New York Moves to Deploy Body Scanners on Street in Search for Guns

By: Kurt Nimmo,

NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly told CBS in New York his department is looking to deploy Terahertz Imaging Detection scanners on the street in the war on “illegal guns.”

Kelly said the scanners would be used in “reasonably suspicious circumstances” and intended to cut down on the number of stop-and-frisks on the street. So called stop-and-frisks are considered a violation of the Fourth Amendment.

New York City is largely a Second Amendment free zone. The city’s mayor, Michael Bloomberg, has said that citizens “acting outside of any governmental military effort” should not be allowed to protect themselves with firearms.

“The NYPD and Department of Defense are working together testing Terahertz Imaging Detection, a new way to get concealed illegal weapons off the streets,” CBS reports. Terahertz Imaging Detection measures energy radiating from the body up to 16 feet away and can detect anything blocking it.

The ACLU and civil libertarians oppose the effort to use the technology on the street. “It’s worrisome. It implicates privacy, the right to walk down the street without being subjected to a virtual pat-down by the Police Department when you’re doing nothing wrong,” the NYCLU’s Donna Lieberman said.

In addition to violating the Fourth Amendment, the proposed technology would subject citizens to a documented health risk – the destruction of DNA.

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3 Comments for “New York Moves to Deploy Body Scanners on Street in Search for Guns”

  1. Bloomberg and his neo-fascists infesting the NYPD have stepped up the war against The People’s right to defend themselves. New Yorkers have been so utterly brainwashed by the left, they don’t even know that they have any rights; and nor to they care. This is why corrupt, Police-State politicians continue to rule us.

  2. Why would someone who is worth $19.5 billion want to be a mayor?

  3. Of course if you are a minority and get caught, you can plead to littering and get a fine you don”t have to pay, if you’re not, you’re in serious trouble.


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