Tea party: Romney most electable; Paul best president
Activism, Breaking News, Headlines Thursday, January 26th, 2012
FORT WALTON BEACH — Mitt Romney is a close first choice to be the Republican presidential nominee for some 75 Fort Walton Beach Tea Party members.
They also said Romney was the most electable candidate, despite their belief that U.S. Rep. Ron Paul would be the best president, according to a recent straw poll.
“This is good news,” said former Florida House Speaker Allan Bense, who drove from his home in Panama City to speak on Romney’s behalf Tuesday night at American Legion Post 235 in Fort Walton Beach.
“Mitt Romney won. He’s not supposed to win,” Bense said.
Indeed, Romney would hardly seem the GOP choice in conservative Okaloosa County.
Newt Gingrich, the darling of conservative voters at the moment, had handily won straw polls conducted by other county tea party organizations, said Fort Walton Beach member Tom Nelson.
Nelson attributed Tuesday’s interesting developments to the infiltration by about 15 libertarian Ron Paul supporters.
“When you advertise things like this, the libertarians come out,” Nelson said. “I expected them to go to Romney instead of anybody else. They influenced Romney’s numbers because they see him as most electable.”
To read more, visit: http://www.nwfdailynews.com/news/most-46979-tea-party.html
Short URL: https://reteaparty.com/?p=5800
“Infiltrated?”. WTF!
I’m sorry a young voter such as myself who is passionate about an honest man, Ron Paul, came out and “infiltrated” your meeting to support the corrupt. I was unaware I was not invited, since I support Ron Paul. Oh wait, it’s because your candidates don’t stand for freedom like my candidate does.
Why isn’t anyone behind Santorum? He is by far the most conservative.
Ah but the polls testing the GOP candidates vs. Barrack Obama show Paul and Romney consistently competitive with the president whereas Santorum and Gingrich lag woefully behind.
Is this a JOKE ! ?!?!
Paul has all the Libertaian, Constitutional, Independents, and Defecting
Democrat Votes !…..
Did every one forget 2008 ? When McCain came BEGGING Paul to endorse him, and Paul said he could not support some one who breaks the Constitution as McCain was stating he would !…
No matter what the media wants you to believe, It’s already a two-man race.
Of the 2,286 total Republican delegates, 1,144 are needed to win nomination.
In five (5) States: Virginia, Missouri, Ohio, Tennessee and Illinois, Gingrich and Santorum are not even on the ballot. That’s 564 delegates that they cannot get.
After South Carolina, only 59 delegates have been allocated to the 4 candidates. Mitt Romney has 39 of those. This means Santorum or Gingrich has to pick up 1,144 delegates from the remaining 1,683.
Let’s say that Paul only picks up 20% of the total number of delegates–I happen to believe he will do much better–but let’s pick 20%. That’s 457 delegates for Paul. Add that to the 564 that Newt and Santorum won’t have a shot at and now there are 1,021 delegates that Santorum and Gingrich have no chance of getting. Subtract that 1,021 from the total 2,286 and you’re left with 1,265 delegates. That means that Gingrich and Santorum, one or the other, have to pick up over 90% of the available delegates to get the nomination. So, essentially, we’re down to Paul and Romney.
A vote for Gingrich and Santorum is a wasted vote!
A vote for Paul is not a wasted vote and may well mean that the next President of the United States will be a man that, for the last 30 years, has never broken a promise, compromised his principles or waffled his position on an issue. A man that still believes that the Constitution of the United States is THE law of the land and that the protection of our individual liberties is the primary reason for the Federal government.
Unfortunately, Ron Paul isn’t handsome, witty, or charming. He’s just a plain-spoken, honest statesman, who wants to take over government and use its great power–to leave us alone. Americans are exceptionally superficial when it comes to electing their leaders: They want smooth-talking hucksters and rockstars. I think the majority would rather believe the prosperity they enjoy comes from the government, not from its people, because they know deep-down they are incapable of producing or contributing anything worthwhile. Let them keep their Obamas and Romneys: The American people deserve them, not Ron Paul.
It’s like Jon Stewart said when he had Ron Paul on his show in 2007: “You seem to have consistent, principled integrity…….Americans don’t usually go for that.”
When they DO decide to go for that..there will be but one choice.
HIs wit was on fire last night, saying to put politicians on the moon and the way he got Wolf to bow his head when he reminded him there were age discrimination laws. He has more like that, the sheeple will come around.
Love the post! Wish more people would understand the importance of your last paragraph.
Ron Paul is our last chance for a non- bought politician to be our president.
More True Conservative Candidates must be elected.
Both party “leaderships” have been partners in the Int’l Banker’s NWO Agenda
Both parties have promoted – NWO Fascism/Warfare & NWO Socialism
Both parties have been partners in working for the PRIVATE Federal Reserve Bankers. “OUR” Government bailed the Banksters out, and left the citizens holding the bag again.
