First Amendment victory for citizen journalists

Police officer Joseph Uhler

By Jason Stverak -The Washington Times In a landmark decision, a federal court ruled last week that recording public officials, including police officers, is protected by the First Amendment. This decision, which may outrage law enforcement officials and members of Congress, is one of the first federal court decisions that brings the First Amendment into [...]

Divorced dad’s blog becomes free-speech test

Psycho Ex-Wife

By Freda R. Savana, A Doylestown Township man is claiming a Bucks County judge violated his freedom of speech and his right to due process by ordering him to shut down, a blog he began in 2007 to discuss his bitter divorce and child custody battle. Anthony Morelli, 42, complied last month with [...]

San Francisco seeks to censor the Internet

book burning flyer

Every September, my library—and probably yours—celebrates “Banned Books Week,” during which liberals croon about their dedication to free speech.

Hanging of ‘Truck Nuts’ Grows into a Free Speech Debate


‘Don’t touch my junk,’ is taking on new meaning.

Man’s divorce blog starts free speech dispute


DOYLESTOWN, Pa., Aug. 1 (UPI) — A bitter, divorced Pennsylvania man’s blog has triggered a free-speech debate, officials say.

ACLU warns Florida city about Christmas display


By Robert Nolin and Lisa J. Huriash, Sun Sentinel PLANTATION— Joseph, Mary and the Baby Jesus have no business posing in a public park — even if they’re accompanied by a Hanukkah menorah. “Inappropriate” is the word the Broward chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union uses to describe the holiday display planned for Liberty [...]

Free speech is just that – “free”

video games

When the U.S. Supreme Court ruled June 27 that states cannot forbid the sale or rental of video games to children, it punctuated two terms remarkable for the court’s support for free expression – in cases remarkable for speech that many, if not most, of us really, really dislike.

Unlikely pair ACLU, tea party win free speech case

North County Tea Party

REDDING, Calif. (AP) — A pair of unlikely political allies has succeeded in sinking an ordinance that restricted when and where pamphlets could be handed out in front of a Northern California city library.

US Attorney for Oregon attempts to squelch First Amendment

Oregon medical marijuana patients

Dwight Holton, the US Attorney for Oregon, tried to silence a lawful protest by marijuana legalization activists on City Hall steps in Portland this morning, according to attorney Paul Loney.

Judge may reconsider ruling on corporate donations ban

U.S. District for the Eastern District of Virginia

By Jordy Yager, The Hill A federal judge this week may reconsider his ruling that the ban on corporations giving money directly to political candidates is unconstitutional. Judge James Cacheris of the U.S. District for the Eastern District of Virginia delivered a shocking ruling in a criminal case on May 27 stating that if corporations [...]


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