 Colo., 313 F. 2d 536. (Civil Rights)
    It has been stated that there is no convincing proof that the Congress is responsible for the Civil Rights Act ever intended to immunize any state or territorial officials or employees, and that it is more likely that the congress intended to do away with whatever common-law immunities existed. Congressional Globe, 42 D Congo 1st Sess., 365-6, 268, 385 (1871).
    Judges are not immune from criminal sanctions under the Civil Rights Act. ex parte Virginia (1879), 100 U.S. 339.
    The Civil Rights Acts in general, and 1963 in particular, are cast in terms so broad as to suggest that in suits br~ught under these sections, common law doctrines of immunity can never be a bar. It should be equally clear that both the language and the purpose of the Civil Rights Acts are inconsistent with the, application of common law notions of official immunity in all suits brought under these provisions. Jacobsen V. Henne, 1966, Ca. 2 NY 355, F. 2d 129, 133-4; Anderson v. Nosser, 1971, Ca. 5, Miss., 428 F.2d 183, 01 MCD on other grounds 456 F.2d 835.
    By the great weight of authority it is acknowledged that generally “public officials” are not immune from suit when they allegedly violate the civil rights of citizens, and that a “public official’s” defense of immunity is to be sparingly applied in these kinds of cases. James v. Ogilvie, 1970, DC Ill., 310 F. Sup. 661, 663.
    The court of appeals for the Sixth Circuit has reaffirmed its view that a judge loses all immunity when he acts in absence of all jurisdiction, and has held a referee of a juvenile court responsible in a section 1983 action for abuse of a child. (Civil Rights)Lucarell v. McNair, 1972, Ca. 6, Ohio”453 F.2d 389.
    The Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals has held that a public official does not have immunity simply because he operates in a discretionary manner. It indicated that public servants are to be held liable when they abused their discretion or acted in a way that was arbitrary, fanciful, or clearly unreasonable. (Civil law) Littleton v. Berling, 1972, CA Ill., 468 F.2d 389.
    ???Discussing further the debates in congress relating to the passage of that is now 42:1983, the Yale Law Journal, continues on page 328: “On three occasions during the debates, legislators explicitly stated that judge would be liable under the act. (Congressional Globe, 42nd Congress, 1st Session 385, (1871) No one denied the statements.” Bauers v. Heisel, 361 F.2d 581, (3rd Cir. 1966). (Civil Rights)
    Three separate reasons, however, may be discerned from the opinion. The first of these is that a judges decision is appealable and therefore, the party need not sue the judicial officer to vindicate his rights. (See Jennings, Note 11, at 272; E. Jennings, tort Liability of Administrative Officers, 21 Minn. L. Rev.) (Civil Rights)
    An appeal is not always a satisfactory remedy. The court itself has recognized that a citizen’s rights way be seriously violated even if he is not ultimately convicted. Dombrowiski v. Pfister, 380 u.S. 479 (1965). A plaintiff need not pursue his state remedies before instituting a 1983 action. Monroe v. Pape, 365 u.S. 167 (1961), which would seem to recognize that appealability imply is not sufficient protection. (Civil law)
    ???This section is relatively new, and may not have been used as yet. The change in this law was approved March 16, 1974.”Section 2680 (H) of Title 28, is amended by striking out the period at the end thereof and inserting in lieu thereof a colon owing: ‘Provided, that, with regard to acts or omissions of investigative or law enforcement officers of the United States Government, the provisions of this chapter and section 2346 (b) of this title shall apply to any claim arising on or after the date of the enactment of this proviso, out of assault, battery, false imprisonment, false arrest, abuse of process, or malicious prosecution. For the purpose of this subsection, ‘investigative or law enforcement officer’ means any officer of the United States who is empowered by law to execute searches, to seize evidence, or 0 make arrests for violations of federal law.’ ” (Approved March 16, 1974.)(Civil law)
    The above same new law (Par. 163) also amends 28 U.S.C.A. 2680(h); allow individuals to sue the federal government for injuries or damages caused by unauthorized acts or omissions of investigative or law enforcement officers of the u.s. government. So in deciding what congress meant when it referred to every person in 42 USC 1983, it is significant that congress had earlier rejected specifically absolute judicial immunity by passing the Civil Rights Act of 1866. Littleton v. Berbler, 468 F. wd 389 (1972). (Judge, Civil law)
