Romney Talks Up 10th Amendment
State's Rights Monday, June 6th, 2011By Josh Rogers,
A day after making his 2012 presidential run official Republican Mitt Romney campaigned in Manchester. NHPR’s Josh Rogers reports.
Speaking at a town-hall style meeting, Romney stressed economic issues. He criticized President Obama’s ideas as “awfully european” and laced his remarks with references to the founding fathers and states’ rights.
“I believe in the constitution, by the way when the founders said we will have certain powers at the federal level but we’re going to preserve all those powers at the state level, that 10th amendment. That’s one that I don’t think Barack Obama has read. I know he went to law school: go read the 10th amendment, recognize the power of states.”
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RINO “RomneyCare” Romney is a 10th-er? I’ll believe that when pigs fly.
As if…Mitt even cares about states rights. This guy will say anything to get elected. He never cared much about the founding father’s or the constitution before. It looks like all of the candidate’s are keying off of what Ron paul has been saying for over thirty year’s now, because they see that America is awakening to the fact that we get worse off the further from our constitution we get. Most of these candidate’s helped to get us here. Ron Paul is the only candidate that has always honored his oath of office, the only former military candidate, and the only one that can win against Obama by pulling democratic vote’s. Mitt will flip and Mitt will flop, and he does a fair share of flip-flopping. Even Palin is trying to be constitutional and display a recognition of the founding of this country. I say she must have been joking history class. All you need to do is look up their record’s folks.
Mitt wouldn’t recognize the constitution if it hit him upside the head. Romney vs Obama 2012…. you can vote for Obama-care, Cap-n-trade, abortion, gay marriage, big goverment spending, gun control, and the elitist status quo…..OR …You can just re-elect Obama.
Senator Obama said he would fillibuster any attempt to renew FISA warrantless wiretapping legislation, and not only did he not fillibuster it, he voted YEA. Mr. Romney says he recognizes the importance of states’ rights…why should I have any faith that he’d assert that belief in the Oval Office. Things change a lot on that side of the fence on Pennsylvania Avenue.
Romney is a lamb stream media created candidate…anything he says is totally meaningless. Like Obozzo he lies all time and like Obozzo he’s not very good at it. I would put more faith in what Sponge Bob has to say than Make Beleive Mitt..