Californians Are Asked for $6.9 Billion in New Taxes

California new taxes

LOS ANGELES — Gov. Jerry Brown called on California voters Thursday to approve $6.9 billion in temporary new taxes, including a surcharge on big earners, as part of yet another bad-news budget proposal, this one for 2012. He warned that without those tax increases, California would be forced to impose severe cuts in public schools that could reduce the school year by three weeks.

Tea Party Groups Push GOP On Taxes

Tea Party taxes

(CNN) — Several tea party-aligned groups are pushing Republican members of Congress not to support tax increases as a congressional super committee tries to come up with a proposal to cut at least $1.2 billion from the nation’s debt.

Senate Democrats Propose 5% Surtax on Millionaires

Harry Reid and Chuck Schumer

By COREY BOLES, The Wall Street Journal WASHINGTON—Senate Democrats proposed a 5% surtax on people earning more than $1 million a year to pay for the $447 billion cost of President Barack Obama’s job-creation bill, in a move designed to shore up their party’s support for the measure. The proposal would replace the range of [...]

Debt Deal Compromise to Spark Debate on Medicare Cuts, Taxes

medicare cuts

Aug. 3 (Bloomberg) — President Barack Obama’s signature on a bill raising the debt limit sealed a compromise that averted a U.S. default even as it did nothing to narrow the gulf between Republicans and Democrats over tax increases and spending cuts.

‘Gang of 6′ plan would raise taxes

Gang of Six

Would your taxes go up or go down if the “Gang of Six” plan were adopted? That’s the $1 trillion question.

Get Ready for a 70% Marginal Tax Rate


President Obama has been using the debt-ceiling debate and bipartisan calls for deficit reduction to demand higher taxes. With unemployment stuck at 9.2% and a vigorous economic “recovery” appearing more and more elusive, his timing couldn’t be worse.

Debt Talks Complicated by What’s a Tax Hike

tax hike

Congressional Republicans are refusing to include tax increases in a bill to raise the U.S. debt limit, even as they fight with each other and with Democrats about how to define just what a tax increase is.

Chicago Public Schools considers tax increase


Chicago Public Schools officials are looking to collect $100 million more in property taxes and seek further cuts at central office and in middle management positions as they try to bridge a gaping deficit.

Kentucky gasoline tax to rise by 1.9 cents a gallon on July 1

pumping gas

FRANKFORT, Ky. (AP) — The tax on gasoline in Kentucky is going up next month.

A Menu Of Tax Hikes: Parking, Property, And/Or Sodas

Soda Tax

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) – Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter is proposing a tax on soda and other sugary drinks as he and City Council continue trying to help bail out the cash-starved Philadelphia school district.


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