Bachmann tied with Romney in Iowa

GOP Candidates

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and Minnesota congresswoman Michele Bachmann sit atop the standings in the year’s first Des Moines Register Iowa Poll on the Republican presidential field.

Winners and Losers of Straw Poll Auction

Thaddeus McCotter

All of the fireworks at the Republican Party of Iowa’s Straw Poll Auction made for an interesting list of winners and losers. Below is my take on how campaigns faired.

Ron Paul bids high at Ames Straw Poll auction

Ron Paul

By ALEXANDER BURNS, Politico The bidding is over at the Iowa GOP’s Ames real estate auction and Ron Paul has emerged a winner. A source tells Maggie that Paul placed the highest bid for a straw poll location, coming away with the spot Mitt Romney had in 2008. The low bidder of sorts was Newt [...]

Presidential candidates to speak at pro-gold standard events

Gold Standard

Several 2012 Republican presidential candidates are slated to participate in an Iowa bus tour that seeks to make returning the country’s monetary system to the gold standard a key election issue.

Tea party pushes GOP candidates to right

Mitt Romney

In the first presidential election since the tea party’s emergence, Republican candidates are drifting rightward on a range of issues, even though more centrist stands might play well in the 2012 general election.

Pawlenty Makes His Pitch as Top Fiscal Hawk in GOP Field


Trying to position himself as the model fiscally conservative Republican presidential candidate, Tim Pawlenty spoke at the libertarian-leaning Cato Institute in Washington and refused to either endorse or reject the budget proposed by House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, R-Wisc.

GOP 2012 hopefuls atoning for flaws


The GOP presidential field is firming up, and all the major White House hopefuls have something in common besides a desire to defeat President Obama: Each has on his resume a violation of conservative orthodoxy certain to anger primary voters.

GOP Rivals Hit Obama on Foreign Policy Despite Bin Laden Killing, Hit Harder on Economy


Republican presidential hopefuls on Thursday night didn’t allow President Obama’s widely-praised operation that killed Usama bin Laden this week to deter them from attacking his foreign policy or blaming his domestic policies for high gas prices and the fragile economy recovery.

Five reasons why tonight’s GOP debate matters


GREENVILLE, S.C.– Outside this pivotal presidential primary state, there’s been one reaction to tonight’s presidential debate.

South Carolina Debate’s Small Field Guarantees A Strong Libertarian Flavor


WASHINGTON — The final field for the first debate of the Republican presidential primary election is set, but there are twice as many hopefuls who are not attending as there are who will participate.


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