Gingrich Spars With Ron Paul After He Calls Patriot Act “Unpatriotic”

Ron Paul & Newt Gingrich

GOP candidates Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul debate the merits of extending the Patriot Act to secure our country.

Troop levels, Iran prompt GOP sparring in CNN National Security Debate


Washington (CNN) — A Republican presidential debate on Tuesday focused on national security issues exposed deep fault lines within the GOP over how to grapple with the nation’s challenges overseas.

MTA Officers Detain Man For Taking Pictures


BALTIMORE (WJZ) — The Maryland Transit Administration says more training may be called for after three MTA officers detained a man for taking pictures at a light rail station.

Rand Paul, Tea Party Ask: What About Privacy?

Members Of Congress Attend Tea Party Town Hall In Washington

It’s been nearly a decade since Congress, in the wake of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, hastily approved the USA Patriot Act and its historic expansion of law enforcement and domestic intelligence-gathering powers.

Patriot Act clears House, Senate

Senator Leahy

Capping a week of political bickering and parliamentary delays, the House joined the Senate on Thursday to pass a four-year extension of key provisions of the Patriot Act that was set to expire at midnight.

There’s a Secret Patriot Act, Senator Says

Patriot Act

You think you understand how the Patriot Act allows the government to spy on its citizens. Sen. Ron Wyden says it’s worse than you know.

Senate Votes to Extend Patriot Act Provisions

From FOX News/AP WASHINGTON — The Senate has voted to extend roving wiretap authority and other provisions of anti-terrorism law for 90 days, giving lawmakers more time to discuss the future of the law enforcement tools that some consider an infringement on civil liberties. To read more, visit:

26 Repubs who supported liberty & rejected the Patriot Act: Who are they?


By Martin Hill, LA County Libertarian Examiner Out of the 26 Republican Congressmen who voted no on the Patriot Act, eight of them are Repblicans who voted no on it in last year. Ten Republicans total voted no on the Patriot Act in 2010, so that leaves an explanation due for two of those ten. [...]

Two GOP Senate Hopefuls Help Block PATRIOT Act


By Josh Kraushaar, National Journal In the wake of the PATRIOT Act reauthorization defeat last night, the conventional wisdom has held that it was the Tea Party freshmen who played a crucial role in preventing it from passing. But in reality, the Republican opposition was much more mainstream – and was joined by two Republicans [...]

Ahead of Patriot Act vote, some tea-party lawmakers express reservations


By Felicia Sonmez, The Washington Post As the House votes Tuesday on extending key provisions of the Patriot Act counterterrorism surveillance law, it will be worth watching the tea party-aligned members of the new freshman class – some of whom are expressing doubts about the measure. The bill, sponsored by Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.), would [...]


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