Of Course: “When Should You Shoot a Cop Flyers” Blamed on Tea Party

By: Katie Pavlich, Townhall.com

You knew it was coming, and here it is. Last week I brought you a story about flyers instructing and encouraging cop killing being found by a Maricopa County Sheriff Deputy at Occupy Phoenix. The flyers were serious enough that the Arizona Counter-Terrorism Information Center issued a safety memo to Arizona law enforcement, warning them of potential danger.

Now of course, the Occupy movement is blaming the Tea Party for their placement and violent content.

We know that TEA Party protesters sometimes bring guns to their rallies, for example people like known neo-Nazi JT Ready who attends immigration rallies with loaded guns and with huge knives, and we know that white supremacists (who can hardly be called “liberals” but who usually proclaim the glories of the TEA Party) have planned to use roadside bombs in Arizona.

It is the Minutemen that are armed and that have been charged with murder, for example when a group of them killed 9 year-old Brisenia Flores.

It is the conservative preachers and GOP congressional candidates that say “violent overthrow of the US government is ‘on the table.’” Homeland Security is also noting a rise in right-wing Christian militia groups after Obama became president.

It is the Republicans and TEA Party that love their guns and cannot leave home without them, and yet it is the liberal peace-loving hippies camping out that are ready to shoot cops?

Who are the ones more likely to be carrying guns and ready to shoot, the NRA members or the lazy liberal hippies who “need to take a shower?”

To read more, visit:  http://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2011/10/31/of_course_when_should_you_shoot_a_cop_flyers_blamed_on_tea_party

Short URL: https://reteaparty.com/?p=4151

8 Comments for “Of Course: “When Should You Shoot a Cop Flyers” Blamed on Tea Party”

  1. Propaganda is a useful tool for turning the tables on your oppponent by pointing the blame finger back at them and devoiding your own actions. Communist have used this tactic all over the world and until the facts are put into play and used to disprove the erroneous claims, they have great success. Facts, logic and indisputable prrof are the only weapons needed to stop destructive propaganda….

  2. ONTIME is correct, but I would add that the complicit mainstream media aids and abets the leftists by sweeping the facts under the rug and refuses to report them. However any misstep by anyone on the right, and it’s front page news.

    The internet levels the playing field somewhat, but people tend to gravitate to sites that present “news” that fits their worldview.

    I encourage everyone to seek out the truth and facts on EVERYTHING, especially when it fits their worldview. I’ve learned a lot by doing my own research and debunking emails that people send me, claiming one thing or another. By doing this, we build a reputation for truth and honesty and the time is coming soon when those things will be more valuable than gold.

  3. I’ve ben to dozens of TEA Party events. I’ve never seen a violent action, heard of a rape, or heard a racist comment. But the TEA Party is called racist and violent by the media. The police don’t even bother to attend our meetings any more because we have proven ourselves to be peaceful!

    There are documented cases of rape at OWS. There is rampant drug use. They are obviously tresspassing on private property, they are clashing with police, they are causing damage to property, they are sporting racist and violent signs… and they blame the TEA Party for some anti-cop fliers?

    Logic dictates otherwise.

  4. The handout was an exert from an essay written by Larken Rose in response to the Indiana Supreme Court ruling in Barnes v State. Larken spoke to and was cheered by a Philly Tea Party in July 2009 for saying the exact same thing.


    It’s actually a very profound essay about the logical conclusion of having inalienable rights.

    Here’s the entire essay http://www.copblock.org/5475/when-should-you-shoot-a-cop/

    • Thanks for that info, Chris. I’ve read the Larken Rose piece, and agree it is very thoughtful and profound. I did not see it as in any way meant to incite people. It asks legitimate, patriotic questions about when a free people need to fight back against encroaching tyranny in order to secure the blessings of liberty for themselves and their posterity — the kind of questions people in the United States were asking in the early 1770s. I’m sure there are people in the Occupy movement who value free speech and appreciate these questions being asked.

  5. Obviously our government is worried the Tea Party has CLOUT and they can’t handle it in a peaceful, mature manor.
    Stooping to lies is,… ummm WAIT, that’s what the politicians and Pres. does all the time to get what they want.
    I wish to make an Amendment to our Constitution.
    “Any Politician who holds office in the United States government, to which tells a lie, will held accountable as Treason.”
    . . . . WELL? At least I’m trying. What are you doing?

  6. Know this – all media & I mean ALL – Print – Radio – TV – all owned by the same group

    News Anchors , Reporters are all Actors reading from a prepared script

    Civil Liberties are rapidly disappearing – HomeLand Security – TSA > Yeah somehow your fellow Americans became the T E R R O R I S T S

    What a Crock of Sh*T – Google False Flag for your answer here

    1 Answer & Only 1 = Ron Paul 2012 – America & the Worlds Last Hope For


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