Cain To Give Tea Party SOTU Response

By Kevin Liptak, CNN

The Tea Party Express announced Thursday it would again provide its own response to President Barack Obama’s State of the Union address, this year with former presidential candidate Herman Cain as the headliner.

Cain, who dropped out of the 2012 race in December, will deliver the rebuttal to Obama January 24.

Traditionally, a single member of the opposing party has delivered a response to the president’s annual address. House Speaker John Boehner named Republican Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels as the official Republican responder Thursday. The Tea Party Express said in a statement they weren’t trying to undercut Daniels, but rather offer another conservative viewpoint.

“We are enthusiastic that a successful conservative governor like Mitch Daniels of Indiana will be giving the Republican response,” Sal Russo, chief strategist of the Tea Party Express, said in a statement. “I know that both Governor Daniels and Mr. Cain will contribute important ideas for the future of our country.”

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2 Comments for “Cain To Give Tea Party SOTU Response”

  1. Doesn’t matter to me, I won’t be watching any of it. The rhetoric is not worth listening to, the actions are more important. And too often the actions are just the opposite of the high-minded rhetoric from so-called conservatives. The only thing that is going to matter is whether the government is limited to the explicit authorizations of the Constitution, and bound down by the chains of that authority or whether the Constitution is ignored by both sides of the political spectrum in an effort to impose differing ideas of what should be done by government instead of getting personal ideology out of the way and leaving liberties intact.

  2. The “Tea party Express” Is NOT the TEA party !!! They are a Pseudo-Tea party that continues to endorse tax and spend Neo-cons !

    RON PAUL 2012-2020


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