    Legislative history makes evident that congress clearly conceived that it was altering the relationship between the states and the nation with respect to the protection of federally created rights; it was concerned that state instrumentalities could not protect those rights; it realized that state officers might, in fact, antipathetic to the vindication of those rights; and it believed that these failings extended to state courts. (Civil Rights) Mitchum v. Foster, 401 U.S. 225, 242.
    Congress possessed the power to wipe it out (absolute immunity). We think that the conclusion is irrestible that congress by enacting the Civil Rights Act subjudice intended to abrogate the privilege to the extent indicated by that act and in fact did so. Section 1 of the third civil rights act explicitly applied to “any person.” We can imagine no broader definition. The statute must be deemed to include members of the state, judiciary of the several states…but the policy involved is for congress and not for the courts. Littleton v. Berbler, 468, F. 2d 389 (1912).
    42 USC 1985. (2) …If two or more persons conspire for the purpose of impeding, hindering, obstructing, or defeating, in any manner, the due course of justice in any state or territory, with the intent to deny any citizen the equal protection of the laws, or to injure him or his property for lawfully enforcing, or attempting to enforce, the right of any person, or class of persons, to equal person except judges.” See u.S. 29 L.Ed. 619, 91 S.ct., Bivens v. Six unknown named agents of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics. (Civil law)
    42 USC 1985, (3) …In any case of conspiracy set forth in
    this section, if one or more persons engaged herein do, or cause conspiracy, whereby another is injured in his person or property, or deprived of having and exercising any right or privilege of a citizen of the United states, the party so injured or deprived may have an action for the recovery of damages, occasioned by such injury or deprivation, against anyone or more of the conspirators. (Civil law)
    42 USC 1986 provides: Every person who, having knowledge that any of the wrongs conspired to be done, and mentioned in the preceding section (1985 of Title 42) are about to be committed, and having power to prevent or aid in preventing the commission of same, neglects or refuses so to do, if such wrongful act be committed, shall be liable to the party injured, or his legal representatives, for all damages caused by such wrongful act which such person by reasonable diligence could have prevented; and such damages may be recovered in an action on the case; and any number of persons guilty of such wrongful act, neglect, or refusal, may be joined as defendants in the action. (Civil Rights)
    Judicial definition that misuse of power possessed by virtue
    of state law and made possible only because wrong-doer is clothed with authority of state law is action taken under color of state law within this section is applicable to judge. Duke v. state of Texas, DC Tex. 1971, 327 F.Sup- 1218.
    As long as defendant who abridges a plaintiffs constitutional right acts pursuant to a statute or local law which empowers him to commit the wrongful act, an action under this subchapter (1983) is established. Laverne v. Corning, DC NY 1970, 316 F.Sup. 629. (Civil rights)
    Defendants can be held in actions under 42 USC 1983, even
    though they did not act willfully. Even though they did not have a specific intent to deprive the plaintiff of a federal right, such defendants can be held to civil responsibility. Monroe v. Pape, 365 U.s. 167, 1961.
    An conspiracy is actionable under 42 USC 1985, when there has been an “actual of denial of due process.”(Civil Rights) Jennings v. Nester (1954, Ca. 7 Ill.) 217, F.2d 153, CERT DEN 349 U.S. 958, 99 L.Ed. 1281, 75 S.ct. 888.
    The decisions have, indeed, always imposed a limitation upon
    the immunity that the official’s act must have been within the scope of his powers; since they exist only for the public good, never cover occasions where the public good is not their aim, and hence that to exercise a power dishonestly is necessarily to overstep its bounds.(Civil Rights)Gregoire v. Biddle, 177 F.2d 579, 581 (Ca. 2, 1949).
