Ron Paul, ACLU condemn Anwar al-Awlaki killing

By Brian Montopoli, CBS News

White House hopeful Ron Paul and the American Civil Liberties Union each condemned the United States’ killing of Anwar al-Awlaki, an American citizen who has never been charged with any crime.

Paul, a staunch Libertarian, said in New Hampshire Friday that it’s “sad” if “the American people accept this blindly and casually,” adding that “nobody knows if he ever killed anybody,” According to the Wall Street Journal. the Texas Republican lawmaker said United States officials “have never been specific about the crime.”

The ACLU said the killing was a violation of both U.S. and international law.

“As we’ve seen today, this is a program under which American citizens far from any battlefield can be executed by their own government without judicial process, and on the basis of standards and evidence that are kept secret not just from the public but from the courts,” said Jameel Jaffer, deputy legal director for the ACLU. “The government’s authority to use lethal force against its own citizens should be limited to circumstances in which the threat to life is concrete, specific and imminent. It is a mistake to invest the president – any president – with the unreviewable power to kill any American whom he deems to present a threat to the country.”

Added ACLU National Security Project Litigation Director Ben Wizner: “If the Constitution means anything, it surely means that the president does not have unreviewable authority to summarily execute any American whom he concludes is an enemy of the state.”

As the Washington Post reported in January 2010, the Obama administration has elected to continue a post-Sept. 11 Bush administration policy authorizing the CIA and the military to kill U.S. citizens outside the country if there is strong evidence of their involvement in terrorist activities. U.S. officials reportedly maintain lists of citizens who they have the authority to kill. Awlaki’s father unsuccessfully sought a court order last year to keep the government from killing his son.

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19 Comments for “Ron Paul, ACLU condemn Anwar al-Awlaki killing”

  1. How can we trust that Ron Paul will Defend the USA from enemy attacks when he said ” Let Iran have a Nuke Bomb ??? Plus this below could become a Threat to the USA by Iran if They get a Nuke Bomb and strategically stage a air and ground assault on the USA with enemeies already in place in the USA with this Open Borders policy we have on Illegal Immigration . We do not know who is coming in to the USA and what they are Planning .

    And while Tax payer money is thrown away on Con Jobs like the solar power company Solyndras , our Government could have used those funds to help promote this Legislation that will secure the USA from disaster . The gravest threat to America — the EMP , Congress needs to act on HR 5026 , this is vital to state sovereignty and what we elect and send people to Washington DC to do . Why are they stalling this needed security ?

    • Just a point, Solyndra was a small percentage of a total package in the billions signed by President George W. Bush.

      Otherwise rant on…

  2. Ron Paul forgot to debate that if Anwar al-Awlaki was adding and abetting the USA enemy that wants to destroy the USA then that is Treason without this person ever firing a shot ! Ron Paul is wrong to defend this case and this shows that the USA security would be in jeopardy if Ron Paul was directing National Security policy . Appeasing the enemy of the USA today is without cause as Paul thinks the USA is at fault for the hate towards it . But Paul does not give reason to the fact that we NOW Have too Secure the USA from enemies foreign and domestic , its in the Constitution so if he is a strict constitutionalist then he has to change his thinking on these issues regarding what was the wrong foreign policy in his mind that has lead the USA to this stage today and the National security threat we MUST face and deal with today !!!!! Wake Up Ron Paul before you turn those Arms into Plow Shears you better make sure the land is secure to farm ……

    • Tony,
      Ron Paul’s thinking on the Constitution is spot on in these matters. He is only saying that the govt must do it’s due dilligence if it’s going to label people as “terrorists” and authorize their assassination. Did you ever see the movie, “Enemy of the State” with Will Smith? The difference here is that in the movie it was a rouge CIA leader that was authorizing the hit instead of a policy of the entire government at the highest levels.
      If the govt can do this, what’s to stop them from labeling Ron Paul or his supporters as “terrorist sympathsizers” and ordering his, or our assassinations, without so much as even a criminal charge being leveled?

  3. This position is another in the absurdity of positions taken by RP on confronting a enemy who hides behind a cult religion and wants to kill anyne who is in opposition with them, having the without “a clu” in agreement with your thinking is a insult all by itself. If you love this country who wants a frigging communist as a friend?

  4. Iran says could deploy navy near U.S. coast: report

  5. “security” wont buy you freedom. Besides are really any safer now than before 2001? I dont think so. Also, ponder this: when are you going to fund a canidate that you will agree with 100%? Listen, maybe we cant all agree with everything Ron Paul says, but honestly, he sounds way better than any other canidate up there. In fact better than any we have in a long while. I disagree with a lot more than a issue o two with the other canidates. Ron Paul is for the people. He will be getting the vote from me and my family. We are done with more of the same, we need to at least start taking steps in the right direction.

  6. India, Pakistan and other neighbors of Iran have nukes. Ron Paul only said it makes sense that Iran would want a nuke, not that we should give it to them. If they can build one on their own, we should not interfere- it’s not our responsibility. You sound paranoid- Iran can’t stage any attack against us. Do you also believe that Osama Bin-Ladin was responsible for 9/11?

