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Union dues in crosshairs of John Thrasher bill

John Thrasher

By Marc Caputo, St. Petersburg Times Sen. John Thrasher, former state GOP chairman, looks like he has filed a bill (SB830) to starve unions like the Florida Education Association, SEIU, AFL-CIO, firefighters, police unions or AFSCME by banning the Democratic-leaning organizations from using salary deductions for political purposes. The legislation also says any “public employer [...]

Likely 2012 GOP hopefuls hit the Florida circuit

Sarah Palin

By Virginia Chamlee, Florida Independent In recent months, nearly every likely Republican 2012 presidential candidate has made his or her voice heard in Florida, courting potential campaign donors at big-ticket speaking engagements and invitation-only dinners. With its high number of votes in the electoral college, Florida has long been one of the nation’s most important [...]

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