    Pro se petitioners –In determining whether such
    constitutional rights were denied, we are governed by the substance of things, not by mere form. (Civil Rights) Louisville ‘N.R. Co. v. Schmidt, 177 U.S. 23 S.ct. 620.
    The Seventh Circuit of Appeals has held that a public official does not have immunity simply because he operates in a discretionary situation. It indicated that public servants are to be held liable when they abused their discretion or acted in a way that is arbitrary, fanciful, or clearly unreasonable. (Civil Rights) Littleton v. Berbling (1972, Ca. 7 Ill.), 468 F.2d 389.
    The civil rights acts in general, and 1983 in particular, are cast in terms so broad as to suggest that in suits brought under these sections, common law doctrines of immunity can never be a bar… It should be equally clear that both the language and the purpose of the civil rights acts are inconsistent with the application of common law notions of official immunity in all suits brought under these provisions. Jobso v. Henne (1966 Ca. 2 NY) 355 F.2d 129, 133-4, followed in anderson v. Nosser (1971, Ca. 5, Miss.) 428 F.2d 183, 201 MOD on other grounds. 456 F.2d 835.
    The court of appeals for the Sixth Circuit has reaffirmed its view that a judge loses all immunity when he acts in absence of all jurisdiction, and has held a referee of a juvenile court responsible in a section 1983 action for the abuse of a child. (Civil Rights) Lucarell v. McNair (1972, Ca. 6 Ohio) 453 F.2d 836.
    When a judge exceeds his jurisdiction and grants or denies that beyond his lawful authority to grant or deny, he has perpetrated a “non-judicial” action. (Civil Rights) Yates v. Hoffman Estates (1962, DC Ill.) 209 F.Sup. 757.
    It is well established that judges may be enjoyed from interfering with citizens rights. (Civil Rights) Bramlett v.Peterson (1967) 386 U.S. 547.
    A claim under the civil rights act expressly gives the
    district court jurisdiction, no matter how imperfectly the claim is stated; this is another thing, the style under Rule 8 that poor defendants counsel has been so disturbed about, the judges feelings that the case is probably frivolous does not justify by-passing the right to a hearing on the merits. Harmon v. Superior Court of the States of California, 307 F.2d 796 (Ca. 9, 1962).
    Any plaintiff who can allege deprivation of federal right by reason of action under color of law can maintain action under this sub-chapter.(Civil Rights) Nationwide Amussements, Inc. v. Nattin, DC La. (1971), 325 F.Sup. 95.
    Governmental immunity is not defense in suits brought under this section making liable every person who under color or state law deprives another person of his civil rights. Westberry v. Fisher, DC Me., 1970, 309 F.Sup. 95.
    Civil action for deprivation of rights: This section making
    any person who, under color of state law, deprives U.S. citizens of his constitutional rights liable to party injured is to be construed liberally.(Civil Rights)Nanez v. Rigger, DC. Wis. 1969, 304 F.Sup. 354.
    To maintain an action under 1983, it is not necessary to allege or prove that the defendants intended to deprive plaintiff of his constitutional rights, or that they acted willfully, purposely, or in pursuance of a conspiracy…It is sufficient to establish that the deprivation of constitutional rights or privileges was the natural consequences of defendants acting under he color of law, irrespective of whether such consequence was intended. (Civil Rights) Ethridge v. Rhodes (1967 DC Ohio) 268 F.Sup. 83; Whirl v. Kern (1968, Ca. 5 Tex.) 407 F.2d 781.
    A complaint may not be dismissed on motion if it states some sort of claim, baseless though it may prove to be and inartistically as the complaint may be drawn. This is particularly true where the plaintiff is not represented by counsel. (Civil Rights) Brooks v. Pennsylvania R. Co., 91 F.Sup. 101 (DC SD NY, 1950) .
    In a 42-1983 action, the allegations of the complaint and the inferences to be drawn therefrom, upon a motion to dismiss, must be taken most favorably to the plaintiff. (Civil Rights) Nanez v. Rigger (1969, DC Wis.) 304 F.Sup. 354.
    In order to maintain an action under 42 USC 1983, it is not necessary to allege or prove that the defendants intended to deprive plaintiff of his constitutional rights or that they acted willfully, purposely, or in pursuance of a conspiracy. It is sufficient to establish that the deprivation of constitutional rights or privileges was the natural consequences of the actions of defendants acting under the color of law, irrespective of whether such consequences was intended. (Civil Rights) Ury v. Santee (1969 DC Ill.).
