Reid takes a swing at Tea Party in opening the Senate

Harry Reid

By Josiah Ryan, The Hill Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) opened the Senate after more than a month of recess on Monday by chastising Tea Party Republicans for obstructionist tactics they employed last year. “Influenced by these Tea Party voices, Republicans forced us to waste months on routine legislation that nearly shut down our [...]

Tea Party PACs help bankroll Ted Cruz Senate bid

Ted Cruz

Tea Party organizations that championed the congressional upset victories of Michele Bachmann in Minnesota, Scott Brown in Massachusetts and Marco Rubio in Florida now have their eyes – and their pocketbooks – aimed at Texas.

Senators introduce “STOCK Act” to stop “insider trading” in Congress


A bill to stop “insider trading” in Congress is gaining momentum with two new Senate supporters.

Tea party airs TV ad in Northern Virginia targeting Senate Democrats


The Virginia Tea Party Alliance’s political action committee will begin airing a TV ad Monday targeting Senate Democratic candidates in vote-rich Northern Virginia.

GOP’s picks on panel oppose tax hike

tax hike

WASHINGTON – Republican leaders in the House of Representatives and the Senate appointed six conservative lawmakers Wednesday to the so-called supercommittee that’s charged with finding ways to trim the federal deficit by more than $1 trillion by year’s end.

Patriot Act clears House, Senate

Senator Leahy

Capping a week of political bickering and parliamentary delays, the House joined the Senate on Thursday to pass a four-year extension of key provisions of the Patriot Act that was set to expire at midnight.

Senate debates president’s power during cyber-attack


Senators squared off with Obama administration officials Monday about plans to give the president emergency powers to protect vital U.S. electronic networks from attacks by hackers, cyberterrorists and foreign governments.

Lindsey Graham Trails Joe Wilson In Possible 2014 Senate Primary


By Eric Kleefeld, TalkingPointsMemo Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), who has both bad-mouthed and praised the Tea Party movement in the past, isn’t up for re-election until 2014. But when that comes, a new survey from Public Policy Polling (D) finds that Graham could be quite vulnerable in his Republican primary — against Congressman Joe “You [...]

Sen. Rand Paul lone senator to vote against ‘laser pointer’ amendment to FAA bill


Kentucky Republican Sen. Rand Paul cast the sole vote in the Senate against an amendment to the FAA re-authorization bill which would make it a federal crime to flash a “laser pointer” at airplanes.

Senate defeats Republican-led health-care repeal effort


By Felicia Sonmez, The Washington Post The Senate on Wednesday defeated a Republican-led effort to repeal the entire national health-care overhaul, with lawmakers voting strictly along party lines. The decision underscores the hurdle that the GOP faces in that Democratic-majority chamber as it tries to overturn the law. All 50 Senate Democrats present and one [...]


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