Rand Paul detained by TSA
Breaking News, Headlines, Liberty Monday, January 23rd, 2012By TIM MAK | Politico
Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul was detained Monday by the Transportation Security Administration in Nashville, Tenn., after refusing a full body pat-down, POLITICO has confirmed.
“I spoke with him five minutes ago and he was being detained indefinitely,” Paul spokesperson Moira Bagley said. “The image scan went off; he refused patdown.”
Paul’s father, Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas), tweeted out news of the incident, saying that there had been an “anomaly” with a body scanner.
“My son @SenRandPaul being detained by TSA for refusing full body pat-down after anomaly in body scanner in Nashville. More details coming,” wrote the authenticated Twitter account of presidential candidate Ron Paul.
The TSA disputed this characterization of the incident.
The Kentucky senator triggered an alarm during routine airport screening and declined to finish the process, said a TSA official, but was “not detained at any point.” A targeted pat-down is usually used to address the alarm.
“Passengers, as in this case, who refuse to comply with security procedures are denied access to the secure gate area. He was escorted out of the screening area by local law enforcement,” the official said.
To read more, visit: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0112/71818.html
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Yep, This is what the STATUS QUO GOP wanted !
We better start supporting Ron Paul 110% or we will lose more
if not all of our Constitutional Rights !
Really? You think the GOP wants pat downs and body scans? Then why the heck isn’t the Golfer-in-Chief doing something about it?
Of COURSE they want it. They make money off this scam!
I found out that if you accidentally touch the cancer enhancer when you are going through, the alarm goes off. They will not let you do it over, just “assume the position”.
Isn’t getting xrayed and having an image of your naked body stored forever on their computers enough for them?
maybe Rand can get the law changed for all of us so we can fly again!!!!
Ths is not about security, ths is because he is the son of the actual front runner, I bet that mean ol Sen. had big ol Bx cutter in his pocket
He is a senator and his father is not the front runner. I am not a full time Ron Paul fan. He is right about 60% of the time and I wish the others would adopt that 60%. The other 40% he sounds like an uninformed rube.
The TSA should be ruled illegal by the Supremes and disbanded. Each airline should be made legally liable for security. They are private businesses and should not be required to board anyone they don’t want to serve, subject to anti discrimination laws. The TSA is a government agency and violates the 4th amendment every day with every passenger. (warrantless searches and taking anything of yours they personally don’t want you to take on board)
Paul’s ideology is consistent. The 60% you like is because he follows the constitution. The 40% you DON’T like is because he follows the constitution.
You don’t get to disregard the constitution when it “makes sense”. There will always be “sensable” reasons to do so. You follow the constitution at all times, and especially when it would seem easier to suspend adherance.
The things you don’t like about Paul (I’m assuming it’s foreign policy) are issues where he has taken a hard stance to adhere diligently to the founding document. Is it dangerous? Perhaps. Will American individuals and companies have to take responsibility for their own safety? Yes.
And that is the price of liberty: personal responsibility.
Thanks for “convieniantly” not posting the 40% that Ron Paul is wrong about ?
Since he is right off the pages of our Constitution , I guess it’s 40% wrong too ?
The second time he went thru they knew who who he was and the false positive alarm was not instituted, but they had already staked out a position so they kept him off his flight. No wonder people like me hates the TSA law.
They should be disbanded and all security left up to each airline with legal liability if they screw up.
Why does the headline say he was “detained” when he was not? He refused to go through the procedures “unimportant” people must endure so they turned him away. Rand & Ron are insane ideologues on economics. See what they don’t understand at ‘Free Market’ Fundamentalism on my site.
It seems to me that we have only two choices in the upcoming elections: Either vote for Ron Paul, or vote for business as usual…
TSA seems to be above the laws of this once Great Nation. This is just them abusing their power over us mere citizens…
I haven’t flown since the first pat down and it has only become worse with time.
Interesting how words are being redefined for the last decade.
Define “is” started it off with Bill Clinton.
(Although the games with word meanings in the Constitution have been going on 200 years!)
Mark to market is now “not fair” and value is whaever the banks say.
Countries now longer default when they do not pay if it was “voluntary” thus no need to pay off $200 trillion in derivative / insurance.
Now detained does not mean “being taken away by the police” when one wants to go elsewhere.
1984 had NOTHING on 2012. Orwell was an optimist.
The TSA just needs to be dismantled, just another failed government program which has grown by leaps and bounds since inception. I’ve refused to fly since the pat downs ensued. The other stuff was bad enough, but when the pat downs started that was my line in the sand. Unfortunately we now know TSA is stopping people on roads in Tennessee and have the ability to stop people on trains, buses, cars, ports and even sporting events. Google VIPR.