    Title 28 U.S.C.A. Section 1342 expressly grants jurisdiction to the federal district courts in civil actions for violations of.civil rights, that is, for any wrongs specified therein. U.S Agnew v. City of Compton, 239 F.2d 226.
    Purpose: Generally, this section further protects civil action for deprivation of rights protects constitutional rights from invasion by persons acting under state or federal authority. (Civil Rights) Weise v. Reisner, DC Wis. 1970, 318 F.Sup. 580, quoted from U.S.C.A. 1972 pocketpart, P. 40 Title 42, Sec. 1983, Note Paragraph 8.
    This section was passed to enforce U.S.C.A. Constitution Amendment 14 and to protect form interference the rights secured thereby, as well as other constitutional rights; it is directed against conspiracies of private persons; and there is no requirement that conspiracy be under color of law. (Civil Rights) U.S.C.A. 1972 Pocket P. 1675, Title 42, Sec. 1995, Note 2.
    IRS letter rulings cannot be shielded from the public. (Civil Rights) U.S. Court of Appeals for district of Columbia U.S. v. IRS, 8-19-74, 43 LW 1039.
    “Liability in damages for unconstitutional or otherwise illegal conduct has the very desirable effect of deterring such conduct. Indeed, this was precisely the proposition upon which 42 USC section 1983 was enacted.” ‘” “Judges may be punished criminally for willful deprivations of constitutional right on the strength of 18 USC Section 242.” (Civil Rights) (Imbler vs Pachtman, U.S. 47 L.Ed. 2nd 128, 96 S.Ct.)
    “Government immunity violates the common law maxim that everyone shall have a remedy for an injury done to his person or property.” (Civil Rights) (Firemens Ins Co of Newark, N.J. vs Washington County. 2 Wisc 2d 214; 85 N.W.2d 840 1957.)
    “Immunity fosters neglect and breeds irresponsibility while liability promotes care and caution, which caution and care is owed by the government to its people.” (Civil Rights) (Rabon vs Rowen Memorial Hospital, Inc. 269 N.S. 1, 152 SE 1 d 485, 493 1967.)
    “Herein…Ohio’s Doctrine of Governmental Immunity was held unconstitutional and others to numerous to mention.” (Civil Rights) (Krause vs Ohio, app 2d 1 L.N.W. 2d 321 1971.) Reich vs State Highway Dept. 336, Mich 617: 194 N.W. 2d 700 1972.)
    “The only elements which need to be present in order to establish claim for damages under the civil rights acts are that defendants have deprived plaintiff of a constitutional right, and that defendants conduct was under color of state law. (D. C. 1974 Thoren vs Jenkins 374 F.Sup. 134.)
    “Employees of a city or state are not immune from suit under statute relating civil rights for deprivations of rights on ground that officials were acting within the scope of their ground that officials were acting within the SCope of their responsibilities of performing a discretionary act.” (Bunch vs Barnett 376 F.Sup. 23.)
    “Title 28 Section 1391, this section makes it possible to bring actions against government officials and agencies in district court outside D.C.” (Civil Rights) (Norton vs Mcshane 14 L.Ed. 2d 274.)
    “Complaint may not be dismissed for failure to state a claim if there is a possibility that plaintiff could obtain some relief on the facts stated, even though plaintiff may not have prayed for the appropriate relief.” (Civil Rights) (12B:34, U.S. vs White County Bridge Commission, 2 Fr serv 2d 107, 275 F.2d 529 Ca 07 1950)
    “A complaint will no be dismissed for failure to state a claim, even though inartistically crawn and lacking in allegations of essential facts, it cannot be said that under no circumstances will the party be able to recover.” (Civil Rights) (12b:34 Fr Serv 29, 19 Fd 511 DCED Pa 1958.)
    “Counterclaims will not be dismissed for failure to state a claim, even though inartistically drawn and lacking in allegations of essential facts, it cannot be said that under no circumstances will the party be able to recover.” (Civil Rights) (12B:34 Lynn vs Valentine vs Levy, 23 Fr 46, 19 FDR, DSCDNY 1956.)
    A suit in detinue or replevin in personam should lie to gain possession of property seized by the state. (Civil Rights) Stephen, Pleading (3rd Am ed) p. 47, 52, 69, 74; Ames Lectures on legal history, p. 64, 71; Wilkins v. Despard, 5 Term Rep- 112; Roberts v. Withered, % Mod. 193, 12 Mod. 92.