Gingrich has his fellow CFR members campaigning for him, as well as the CFR media. Romney has Goldman Sachs and Wall Street financing his campaign. Wall Street and the CFR media back Obama also. The set-up will be in place again, if Dr. Ron Paul is eliminated. The CFR media (FAUX,CNN,CBS.NBC, and ABC are doing all they can to hold Ron down. Just go to Youtube to see the prejudice against him. The owned media, with their talking heads, are full partners in our nation’s destruction, via the subservience to private FED RES/Banksters.
Your analysis of the numbers if very intriguing. It’s rather interesting that Santorum and Gingrich are even running at all still considering they have, what appears to be, a snowballs chance in hell at winning the nomination. At least if we go by numbers/facts.
I have a strong hunch you are probably right – this is a two man race right now and Santorum/Gingrich just don’t quite know it yet.
I wonder if the Romney campaign knows this? I imagine they must since they have hardly touched Ron Paul. My best guess is that Romney will likely invite Ron Paul to be a running mate as he knows that without the Youth/Independent Vote that Ron Paul commands – Romney can’t take the White House.
All the candidates know this. The media knows this. The only group that does not know this is the unwashed masses.
Rick Santorum will continue for exposure and also for a possible VP nod if he continues to gain support. Gingrich is in this to either a) force a brokered convention, or b) stop the momentum from Paul. In a two-way race between Paul and Romeny, Paul would eventually come out victorious. The other two candidates presence ensures a brokered convention, which is exactly what the GOP wants given its hand at this juncture.
If this story is true, shame on the “Tea Party” of Florida. They are saying
they would rather vote for a double talking establishment Republican liar
like Romney, when they know that Rep Dr. Ron Paul is the man to be pres..
What’s the matter the “Tea Party” in Florida has no princples! They’d rather
put a corrupt man in the white house instead of a man they know would be rh bestPres.!
Their findings are also not without a large degree of irony. Paul is actually the most electable. This is a carefully guarded secret among those in the know. Though inconvenient, for sure, every serious analyst quietly understands this. Apparently the best strategy at present is to simply deny it.
Paul garners huge support from a growing sect of 2008 disillusioned Obama voters — roughly 20% (see BlueRepublicans.org). Paul is the only GOP candidate with energetic grassroots support and ground organization. Paul is is the only GOP canditate with overwhelming and ever-swelling support from voters 18-35. Paul is more popular with the Independent vote than Obama. In short, Ron Paul is to a growing sect of the younger population what the Beatles were to teenagers circa 1962. The GOP and the politcal establishment at large are despirately trying to keep a lid on these facts.
In a general election, if Ron Paul could maintain as little as 60% of the conserative vote, he will will the election. I find it hard to believe that at least 90% of GOP would not vote Paul over Obama, regardless of their displeasure with his foreign policy.
It is not surprise to many. The Tea Party has been hijacked by the Neo Cons some time ago.
Stealing this:
No matter what the media wants you to believe, It’s already a two-man race.
Of the 2,286 total Republican delegates, 1,144 are needed to win nomination.
In five (5) States: Virginia, Missouri, Ohio, Tennessee and Illinois, Gingrich and Santorum are not even on the ballot. That’s 564 delegates that they cannot get.
After South Carolina, only 59 delegates have been allocated to the 4 candidates. Mitt Romney has 39 of those. This means Santorum or Gingrich has to pick up 1,144 delegates from the remaining 1,683.
Let’s say that Paul only picks up 20% of the total number of delegates–I happen to believe he will do much better–but let’s pick 20%. That’s 457 delegates for Paul. Add that to the 564 that Newt and Santorum won’t have a shot at and now there are 1,021 delegates that Santorum and Gingrich have no chance of getting. Subtract that 1,021 from the total 2,286 and you’re left with 1,265 delegates. That means that Gingrich and Santorum, one or the other, have to pick up over 90% of the available delegates to get the nomination. So, essentially, we’re down to Paul and Romney.
A vote for Gingrich and Santorum is a wasted vote!
A vote for Paul is not a wasted vote and may well mean that the next President of the United States will be a man that, for the last 30 years, has never broken a promise, compromised his principles or waffled his position on an issue. A man that still believes that the Constitution of the United States is THE law of the land and that the protection of our individual liberties is the primary reason for the Federal government.”
Ron Paul is our last chance for a non bought politician to be our president.
More True Conservative Candidates must be elected.
Both party “leaderships” have been partners in the Int’l Banker’s NWO Agenda
Both parties have promoted – NWO Fascism/Warfare & NWO Socialism
Both parties have been partners in working for the PRIVATE Federal Reserve Bankers. “OUR” Government bailed the Banksters out, and left the citizens holding the bag.
