Gary Johnson Flirts with Libertarian Party Presidential Run

Libertarian Party

By Michael Beckel, Former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson recently suggested that if the Republican Party won’t nominate him, then he might continue his quest for the presidency under the banner of the Libertarian Party. “I feel abandoned by the Republican Party,” Johnson told the Santa Fe New Mexican last week. “The Republican Party [...]

Ron Paul video hits Gingrich for ‘serial hypocrisy’

Ron Paul commercial

By Catalina Camia, USA TODAY GOP presidential hopeful Ron Paul released a scathing video attacking rival Newt Gingrich for what the Texas congressman calls “serial hypocrisy” on issues such as climate change and Medicare. The ad uses Gingrich’s own words to make its point that the former House speaker is not, as the Paul campaign [...]

S&P Downgrades Dozens of Global Banks


By Dunstan Prial, Standard & Poor’s on Tuesday cut its credit ratings for many of the world’s largest banks, including Citigroup (NYSE: C), Goldman Sachs (NYSE: GS) and Bank of America (NYSE: BAC). The move follows S&P’s shift, announced earlier this month, in the methods it uses for rating the banks. Citigroup, Goldman Sachs [...]

Tea Party Alleges Double Standard by Occupy-Friendly Mayor in Virginia

Richmond Tea Party Occupy

By Perry Chiaramonte | A Tea Party chapter in Virginia is alleging that it was audited by the City of Richmond after it complained that the local Occupy movement was receiving special treatment by the mayor. The Richmond Tea Party said the city charged it $10,000 to hold three rallies in Kanawha Plaza — [...]

Gingrich Spars With Ron Paul After He Calls Patriot Act “Unpatriotic”

Ron Paul & Newt Gingrich

GOP candidates Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul debate the merits of extending the Patriot Act to secure our country.

Allen West: Gingrich Is Carrying 200 Pounds Of Political Baggage

Allen West

It’s not exactly clear what segment of the Republican electorate is behind Newt Gingrich’s surge in recent presidential primary polls, save that they aren’t fans of Mitt Romney.

Ron Paul’s strength in Iowa shows it’s too soon to write him off

Ron Paul

By Brad Knickerbocker | To most pollsters and pundits, any mention of Ron Paul typically comes with an implied asterisk. Whether they say it outright or not, they don’t think the Texas congressman has a chance of being the GOP presidential nominee. Too far outside mainstream, tea party, or born-again socially conservative Republicanism, they [...]

Tea Party Group Presents Its Own Debt Commission Report


As the Congressional committee charged with reining in the deficit nears its deadline for coming up with a way to cut it by at least $1.2 trillion over 10 years, the Tea Party — or at least, a small group aiming to represent the Tea Party — is presenting its own ideas.

By Gautham Nagesh , The Hill Google, Facebook and other technology companies are aligning with the Tea Party to defeat copyright legislation championed by movie studios and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Tech companies are seen as the underdog in the lobbying battle over the Stop Online Piracy Act, which would allow the government or [...]

New poll shows 4-way tie in Iowa as Ron Paul moves to top tier

Ron Paul

By Stephanie Condon, CBS News The Iowa caucuses are just seven weeks away, but Republican voters in the nation’s first presidential nominating state seem as torn as ever over the GOP field. A new Bloomberg poll of likely caucus participants shows a four-way tie in Iowa, with Rep. Ron Paul joining Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich [...]


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