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Border fence bill alive in Mississippi Legislature

Border fence

From SunHerald.com JACKSON, Miss. — A bill to help fund a border fence between the United States and Mexico is still alive in the Mississippi Legislature. Senate Judiciary A Committee Chairman Joey Fillingane said earlier this week that he didn’t plan to bring the bill up for a vote in his committee because the measure [...]

Global warming advocates suggest a tax on milk and meats

Dairy cows

By Kenneth Schortgen Jr, Washington Examiner A new study published in the journal, Climate Change, suggested that the world should impose a new tax on milk and meats to stem the growth of global warming. In a Discovery News article from Monday, the authors of the study believe that imposing a tax on foodstuffs will [...]

Florida Governor Hits Road to Sell His Budget Overhaul

Rick Scott

By ARIAN CAMPO-FLORES, The Wall Street Journal LEESBURG, Fla.—Gov. Rick Scott is crisscrossing Florida this week, offering glimpses of what he says will be one of the nation’s most fiscally conservative budget proposals this year. In his push to close a $3.6 billion budget deficit and make good on his promise to create 700,000 private-sector [...]

Senate defeats Republican-led health-care repeal effort


By Felicia Sonmez, The Washington Post The Senate on Wednesday defeated a Republican-led effort to repeal the entire national health-care overhaul, with lawmakers voting strictly along party lines. The decision underscores the hurdle that the GOP faces in that Democratic-majority chamber as it tries to overturn the law. All 50 Senate Democrats present and one [...]

Could the Supreme Court decide the 2012 elections?

Supreme Court

BY ED MORRISSEY, HOT AIR The working title for my column at The Week, which appeared late yesterday, wondered whether Barack Obama would have political severability from ObamaCare if the Supreme Court grabbed the case early and overturned the PPACA. The editors made a wise change, because the impact of an early review ahead of [...]

Tea Party congressman clashes over Islam at town hall

Allen West

By Jim Acosta and Evan Glass, CNN Boynton Beach, Florida (CNN) — Freshman Republican Congressman Allen West clashed with an advocate for Muslim-American civil rights at a sometimes-rowdy town hall meeting Monday night. The tense exchange drew boos from a standing room only, largely Republican crowd. The confrontation came as West, an Iraq War veteran who was [...]

Tea Party activist: Conservatives will back Allen alternative in Va. primary


By Shane D’Aprile, The Hill Virginia Tea Party activist and U.S. Senate candidate Jamie Radtke says she’s confident conservatives in her state will unite behind an alternative to former Sen. George Allen (R-Va.) ahead of next year’s Senate primary. Aside from Allen, Radtke is the only other Republican already in the race for Sen. Jim [...]

Maddow Falls for Internet Hoax

From FOX Nation, by John Hudson, The Atlantic Wire WASHINGTON, DC – The Internet’s finest satirists snookered a big fish in the media world last night. In an embarrassing segment on her MSNBC show, Rachel Maddow slammed conservatives for attacking President Obama’s Egypt policies. Her targets included Kentucky Senator Rand Paul, former ambassador to the [...]

Reagan’s 100th wins a gala for the Gipper

The Gipper

By Valerie Richardson-The Washington Times SIMI VALLEY, Calif. | Ronald Reagan loved birthdays. He kept a chocolate cake aboard Air Force One at all times just in case someone on the flight happened to be celebrating another year. Don’t believe it? There’s a replica of the cake inside the Boeing 707 that served as Reagan’s [...]

New chief of staff: More cuts could be needed beyond freeze

William Daley

The White House acknowledges that more cuts are needed beyond the spending freeze President Obama proposed, chief of staff William Daley said Sunday.

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