Gingrich has his fellow CFR members campaigning for him, as well as the CFR media. Romney has Goldman Sachs and wall street financing his campaign. All of the above back CFR Obama also. The set-up is in place again if Dr. Paul can be eliminated. The CFR media (FAUX,CNN,CBS.NBC, and ABC are doing all they can to hold Ron down. Just go to Youtube to see the prejudice against him. The owned media, partners in our nations destruction, are despicable.
Mitt Romney is one of the most qualified people to ever to run for the Presidency. He has a proven record of success. He is accomplished in the private sector, the public sector and with NGOs. He has mastered them all.
He created thousands of jobs as a venture capitalist CEO of Bain Capital creating businesses such as Staples Office Supply, Sealy Mattress Company and, yes, Domino Pizza Chain. He was successful in rebuilding the 2002 Winter Olympics from a disaster of international financial corruption and drug abuse into a clean organization that attracted sponsors. He got the Olympic Committee out of $100 million in debt to about $200 million in profits. He was successful in Massachusetts reducing the state’s unemployment rate from 5.6% to 4.5%, reducing the states $3 billion deficit and requiring people who could afford it to buy health insurance so they didn’t sponge off the state in Emergency rooms.
No other candidate for President is as well qualified as Mitt Romney. Especially not Obama who had no record at all.
Who out there can see the Election Fix/Set-UP?
The same old tactic is used every four years. The owned media and party “leaderships”, owned by the same people; ensure that both parties give the masters an acceptable candidate on both tickets. Both candidates are so hated by the other party; that very many people hold their nose and vote for “the lesser of two evils” . They bought into the – “no one else can win” scam. The money and owned media made sure that all other parties were eliminated.
Mitt is heavily backed by Wall Street and goldman Sachs in particular. do you want business as usual? if not, wake up and vote Ron Paul
Mitt Romney has the credentials, but no soul and no convictions. If I just wanted someone to come in and manage our govt. by continuing the status quo I would have no problem voting for Romney. However, this country needs serious change and putting off change is not an option IMO. Ron Paul is the only person that is offering the needed change. Everyone else is bought and paid for, only RP tells the truth and abides by the constitution.
Does the TEA party know about what Mitt Romney has supported? If so, why are they supporting him? Here is a list of some of them:
From http://godfatherpolitics.com/3369/is-mitt-romney-a-fiscal-and-social-liberal/
posted on January 26, 2012 by Steven F. Hotze, M.D.\
Is Mitt Romney a Fiscal and Social Liberal?
Here is his record:
Unilaterally, illegally and unconstitutionally instituted same-sex “marriage” falsely claiming the “court ordered him to.”
• Signed the forerunner to Obamacare (Romneycare) into law which includes $50 tax-subsidized elective surgical abortions including late-term abortions into law (3 years AFTER his fake “pro-life conversion”).
• Boosted funding for homosexual “education” starting in kindergarten.
• Opposes a ban on homosexual scoutmasters.
• Promised the homosexual Republican “Log Cabin Republicans” he wouldn’t oppose “gay marriage” in return for their endorsement.
• Instituted a quasi-socialist healthcare plan endorsed by Hillary Clinton, Teddy Kennedy and Planned Parenthood that destroyed the Massachusetts’ economy.
• Forced Catholic Charities, the nation’s #1 adoption and foster care service to place children with same sex couples even though he was under no legal obligation to do so as even former Governor Michael Dukakis has acknowledged.
• Increased taxes and fees by close to a billion dollars which destroyed the Massachusetts’ economy and opposed the Bush Tax Cuts.
• Voted # 8 RINO by Human Events.
• Passed over Republican lawyers for three quarters of the 36 judicial vacancies he faced and nominated 2 open homosexuals.
• Criticized Joint Chiefs of Staff, Peter Pace for saying that homosexual acts were “immoral.”
• Supports passage at the state level of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act which would force churches and other religious organizations to hire homosexuals and transvestites or face criminal fines and prosecution.
• Romney supported McCain-Feingold “campaign finance reform”, McCain-Kennedy “comprehensive immigration reform” (i.e. amnesty), and parts of the McCain-Lieberman “carbon cap and trade” bill and opposed the Bush Tax Cuts.
I’m voting for Liberty…Ron Paul 2012.
Ron Paul ~ Deliverer of Freedom!
As far as Ron Paul being the “best President” Idon’t know where the logic of that is coming from. Many of his ideas are good, but his belief that abortion should be left up to the states is naive! Many states like New York, Colorado, Hawaii and others would never reverse “Roe v Wade”! Pauls theory on Iran is DANGEROUSLY NAIVE! Comparing Iran a country of peole that would strap bombs to their own children to kill innocent children, to the USSR is the height of bad judgement! America has gone Isolationist in the past and it nettted us the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor. The only thing that protects America is a strong military, because many of these dictatorships only respect strength!
why have taxes become a litmus test of a candidate’s morality?