Peyton Hillis throws his support toward candidate

Peyton Hillis

… and Peyton Hillis’ weird year continues.

Gary Johnson Flirts with Libertarian Party Presidential Run

Libertarian Party

By Michael Beckel, Former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson recently suggested that if the Republican Party won’t nominate him, then he might continue his quest for the presidency under the banner of the Libertarian Party. “I feel abandoned by the Republican Party,” Johnson told the Santa Fe New Mexican last week. “The Republican Party [...]

Ron Paul video hits Gingrich for ‘serial hypocrisy’

Ron Paul commercial

By Catalina Camia, USA TODAY GOP presidential hopeful Ron Paul released a scathing video attacking rival Newt Gingrich for what the Texas congressman calls “serial hypocrisy” on issues such as climate change and Medicare. The ad uses Gingrich’s own words to make its point that the former House speaker is not, as the Paul campaign [...]

Who is Newt Gingrich’s base? Tea party districts sour on tea party and doggy health care

Newt Gingrich

By Scott Clement, The Washington Post In surging to the top in the race for the Republican nomination, recent polls find Newt Gingrich has built a coalition of three high-turnout groups: older Republicans, tea party supporters and conservatives. Overall, Gingrich has tripled his support from 8 to 24 percent in CNN polls of Republicans and [...]

Wurzelbacher speaks at to crowd of 50 at Fremont Airport

Joe the Plumber

By Daniel Carson, The FREMONT– Joe Wurzelbacher describes himself as a right-and-wrong, black-and-white kind of guy, and he made it clear Sunday night that he intends to run his congressional campaign that way. “There’s not a lot of gray in my life,” Wurzelbacher said as he spoke to about 50 people at the American [...]

The Gary Johnson Rule: Official Version

Gary Johnson

Gary Johnson, two-term governor of New Mexico, can’t make it in to any more debates. The polling thresholds manage to catch Huntsman, and exclude him, in no small part because a lot of polls don’t ask about him.

Troop levels, Iran prompt GOP sparring in CNN National Security Debate


Washington (CNN) — A Republican presidential debate on Tuesday focused on national security issues exposed deep fault lines within the GOP over how to grapple with the nation’s challenges overseas.

Allen West: Gingrich Is Carrying 200 Pounds Of Political Baggage

Allen West

It’s not exactly clear what segment of the Republican electorate is behind Newt Gingrich’s surge in recent presidential primary polls, save that they aren’t fans of Mitt Romney.

Ron Paul’s strength in Iowa shows it’s too soon to write him off

Ron Paul

By Brad Knickerbocker | To most pollsters and pundits, any mention of Ron Paul typically comes with an implied asterisk. Whether they say it outright or not, they don’t think the Texas congressman has a chance of being the GOP presidential nominee. Too far outside mainstream, tea party, or born-again socially conservative Republicanism, they [...]

Tea parties unite to pick GOP candidate to take on Stabenow

Tea Party Michigan

Tea party groups in Michigan plan a statewide convention and straw poll to pick their GOP candidate for U.S. Senate in an unprecedented move of solidarity to avoid splitting their votes.


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