GOP presidential hopeful Ron Paul wins California straw poll
2012 Elections, Breaking News Monday, September 19th, 2011
By CNN Politics
Texas Rep. Ron Paul won a California straw poll, the state Republican Party announced in a statement Saturday night.
A total of 833 ballots were cast during the straw poll, the statement said.
Paul won with 44.9% of the votes, Texas Gov. Rick Perry came in second with 29.3% of the votes, and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney came in third with 8.8% of the votes.
The California Republican Party, associated members and registered guests were allowed to vote in the straw poll, according to the statement.
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But wait… I thought he couldn’t win? He beat the pants off of (Al Gore Cheerleader) Perry, and (Romney-Care) Mitt.
Now, the (owned) Establishment will push Palin into the mix (prediction), since Perry, Rommel, and (almost forgot) Bachman.
Bottom Line: The Republican Party should embrace Ron Paul. He is the only one we can TRUST. We may not agree on everything, but we can all agree that Big Govt. destroys liberty, and that is the soul of America. Let’s get our soul back.
Bobby, you make me glad to be a part of the Bob/Bobby/Robert group of people!
I lost quite a bit of respect for the Tea Party in part because of all the booing regarding Paul’s stance on foreign policy & militarism which will substantially curtail federal borrowing, taxing & spending. It was disrespectful and it was obvious that the Tea Party knows nothing about sound money principles or liberties that it claims to love. How does remaining the policeman of the world along with almost a 1000 military bases all over the world defend our country and curtail our spending? It doesn’t and why should we be worried about Iran? Do we really think they will send a missile our way and if Israel is their target, are we to believe that Israel is unable to annihilate them on their own? Wake up and smell the “Tea.” You can’t have substantive spending cuts while deploying troops all over the world while the rest of the world sits back and watches us spend into oblivion and while we’re attempting to save money instead of trying to raise revenue through new taxes – TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY – close down all of the useless and wasteful government agencies attempting to the job that the states are responsible for. It’s an easy fix; the medicine is tough but in the end, once all of the “garbage” is removed from the economy, we will become more prosperous than ever. If not, then allow The Fed to accomplish its main goal: devaluation of the dollar so that the gov’t can repay its debt with cheaper, worthless Federal Reserve Notes at our expense!
Bobby – I agree. Not only is Ron Paul the most trustworthy of the GOP candidates, having long championed Tea Party limited government/constitutionalist economic values before they were popular, but polls show he is also the Republican most likely to beat Barack Obama.
Many people on the left are tired of Obama’s broken promises about ending the wars, closing Guantanamo, getting rid of Bush’s civil liberties abuses, etc., and would support Paul over another four years of the same. He also has credibility with independent voters, having run as a third party candidate himself.
If this isn’t the best indicator that Paul is the strongest Obama challenger i don’t know what is. He has way more cross-partisan appeal (the only one that has *any*, actually) and if “small government conservatives” would stay home because he’s anti-Empire or anti-Prohibition (what could be more extreme nanny-ism than THAT?) then they just aren’t what they claim to be.
He’s honest, principled and has never wavered on the issues. You are not right or left you are just sensable and truthful. I have alot of respect for Mr Paul. He does his homework and knows his stuff whether you like him or not.
May God be with you Paul and your family and guide you through to the end.
And may God always bless America!!!!!!!
FOR those of you that still don’t get it, see this (4 part) video here:
…and then you’ll know why we need Ron Paul now more than ever!