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Flake Picks Up Tea Party Group Endorsement In Arizona

Jeff Flake

By Evan McMorris-Santoro, TalkingPointsMemo Hours after Rep. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) announced his campaign for the seat being vacated by Sen. Jon Kyl (R-AZ), tea party umbrella group FreedomWorks, best known as the arm of the movement led by former House Republican leader Dick Armey, endorsed Flake in an email blast sent by its PAC. “Endorsing [...]

‘America’s toughest sheriff’ considering Arizona Senate run

Sheriff Joe Arpaio

By Daniel Strauss, The Hill, The Washington Scene Maricopa Sheriff Joe Arpaio said Monday he is open to the possibility of running for the seat of retiring Sen. Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.) in 2012. Arpaio, the conservative sheriff famous for his hard-line anti-immigration stances, made the remarks in light of a poll released Monday by Summit [...]

Giffords is seen as shoo-in for Kyl’s seat

John Kyl

By Valerie Richardson-The Washington Times Any discussion of who’s likely to succeed outgoing Sen. Jon Kyl of Arizona needs to factor in the following: If Rep. Gabrielle Giffords wants the seat, it’s hers. The three-term Democratic congresswoman explored the idea of running for the Senate seat in the event of Mr. Kyl‘s retirement before she [...]

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