    As for H.R.5026, it would be a better idea to repair the outdated, faulty grid, not set up to defend it. And it was Obummer who gave our taxpayer money to his white-bitc# owned Solyndra instead of letting her company fail as it should have. Just wonder if she was crawling around under desk in the oval office satisfiying her master.

  7. I dont know how “Fund” got in there- i meant ”

  8. Well I agree with what Ron Paul has to say, however, the ACLU is in my definition the Anti-Christian-Liberty Union. The ACLU is a bunch of blood-sucking parasites full of devil lawyers who get paid by mooching of taxpayers, and detraoying every bit of Christianity in the United States. I can’t stand the ACLU, unless I am not clear enough. These parasitic lawyers file lawsuits to remove crosses from memorial sites; they file lawsuits such as the one where Judge Moore’s court house, well the court house where Judge Moore presided in Alabama when the ACLU made sure the Ten Commandment Monument was removed from the Court House Steps. If the Christians do not wake up in the United States, the ACLU will imprison people who preach the Gospel. And the sad thing is that the ACLU sues municipalities, cities, counties, states and federal entities and “we the people” have to pay for them to take away our rights. Now, I hate to see Ron Paul’s name linked to the ACLU because Ron Paul is a libertarian of sorts, but he is a real REPUBLICAN! Ron Paul is a christian who has delivered over 4,000 babies, he served in the Air Force, and he is no where in the same category as the scum bags in the ACLU!

  9. Wow – what a blood thirsty lot. It’s sad that everyone who has posted thus far is so willing to kill a person who has not been condemned in a court of law with a jury of his peers – and you try to quote the constitution to support your views?!?!?! I would be scared to death if this were the group in charge of our country – our own citizens would not even be safe! Maybe you should read the constitution again. Go Ron Paul – you make sense. I hope more people get a brain and start thinking for themselves before it is too late. Gotta love the sheep who just follow whatever is fed to them by big government…

  10. The Constitution requires someone to be charged with a crime in Court- Before imposing a death sentence on them !
    If the Media says you are guilty because the Government makes says you are, is that good enough for them to assaninate you too???
    Ron Paul Is absolutely correct as usual…

    Iran Poses ZERO threat to us and their terrorist neighbors have Nukes and look – We are still here !!

  11. Ron Paul’s opposition related to Awlaki being an uncharged American citizen. Anyone supporting Obama having life and death decisions over Americans outside of a court of law will surely be one of those uncharged Americans someday. The Constitution works under all circumstances, and it isn’t weakness to follow it. Dr. Paul is a veteran who served this country with distinction, and he understands what it means to secure us from an enemy. But with Awlaki’s assination, we only have the government’s version of his guilt, and that isn’t good enough for me and millions of other Americans. Our government is supposed to follow the law and defend the Constitution, not trample on it by killing a “suspected” bad person without the right to face his accusers. The “war” that keeps being mentioned is undeclared because Congress didn’t reach a consensus on it enough to officially declare it.

    By the way, in 2001 Ron Paul wanted to send an elite band of soldiers to the Middle East to hunt down those responsible for 9/11. Thousands of soldiers killed in the last decade would be alive right now if his plan had prevailed. So you see, he isn’t against force. He just wants legal force.

  12. edward smith jr

    Ron Paul is apparently unaware of the legal principle of self defense. Awlaki was actively recruiting people to kill Americans and some did. We had a right to defend ourselves by killing him.

  13. Ron is right. Any country whose government disregards the constitutional protections of anyone is not a safe place to live. You can’t cherry-pick adherence of the law.

  14. The comments by the back woods uneducated no teeth wing of the tea party are loud and proud here. Think for a minute you bunch of murderous drones if our government deems it legal to kill a citizen without trial who says you won’t be next. Just think you disagree with Obama or public policy all of a sudden you are the enemy. Think about it! Now go back to your coon huntin tobacco spitten cabin where you belong!

    • Hey Daniel, come on over to my “coon huntin tobacco spitten cabin” & I’ll bend you over a log and give you what you truly want and deserve…YEEHAWW!!

  15. I see Ron Paul’s positions twisted by the Gurbal News Networks of Propaganda. After weeding through the B.S. what you have is a President and the NeoCons who preach FEAR, who assasinated a U.S. Citizen without a trial, who was only guilty of being a Blogger and openly disagreeing with the Foreign Policy and Interference of the U.S. governments in the Muslim countries. He exercised his 1st Amendment Rights, yet it is OK to kill him? If he committed Treason, then he should be tried by his peers, not the CIA.

    Since we sold Pakistan Nukes & the Russians gave Nukes to India, the best we can hope is that we don’t sell Iran Nukes but if they every get one you can bet it came from China, Russia or the United States and sactioned by the administration. The Russians just completed a Nuclear power plant in Iran, yet no one is up in arms.

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