Tea Party criticizes Occupy Wall Street actions

From York Daily Record

York, PA – The Independence Hall Tea Party Association issued the following statement in a news release Wednesday:

The Independence Hall Tea Party Association, a group dedicated to free enterprise and respect for the U.S. Constitution, announced today that while it supports the free speech rights of all, including Occupy Wall Street and Occupy Philadelphia, it roundly deplores illegal behavior, including sit-ins that block the free movement of people and cargo.

“Was it really necessary for Occupy Wall Street to takeover the Brooklyn Bridge–and interfere with the rights of others to travel freely–in order to get their point of view across to the general public?” asked Association President Teri Adams. “The Tea Party rejects such behavior and challenges Occupy Philadelphia to consider the rights of others when it protests tomorrow.”

“The idea that Wall Street is the root of all evil is also an anathema to us. Like any other institution, Wall Street has its corrupt figures–and such individuals should be dealt with accordingly,” said Ms. Adams. “But to condemn Wall Street, en masse, is akin to condemning our entire free enterprise system.

“Our Association deplores corporate bailouts (GM), corporate subsidies (Solyndra), and corporate welfare. At the same time, however, we recognize the contributions and achievements of America’s chambers of commerce.

“If Occupy Philadelphia wishes to reform a corrupt corporation let it start with the world’s largest, the United States government, which routinely wastes billions of taxpayers dollars and seeks to interject itself into every aspect of our lives–threatening our very freedoms,” she said.

“Currently, the federal government, led by the Obama Administration, is stifling the American economy with its reckless deficit spending and zealous over-regulation of the private sector economy.

“The result has been a disastrous three-year-plus recession (which many are now calling a depression) that has devastated American families with its high unemployment rate and its built-in cost of living increases.”

To read more, visit: http://www.ydr.com/politics/ci_19045205

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5 Comments for “Tea Party criticizes Occupy Wall Street actions”

  1. “If Occupy Philadelphia wishes to reform a corrupt corporation let it start with the world’s largest, the United States government, which routinely wastes billions of taxpayers dollars and seeks to interject itself into every aspect of our lives–threatening our very freedoms,” she said.

    In this, you have allies in the Wall Street Occupiers. Your defense of the Chamber of Commerce, however, calls upon you dubious motivation. In some states, the Chamber of Commerce is a very active partner in the collusion between Government and big corporations.

  2. Shame on you. The banks own the government. But somehow, you criticize the government and not its masters. Wall Street Action is about the robbers that stole trillions from our tax money. We and our kids will have to pay for it.
    Stop spoiling the movement that was started by Ron Paul. Looking at the ads you have in your web site, you are in bed with the corporations that own our government.

    • What are you talking about? We don’t have any corporate ads on our website–Independence Hall Tea Party.com.

      With some Paulites, the end justicfies the means–and telling a lie is acceptable.

  3. Looks like these mob folks are being well cared for, not hungry, no drinking (yet) must have facilities for hygine available and the communist agitators are in control. Now the ranks are to swell, the unions who supply the money are busing in more plus their own, I guess these folks don’t have real jobs either and of course none of the Deemers are about to revoke their support, spoken or unspoken and the fraud POTUS is running amuck on taxpayer monies encouraging insurrection and mayhem to gin up support for his re-election…quite a show is it not?

    They way to defuse this is to spotlight the leadership and the money and it would not be hard, many of thesr support functions have been forming for some time in anticipation of disrupting the national election, maybe invoking a crisis for the sake of stopping a freedom ingrained in Americans..that would be a no, no.

    Let’s see if this fraud can do without his body guard racist AG Eric Holder, right now the mob fomentors are busting the butts to get there ahead of the investigation….

    • We are either a capitalist country where there is free enterprise. I have a small business and if I fail, I am not going to ask the government to bail me out. Or as it is apparent now, we are a socialist country for the big corporations (too big to fail). They know that they will get bailed out even if they mess up and take extravagant bonuses even if they dont perform. I had a small business loan at 8% interest. Thus after the banks were bailed out (WITH OUR TAX MONEY AND OUR KIDS FUTURE TAX MONEY) with loans from the Federal Reserve at 0% interest, I approached JP Morgan bank to refinance. I thought that since they are getting money for 0% interest, they might borrow money for 3, or 4, or 5% interest. I was told that I had it good, since the best they can do was 8.5% interest. Any dummy can make a lot of money if he get billions at 0% and borrow for 8.5% interest. The communist agitators are not the people who are occupying Wall Street. It is Wall Street that is a communist agitator getting whatever they want from the government.

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