Poll: Ron Paul v Obama a dead heat in Fla.

By Joel Gehrke, The Washington Examiner

Public Policy Polling, a Democratic-leaning polling firm, shows Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, and former Gov. Mitt Romney, R-Mass., trailing President Obama by a mere one point in their latest poll of Florida voters. Obama has a 56 percent disapproval rating in the swing state.

PPP shows Paul trailing Obama 45-44 in a hypothetical general election match-up, while Romney lags Obama by the same margin, 46-45. Gov. Rick Perry, R-Texas, has a 7 point deficit on the president, 50-43 – likely because 63% of voters polled disagree with his characterization of Social Security as a Ponzi scheme.

That said, PPP made a point of noting that Perry’s deficit to Obama recalls Dewey’s loss to President Truman, which might say as much about how PPP wants Republican voters to see Perry as it does about Perry’s chances in this election.

To read more, visit:  http://campaign2012.washingtonexaminer.com/blogs/beltway-confidential/poll-ron-paul-v-obama-dead-heat-fla

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3 Comments for “Poll: Ron Paul v Obama a dead heat in Fla.”

  1. I don’t think it would even be this close if Ron Paul ended up going head to head with Obama. Once Ron Paul’s time to explain his stances wasn’t divided amongst 8 or so other people, the American people would see him for the genuine, brilliant man that he is, and he would crush Obama in a landslide.

    Ron Paul is the closest we will ever come to having the chance to elect a Founding Father.

  2. May the state of Florida and all the early primary states vote for Ron Paul ! He can save our country before we fall over the cliff. Although he is not the most eloquent public speaker the ideas that drive him are incredible. He has my entire families vote – WE LOVE YOU DR. PAUL!

    Matthew from New Jersey

  3. We know exactly where Ron Paul stands–with the Constitution. He has never wavered in it’s defense. State Governments should do most of the things the Federal Government has usurped.

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