Republican candidates stand up for states rights regarding marijuana

Medical Marijuana

Medical Marijuana prohibition and decriminalization maybe a thing of the past sooner then we realize.

Tax issues stall deficit committee as deadline nears

Patty Murray

By Lisa Mascaro, LA Times Deadlock. Impasse. Cooling-off period. Call it what you will, but the congressional super committee on deficit reduction has again stalled out after a flurry of proposals this week from Republican and Democratic members as the Thanksgiving deadline approaches. Talks continue behind closed doors as smaller groups of lawmakers from the [...]

Is Christie conservative enough for Tea Party?

Chris Christie

By Mark Egan, Edith Honan and Steve Holland, Reuters NEW YORK/WASHINGTON – Is tough-talking Republican Chris Christie tough enough for the Tea Party? Christie’s potential entry into a 2012 White House race dominated by conservatives would electrify the campaign but trigger scrutiny of his record as a Republican governor in heavily Democratic New Jersey. Hailed [...]

Perry calling Iowa activists as potential donors convene

Rick Perry

Rick Perry has started calling Iowa Republicans and a former RNC finance chairman is helping to convene a meeting of national donors later this month in Austin to discuss financing a potential 2012 campaign — signs that the Texas governor and his allies are stepping up their exploratory efforts.

The Changing Face of the GOP

Michele Bachmann

It’s not every day that a group of conservative activists storms an institution of the Republican establishment and demands that the national party kick out a longstanding member who has not been implicated in any sort of personal scandal. But when FreedomWorks activists on Monday jammed the Ronald Reagan Republican Center, home of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, they highlighted one of the major unanswered questions in American politics today: Who owns the GOP?

Bachmann Stresses Iowa Roots As She Launches Presidential Bid

Rep. Michele Bachmann officially kicked off her bid for the GOP presidential nomination

By Craig Robinson, The Iowa Republican It seemed only fitting that Michele Bachmann held her “Welcome Home” event in a historic dancehall named Electric Park. Bachmann, who officially announced her candidacy for president this morning in Waterloo, was electric last night when speaking to residents of her hometown. Over 500 people filled the ballroom where [...]

Five candidates sign on for Iowa tea party bus tour

Tea Party rally

Five Republican presidential hopefuls have signed on for the Iowa Tea Party Bus Tour this summer: Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, Gary Johnson and Rick Santorum.

Sources say Chaffetz is in against Hatch

Jason Chaffetz and Orrin Hatch

Utah Rep. Jason Chaffetz has told several Utah political insiders that he plans to run against Sen. Orrin Hatch next year, setting up a major intraparty Republican 2012 battle.

Republican, tea party movement figures attack Davis


Suddenly, congressional candidate Jack Davis is the bull’s-eye target in a host of political cross hairs.

Tea Party adds new dimension to New Hampshire campaigning


By Editorial Staff, The Tea Party movement is adding another dimension to the first-in-the-nation primary strategy for a growing number of potential Republican presidential hopefuls. Tea Party supporters have made significant inroads in New Hampshire, which typically prefers GOP moderates and establishment candidates when choosing White House nominees. The grass-roots movement has claimed GOP [...]


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