Ron Paul, ACLU condemn Anwar al-Awlaki killing

Ron Paul & al-Awlaki

By Brian Montopoli, CBS News White House hopeful Ron Paul and the American Civil Liberties Union each condemned the United States’ killing of Anwar al-Awlaki, an American citizen who has never been charged with any crime. Paul, a staunch Libertarian, said in New Hampshire Friday that it’s “sad” if “the American people accept this blindly [...]

First Amendment victory for citizen journalists

Police officer Joseph Uhler

By Jason Stverak -The Washington Times In a landmark decision, a federal court ruled last week that recording public officials, including police officers, is protected by the First Amendment. This decision, which may outrage law enforcement officials and members of Congress, is one of the first federal court decisions that brings the First Amendment into [...]

ACLU warns Florida city about Christmas display


By Robert Nolin and Lisa J. Huriash, Sun Sentinel PLANTATION— Joseph, Mary and the Baby Jesus have no business posing in a public park — even if they’re accompanied by a Hanukkah menorah. “Inappropriate” is the word the Broward chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union uses to describe the holiday display planned for Liberty [...]

Fears mount about ‘Big Brother’ database in Massachusetts

Massachusetts police

Civil libertarians are raising the alarm over the state’s plans to create a Big Brother database that could map drivers’ whereabouts with police cruiser-mounted scanners that capture thousands of license plates per hour — storing that information indefinitely where local cops, staties, feds and prosecutors could access it as they choose.

Unlikely pair ACLU, tea party win free speech case

North County Tea Party

REDDING, Calif. (AP) — A pair of unlikely political allies has succeeded in sinking an ordinance that restricted when and where pamphlets could be handed out in front of a Northern California city library.

FBI Agents Now Allowed to Investigate Anyone Without Evidence of a Crime


The FBI has now given agents the authority to snoop on anyone, for any reason, even without evidence of criminal activity.

Iris Scanning: The Best Security Tool You Won’t Find at U.S. Airports

Iris Scanning

The best security technology available that would give the TSA an alternative controversial body scanners is already in use worldwide — just not here in the U.S.

Domestic ‘sneak and peek’ raids spike

Home search in progress

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — A special type of government search warrant that allows authorities to search homes without informing the owner for months is becoming more common, Target 7 has learned.

ACLU, tea party unite in Northern California over free speech

John Oertel and Don Yost - Redding ACLU activists

SAN FRANCISCO — A free-speech dispute in a Northern California city has forged an unlikely alliance between two strange political bedfellows: the regional chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union and a local tea party group.

Michigan State Police reply to ACLU about cell phone data extraction devices


The Michigan State Police do not seem to appreciate the publicity raining down on it over Fourth Amendment rights and its use of Universal Forensic Extraction Devices (UFED) which can extract data off 95% of cell phones on the market. The ACLU was quoted a half million dollars as the cost of documents associated with a FOIA request. I reported on it last week as State Police can suck data out of cell phones in under two minutes.


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