Tea Party “kingmaker” DeMint focuses on Senate races
Activism Tuesday, January 17th, 2012Everybody was waiting for Jim DeMint. Mitt Romney had reason to hope the South Carolina senator would repeat his 2008 endorsement of his presidential bid.
Everybody was waiting for Jim DeMint. Mitt Romney had reason to hope the South Carolina senator would repeat his 2008 endorsement of his presidential bid.
BY JAMES ROSEN, MCCLATCHY NEWSPAPER -The Miami Herald WASHINGTON — Lawyers for the federal labor agency fighting Boeing’s new factory in North Charleston, N.C., repeatedly joked among themselves about the dispute and exchanged a political cartoon portraying S.C. Sen. Glenn McConnell as a crass-speaking confederate soldier, according to internal documents released Wednesday. The emails, memos [...]
By Associated Press, The Washington Post COLUMBIA, S.C. — Tea party favorite U.S. Sen. Jim DeMint says he won’t endorse a candidate in the 2012 presidential race, taking what could have been a huge bump in popularity off the table for candidates in early voting South Carolina. DeMint spokesman Wesley Denton on Monday confirmed a [...]
Sen. Jim DeMint is trying to stop the federal government from banning a popular over-the-counter asthma inhaler, introducing an amendment that would yank funding for the ban set to go into effect in January.
The debate over increasing the debt ceiling will show whether the Tea Party still has influence, Republican Sen. Jim DeMint (S.C.) said Monday.
Tea party kingmaker Senator Jim DeMint said he will use a new book about his lonely campaign to cut government spending and reduce the size of government as a tool to recruit more Americans to his cause.
With the economic recovery on life support, three Tea Party-backed senators are betting on gold to reverse the nation’s fortunes.
COLUMBIA, S.C. — As the Republican campaign to replace President Obama heats up in early-voting states like South Carolina, Sen. Jim DeMint is releasing a book discussing the roots of the tea party crusade and his hopes for the movement in 2012.
Conservative firebrand Sen. Jim DeMint has a message to fellow Republicans in Congress: If you support increasing the debt ceiling without first passing a balanced budget amendment and massive across-the-board spending cuts, you’re gone — destined to be swept out of Congress by a wave of voter anger.
Last week, rumors swirled that Sen. Jim DeMint of South Carolina could be a potential presidential candidate, and while that may no longer be the case, the conservative undoubtedly will play a leading role in the 2012 election cycle.
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