    {I pray he, ‘GOD ‘Never forgives,stop praying act in Jesus name. God gives you the tools. BE A MAN
    An only when one makes the Amen’s to the person are ancestry they destroyed . Help pray for thy SOULS}

  15. For the ordinary individual trying to feed, clothe and house their families in this current fiasco we call “life in America” , the issues over what is right and what is wrong as opposed to our government’s intrusion on our lives and the way they get the uneducated to accept this tyranny is a little thing they call ~ The Law.

    Once written to protect and SERVE our citizenry, only the completely BLIND or complete fools would be able to believe that this still stands true today.

    So if the Laws of The Land no longer SERVE the peoples they were written for, then does it not make sense that a revolution must occur so that we may take our Sovereign soils back and RE-Write the Laws ONCE AGAIN, to the
    benefit of THE PEOPLE.

    All this legalese serves one purpose and one purpose ONLY. To tie the common man up in court for so long and at such great cost, that he will extoll on this fact to anyone within shouting distance which in turn will surely convince the weaker ones to NEVER ever enter into that process, therefore depriving themselves of any rights whatsoever.

    The Justice system has been subverted and ONLY works for the Rich and Powerful or well connected. It is a FALSE system and it is broken and cannot
    be fixed. Trying to find Justice in a rigged court is surely the most maddening of efforts and I fully understand Jesse’s sentiments regarding both the Anthem and Mexico.

    Until we take back this great nation and lay waste to the corrupted entities that are now in control, we really are doomed to live as peasants on our own soils. So damn sad, but so damn true.

  16. tl;dr

    Venture is right. He’s faught to keep us free, and the government refuses to acknowledge our God-given rights.

    He is right to gowhere he feels most free. And God speed, sir.

    For me, I have too many roots here in the US, and not enough resourses to leave. I’ll fight ill my last breath.

  17. I was hopeful Ventura’s suit would be successful so we could once and for all get rid of the TSA. I understand his frustration and agree with April.

    The problem is we now have an entire generation who remember nothing prior to TSA and think this is normal. They don’t remember the simple and inexpensive pleasure of going with the family to just watch arrivals and departures without having to go through security and without a boarding pass.

    It wasn’t so long ago we would go to the San Diego airport for a nice family meal and then walk to the gates to just sit and watch the passengers coming and going. It used to be a pleasure to fly and something to look forward to. Now I dread it and refuse to fly.

    Apparently any form of transportation or sporting event is under the auspices of the TSA. It is sad and yes, frustrating when an attempt is made to make things right through the system we’d always been told was there to protect us and it feels it has turned on us.


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