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Tea Party group targets Orrin Hatch for defeat

Orrin Hatch

Conservative PAC FreedomWorks, a prominent Tea Party group chaired by former House Majority Leader Dick Armey, is targeting Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch in the 2012 Senate race.

Sources say Chaffetz is in against Hatch

Jason Chaffetz and Orrin Hatch

Utah Rep. Jason Chaffetz has told several Utah political insiders that he plans to run against Sen. Orrin Hatch next year, setting up a major intraparty Republican 2012 battle.

Utah To Follow Texas Lead In TSA Grope-down Revolt


Utah looks likely to be the next state to follow the example set by Texas in attempting to make TSA grope downs a felony.

Gold, silver coins to be legal currency in Utah

gold and silver

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — Utah legislators want to see the dollar regain its former glory, back to the days when one could literally bank on it being “as good as gold.”

10th Amendment a theme at 2011 Utah Legislature

10th Amendment Time

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” – The 10th Amendment to the United States Constitution With the big Republican wins in the November 2010 elections, there seemed to be a common thread among [...]

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