Tea party: Romney most electable; Paul best president


FORT WALTON BEACH — Mitt Romney is a close first choice to be the Republican presidential nominee for some 75 Fort Walton Beach Tea Party members.

Al Sharpton Ignores Tea Party Congressman Repeatedly Asking ‘What’s Your Income?’


Mitt Romney‘s tax returns provided at least one commentator plenty of fodder to feed his theory that the tax rates are unfair in this country: Al Sharpton, who invited on his program today Tea Party Congressman Rep. Tim Huelskamp for a spirited debate on social justice. It was the sort of debate where short questions were thrown in each other’s general direction but went, as ships passing in the night, equally unanswered. The two main questions: from Rev. Sharpton: “Is it fair?” after a number of statistics on tax rates that Rep. Huelskamp labeled untruths; and from Rep. Huelskamp: “What’s your income?”

Romney: I wouldn’t pay taxes under Newt plan

Republican Candidates Debate In Tampa, Florida

Hours before he plans to release his 2010 tax returns, Mitt Romney noted at the GOP debate in Tampa that under his opponent’s tax plan, he wouldn’t have paid any taxes at all.

Mitt Romney drives a wedge into the tea party

Nikki Haley and Mitt Romney

By Mark Z. Barabak, Los Angeles Times Reporting from Columbia, S.C.— Karen Martin was one of the original tea partyers in a state that helped birth the movement. One of her biggest achievements was helping Nikki Haley beat the old-boy network to become governor. So when Haley threw her support behind Mitt Romney’s presidential bid, [...]

Mitt’s Taxes Stoke “Carried Interest” Flames

mitt romney

Mitt Romney has finally confirmed what everyone knew—he’s been a savvy investor. He may not be paying Warren Buffet’s reputed 11% rate, but he’s mostly paid 15%, a far cry from 35% on service income. We know wealthy people like Buffett and Romney benefit from a 15% dividends and capital gain rate.

Romney Parks Millions in Cayman Islands

Romney Cayman Islands

Although it is not apparent on his financial disclosure form, Mitt Romney has millions of dollars of his personal wealth in investment funds set up in the Cayman Islands, a notorious Caribbean tax haven.

Poll shows Ron Paul’s strengths and weaknesses in GOP primary

Ron Paul

Texas Rep. Ron Paul earns 16 percent support for the Republican nomination in the latest Washington Post-ABC News poll, statistically unchanged from 15 percent in December and in the same range as Newt Gingrich (17 percent) and Rick Santorum (13 percent). Frontrunner Mitt Romney leads with 35 percent.

Romney Would Sign NDAA


During the latest “debate” in South Carolina, Mitt Romney said that if he were president he would sign the the National Defense Authorization Act.

Obama tied with Romney & Paul in November showdowns

2012 Election

Mitt Romney is all tied up with President Barack Obama in a likely general election matchup, with the president showing signs of weakness on the economy and Romney seen as out of touch with ordinary Americans, according to a new national survey.

Tea Party “kingmaker” DeMint focuses on Senate races

U.S. Senator DeMint speaks during the Republican Leadership Conference in New Orleans

Everybody was waiting for Jim DeMint. Mitt Romney had reason to hope the South Carolina senator would repeat his 2008 endorsement of his presidential bid.


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