Gun Rights vs. States’ Rights

concealed handgun

Evidently, the House is likely to pass a bill that would require states to respect concealed-carry permits issued in other states — even if the traveler’s home state has very different criteria for awarding a permit.

Poll: Most oppose assault weapon ban

woman at shooting range

From A new poll indicates that more and more people now have guns in their homes, and that America’s attitude towards gun-control may be shifting. According to a new Gallup poll, 47 percent of Americans report having a gun on their property, up from 41 percent a year ago. It’s the highest number Gallup [...]

D.C. gun laws test tea party’s principles

DC logo

By The Washington Times The House Judiciary Committee’s decision last week to leave the District’s strict gun laws alone — at least for now — appears consistent with the tea party’s resistance to federal “tyranny” but at odds with the GOP-backed movement’s strict adherence to language in the Constitution. The Republican-controlled committee voted 24-3 last [...]

Calif. gov. enacts ban on open handgun carrying

Open carry

By Associated Press, SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Gov. Jerry Brown’s says he has signed a measure that bans the open carrying of handguns in California. The law, AB144, makes it a misdemeanor to carry an exposed and unloaded gun in a public place. The governor’s office made the announcement in a statement early Monday morning. [...]

Congress considers law allowing interstate travel with concealed guns

concealed carry

By Tom Ramstack – AHN News Washington, DC, United States (AHN) – Congress plans to hear testimony Tuesday on a bill that would allow licensed gun owners to carry their firearms across state lines without notifying anyone. Like other gun disputes, this one comes with heated opinions on both sides. Gun advocates, such as the [...]

Bellevue v. Bloomberg: NYC shootings another gun control failure

Michael Bloomberg

By Dave Workman, Seattle Gun Rights Examiner Labor Day weekend in New York City saw 46 people get shot, one of them fatally, and now the Bellevue-based Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms says the casualty count amounts to “a pitiful demonstration of the abject failure of Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s anti-gun [...]

Suits Push For Greater Gun Rights in Public

guns in public

We have to imagine that a time will come (maybe, let’s say, around the year 2150) when gun rights will be a settled legal issue in our country and there will be little to fight over.

Administration to propose steps on gun safety

2nd amendment rights

WASHINGTON (AP) — Six months after Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was shot, the White House is preparing to propose some new steps on gun safety, though they’re likely to fall short of the bold measures activists would like to see.

Gun-rights activists pack heat as form of protest in Pasadena


By Brian Charles, Staff Writer Posted: 04/21/2011 10:19:44 PM PDT | Pasadena Star-News PASADENA – Gun-rights advocates strolled through Old Pasadena on Thursday night strapped with unloaded guns to protest a firearms law proposed by state Assemblyman Anthony Portantino. The gun-toting protesters were from South Bay Open Carry, a gun-rights advocacy group. With .357s, Glocks [...]

Illinois House Approves Bill Keeping Names of Gun Owners Private

Gun lobby

By Judson Berger, The Illinois House has approved a bill that would keep private the names of state gun owners, as lawmakers battle to prevent the attorney general from opening up those files to the public. The bill passed Friday on a 98-12 vote and heads next to the Senate. It was drafted in [...]


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