Obama impeachment a possibility, says Ron Paul


Ron Paul said Monday that President Barack Obama’s targeted killing of Anwar al-Awlaki might be an impeachable offense.

Asked at a Manchester, N.H. town hall meeting about last week’s killing of the American-born Al Qaeda leader, the Texas congressman said impeachment would be “possible,” but that he wants to know more about how the administration “flouted the law.”

Paul called the killing a movement toward “tyranny.”

“I put responsibility on the president because this is obviously a step in the wrong direction,” Paul said. “We have just totally disrespected the Constitution.”

The comments once again put Paul at odds with his Republican rivals over foreign policy and the war on terror in the latest indication of how his foreign policy views stray far from Republican orthodoxy even in a GOP that’s taken on an increasingly isolationist bent. Candidates like Michele Bachmann and Mitt Romney — who included the president in a list of people he commended in a statement released Friday — have generally been supportive of the killing. No one else in the field has spoken out against it.

To read more, visit:  http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1011/65035.html

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4 Comments for “Obama impeachment a possibility, says Ron Paul”

  1. Obama, targeting those who he is in disagreement with, and having them murdered is opening a great disaster for the United State as a freedom loving country,,,

  2. He’s lapping Carter

  3. Good job Dr Paul! Dr Paul defends liberty even though its politically its not popular. Ron Paul 2012!

    “Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.”
    Thomas Jefferson

  4. “Truth is treason in the empire of lies”. Ron Paul

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