Iowa state chairman stuns Michele Bachmann with switch to Ron Paul’s camp

Kent Sorenson

By JASON NOBLE and MARY STEGMEIR, DES MOINES REGISTER In a stunning, late-breaking Iowa caucus turnabout, the state chairman for presidential candidate Michele Bachmann ditched her campaign Wednesday night to endorse Ron Paul, a rival in the race for the GOP nomination. The defection of Kent Sorenson, an Iowa state senator, came just six days [...]

Tea Party Express backs Bachmann


SACRAMENTO — The Tea Party Express offered support to Rep. Michele Bachmann’s bid to be the Republican Party’s presidential nominee, but stopped short of an endorsement. The Tea Party Express, in a statement, said that while it hasn’t endorsed any candidate, it was committed to backing the conservative candidate who could best defeat President Obama [...]

Cedar Falls, IA Organizer Miffed at Campaigns Trying to ‘Hijack’ Tea Party

Tea Party members listen to speakers before deciding who to vote for in a Cedar Falls straw poll.

With just two weeks until the Iowa caucuses, GOP presidential campaigns have stepped up efforts to snatch the still-divided Tea Party vote, hiring key Tea Party activists to lure support from local chapters.

Ron Paul Tells Jay Leno Bachmann, Santorum Hate Muslims

Ron Paul and Jay Leno

By Kurt Nimmo, On Friday night, candidate Ron Paul made an appearance on Jay Leno’s television show. Leno asked Paul what he thought of his rivals. The Texas congressman said Romney and Gingrich are not presidential material and labeled Bachmann and Santorum as Muslim-haters. On Sunday, Bachmann responded to Paul’s comments. “I haven’t heard [...]

Tea Party Patriots to host call, straw poll with candidates

Tea Party Patriots

By Cameron Joseph, The Hill The Tea Party Patriots will host a phone conference with the Republican presidential candidates on Dec. 18, which will be followed by an online straw poll, they announced Tuesday. Mitt Romney and Michele Bachmann have already confirmed they will attend, while Ron Paul has declined. The group, which claims 15 [...]

NH Tea Party Leader Backs Bachmann

Michele Bachmann

Local Tea Party leader Jerry DeLemus announced in an email last night that he is endorsing Michele Bachmann for the Republican presidential nomination.

Paul: Obama health care more fascism than socialism


It’s doubtful whether anyone opposes President Obama’s health care law more than Ron Paul, but the Texas congressman said Wednesday that the sweeping legislation is not socialized medicine — contrary to claims made by his fellow presidential contenders Michele Bachmann and Herman Cain.

Bachmann blames Perry for tea party trashing

Bachmann v Perry

By MAGGIE HABERMAN | Politico Michele Bachmann is blaming a tea party group’s call for her to bow out of the 2012 race on Rick Perry, insisting it was a dirty trick – adding she had no evidence but had heard word of it. In an interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, Bachmann said that American [...]

Beck: GOP and Tea Party in Fight to Death

Glenn Beck

By Martin Gould and Ashley Martella, The Republican Party is in a fight to the death with the tea party, and only one of them will be left standing at the end of it, TV host Glenn Beck tells Newsmax.TV in an exclusive interview. “Either the tea party will eat the Republicans or vice [...]

On Constitution Day, tea party and foes duel over our founding document

Former Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor holds a copy of the Constitution before a recitation of the preamble at the National Constitution Center, Friday, Sept. 16, in Philadelphia.

By Mark Trumbull, Christian Science Monitor It’s Constitution Day in the US, but that doesn’t mean it’s a day for the nation to unite around its founding document amid peace, love, and flowers. Not in a year when Michele Bachmann is trying to keep within an elbow’s length of Rick Perry in the Republican presidential [...]


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