Mitt Romney drives a wedge into the tea party

By Mark Z. Barabak, Los Angeles Times

Reporting from Columbia, S.C.— Karen Martin was one of the original tea partyers in a state that helped birth the movement. One of her biggest achievements was helping Nikki Haley beat the old-boy network to become governor.

So when Haley threw her support behind Mitt Romney’s presidential bid, Martin, like many tea party activists, was not at all pleased. She has two political priorities: beating President Obama and making sure someone other than Romney faces him in November.

“I want someone with a core of conservative values that have stayed the same all along,” said Martin, a tea party leader in Spartanburg County, who will support Newt Gingrich Saturday in the first Southern primary.

South Carolina was a hotbed of conservative insurgency in 2010, electing Haley, sweeping other tea party favorites into statewide and local offices and sending several acolytes to Congress. Yet by endorsing Romney, Haley has underscored a schism that has emerged within the fledging movement, between some who are embracing the political system — and the compromise it sometimes requires — and others who are still fighting it.

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6 Comments for “Mitt Romney drives a wedge into the tea party”

  1. Why would any REAL Tea Party Group even care about a Status Quo
    corrupt Politicians like Romney ?

    Ron Paul is the only one who is for Small Government and following
    the constitution !

    As for Romney:
    He’s the only guy who debate himself !

    • John,
      I agree. Dr. Paul is the only constitutional conservative and a real Tea Party member would support him.

  2. “core of conservative values that have stayed the same all along” All I can say is maybe Ms. Martin needs to do a little more research on Gingrich. He helped President Carter start the Dept. of Ed in ’79; he was for NAFTA, GATT and WTO; he supports an individual healthcare mandate; believes the government should create a program of carbon tax credits, (sounds just like cap and trade); he went along with the bailout of the Mexican peso under Clinton; said he would vote for TARP, supports the Brady National Gun Registry, a national biometric thumbprint database for gun purchasers, the Lautenberg Gun Ban and Criminal Safezones Act. To date he has refused to return the National Association for Gun Rights Presidential Survey in support of 2nd Amendment Rights. Then there is the $300,000 fine imposed on him for ethics violations while he was House Speaker. Conservative values? Newt is a great debater, I will give him that.

  3. Martin thinks Gingrich is the answer? What is she doing, just trusting what he says? If she hasn’t investigated his voting record and advocacy record then she’s got blinders on big time. Maybe she’s angling to be wife number four.

    No tea party member is going to laud FDR the way Newt does. No conservative will be OK with Newt’s long-time progressive streak or his long association with the Council on Foreign Relations. The man is an ideological monster from the tea party perspective.

  4. RON PAUL and ONLY RON PAUL 2012-2020

  5. Yep, Ron Paul or none at all! I couldn’t stomach voting for Romney, Gingrich or Santorum. They are all big government, big spenders. Enough already!


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