Romney: I wouldn’t pay taxes under Newt plan

Republican Candidates Debate In Tampa, Florida

Hours before he plans to release his 2010 tax returns, Mitt Romney noted at the GOP debate in Tampa that under his opponent’s tax plan, he wouldn’t have paid any taxes at all.

Poll shows Ron Paul’s strengths and weaknesses in GOP primary

Ron Paul

Texas Rep. Ron Paul earns 16 percent support for the Republican nomination in the latest Washington Post-ABC News poll, statistically unchanged from 15 percent in December and in the same range as Newt Gingrich (17 percent) and Rick Santorum (13 percent). Frontrunner Mitt Romney leads with 35 percent.

Gingrich: Ron Paul’s base is “people who want to legalize drugs”

Newt Gingrich

Despite his mantra to stay “positive,” Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich took a swipe at rival Ron Paul on Thursday, suggesting that the Texas congressman’s political base consists of “people who want to legalize drugs.”

Cedar Falls, IA Organizer Miffed at Campaigns Trying to ‘Hijack’ Tea Party

Tea Party members listen to speakers before deciding who to vote for in a Cedar Falls straw poll.

With just two weeks until the Iowa caucuses, GOP presidential campaigns have stepped up efforts to snatch the still-divided Tea Party vote, hiring key Tea Party activists to lure support from local chapters.

Tea Partiers Reject Beck’s Claim That Support of Gingrich Is Racial

Glenn Beck

By Judson Berger | Glenn Beck is catching heat from the Tea Party movement that he helped champion — and helped champion him — after suggesting Tea Partiers who support Newt Gingrich over President Obama would do so only because Gingrich is white. The former Fox News host made the comments in an interview [...]

Ron Paul ties Newt Gingrich in latest Iowa PPP poll

Ron Paul & Newt Gingrich

From The State Column Ron Paul (R-TX), a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, tied former House Speaker Newt Gingrich in the latest Public Policy Polling poll of Iowa GOP caucusgoers. Mr. Paul garnered 21 percent of the votes to pull even with Mr. Gingrich who earned 22 percent of the votes. Former Massachusetts Governor [...]

Newt Gingrich’s ‘mind boggling’ tax plan

Newt Gingrich

Every Republican presidential hopeful has a plan to cut taxes.

Glenn Beck: The Tea Party Supporting Gingrich Over Obama ‘Must Be About Race’

Glenn Beck

Glenn Beck has made no secret of how much he dislikes Newt Gingrich– not even to Newt Gingrich’s face. But he has yet to confront his supporters until last night, when he reasoned to Freedom Watch host Judge Andrew Napolitano that there was very little difference between Gingrich and President Barack Obama– so much so that the only possible explanation for Tea Partiers rallying around Gingrich is “Obama’s race.”

Rand Paul: Republicans would take a giant step backward by choosing Gingrich

Rand Paul

By SEN. RAND PAUL, The Des Moines Register As a U.S. senator elected from and by the tea party, I am often asked about the tea party, the conservative movement and the presidential race. While conservatives and limited-government activists did, indeed, make great strides in 2010, those could easily be set back by nominating someone [...]

Why a Newt Gingrich Candidacy Would Doom the Tea Party


By CONOR FRIEDERSDORF, The Atlantic Gallup finds that 82 percent of Tea Party affiliated voters deem Newt Gingrich an acceptable Republican presidential nominee in 2012. They don’t seem to realize that if he wins the nod their movement is doomed, regardless of how the general election goes. The Tea Party cannot support Gingrich without betraying [...]


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