What does Ron Paul want?
Activism, Breaking News, Headlines Saturday, January 14th, 2012By Josh Lederman, TheHill.com
Ron Paul is on track to end the GOP presidential race in second place. But his refusal to directly take on the man who’s ahead of him — Mitt Romney — has Republicans wondering: What does Ron Paul want?
Paul has already ruled out a return to the House if he loses the race for the Republican nomination. And at 76, Paul can be ruled out for another presidential bid in the future.
That has left some in the GOP fearful that with nothing to lose if and when he exits the race, he could lambast the party and Romney for choosing moderation over true conservative principles.
The Texan has made a habit of voting against legislation supported by his party in Congress, making clear that his allegiance is to his issues — civil liberty, fiscal conservatism and limited government — and not to the Republican Party.
Even worse for Republicans, Paul could launch a third-party campaign for president, which would likely result in siphoning off votes from the GOP nominee and handing Obama a second term.
“I’m asked this all the time and every time my answer is the same. I have no plans on running as a third party,” Paul said on Saturday during a debate in Manchester, N.H.
To read more, visit: http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/gop-presidential-primary/204165-republicans-ask-what-does-ron-paul-want
Short URL: https://reteaparty.com/?p=5557
He has every rite to do whatever he wants given the way the RINO GOP has spit on the Constitution at every turn and left him and We The People to be used as pawns for their corrupt global agenda benefiting the banking and
corporate parasites.
Well said!!! To the banking and corporate parasites we must not leave out Big Labor and the greatest special interest of them all: Government/Public employees Unions!
Get a grip.
I guess you can’t figure this out, Josh. Here goes for ya?
That’s all.
Right now, he’s letting Gingrinch, Sanitorium, et al, spend their $ knocking Romboid & vice versa. Then, while they’re all dazed & bleeding, he’ll scoop up the votes.
Did you see where Ron came in SECOND in both primaries in NH??
Yes, he was second to Obomb’em with the democrats.
He’s the ONLY candidate with this kind of electability!
We want Ron Paul to be president…Republican or not. The Republicans for the last 40 years are no different than the Democrats when it comes to increasing the size of the Federal govt or when it comes to stealing our personal liberty..not to mention both support the criminal org. called the Federal Reserve System. The Tea Party has lost its way – they should support ideals not Parties!
Mikey, I couldn’t say it any better. Right on MAN.
You have the audacity to label this “Tea Party” which has so many diverse members that no one can really “claim” to have the sole support of tea party people. Also, the first blogger put it quite well. I thought the GOP was supposed to stand for all the issues you listed Ron Paul being for: liberty, fiscal conservatism, and limited government….what are you saying the Republican party stands for now if not the above??? GOP should stand for GRAND OLD PRINCIPLES! Lets get back to them and that is what Paul wants and is trying to do. That is why so many are jumping ship and going to his side. I hope he surprises everyone and wins the nomination. No name on this article that SUPPOSEDLY represents tea party and Republicans. What a farce! This article scares me, yet with your mindset, it is exactly why this country is in trouble!
Perhaps Dr. Paul is actually the only Republican candidate, who cares about
America. The others will, in all likelihood, just move on after the nomination
process and be content to bad-mouth Obama, write a book or two and be paid
huge amounts of money for speaking engagements.
The verbal cannabilism amongst this useles bunch of Republicans only serves
(sadly) to ensure the re-election of the president.
Good luck, America.
He wants us to wake up and get back to the Constitution and he wants the GOP nomination. Seems pretty simple to me.
Audit the fed, support HR 459 Paul
As a true American and original purpose of the Tea Party member – It is Ron Paul all the way!
While we are at it: Oppose passage of the united states Senate Bill S. 1867 , get the word out, look up this Bill and see how horrible it is for America. Please let your representatives know that you want them to reject it.
Absolutely correct .
Unless Paul is the nominee, which looks unlikely because of the idiocy of the War party, Obama will win again. The numbers are just not there. The R party continues to lose voters – the new voters that Paul is bringing in are a new breed. They have this “insane” thought process that they just have to vote on principle – something most everyone BUT Paul has forgotten about in Washington. So they will vote on principle in November for someone who shares their beliefs that the country is in serious trouble and their beliefs that Romney, Obama, Gingrich, Perry and Santorum are all the same. They will be voting for the Libertarian or Constitution Party candidates. –And Obama will win again. To the War party – you screwed us with McCain. We will not be led down that path again! NO MORE will we vote the lesser of the evils. Unless we want the GOP to go the way of the wooly mammoth, we must wake up and VOTE FOR RON PAUL in the primary to wrestle our party back from the establishment!
As a central committee member in the R party, I can tell you we are in a battle for this country at the party level. Almost everyone in our central committee of 35 people is over 60 years old and support Romney, Gingrich, Perry and Santorum, except 7 of us (including me). YES, we have hope. Many of them will be gone in a few years. Guess whose supporters are running for the open committee positions and challenging the old guard for their positions? If we do not win this election, then we will win the next, because Romney cannot beat Obama – how many independents and Democrats is he bringing into the party? This will be Ron Paul’s last election, but WE in this LIBERTY movement are here to stay and take back our party. We will win this, but will there be anything left?
What do we want – we want to win! Your support NOW to save the people from its government and the Obama regime is greatly appreciated.
“The Texan has made a habit of voting against legislation supported by his party in Congress, making clear that his allegiance is to his issues — civil liberty, fiscal conservatism and limited government — and not to the Republican Party.”
Forgive me for not understanding this.. Is there something wrong with what Ron Paul is standing for? I thought this was what the Republican Party also stood for. You wonder why the people like Ron Paul…this is exactly the reason…he is not a sell-out. Also, his allegiance is not to ‘his issues’ … it’s much larger than that, namely the founding fathers issues…freedom for the people and abusive government control. FYI I supported Herman Cain until he dropped out. Then I began to listen more closely to what Ron Paul was saying, having NEVER listened to him before. I found out something…I liked what he said. Then I discovered I had been believing what talking-heads TOLD me to believe. Imagine my surprise to discover he was saying the opposite of what the media have been spouting off …all these years. Better late than never.
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! Well said! And you just saw the light! Amazing. BTW, I have been a Ron Paul supporter since I first heard about him back in the mid 1970′s, when National Taxpayer’s Union published a picture of Constitutionalist Ron Paul’s humble Chevette parked next to then Speaker of the House Tip O’Neill’s huge stretch limo. Ron Paul was not on the take back then, and he hasn’t ever been.
Most importantly, from what you said, it is critical that people see the media as the propaganda machine it is, see with their own eyes and think with their own minds.
Would serve all the idiot republicans (who still haven’t figured out how google works) right. Id love him to run third party! Obama=Communist Romney = Fascist and Ron Paul = free market capitalist. We no longer have to vote for the less of 2 evils.
What does Ron Paul want? He wants the same thing I want! He wants to save the Republic! He wants the nomination to be the candidate for the Republican Party! And if Obama is reelected it will be because so many “conservatives” just “don’t get it!” Dear God, please give us Dr. Paul for President!
Libert101: Right on, I couldn’t have said it better.
I am a 25yr Republican and I will vote for no one but Ron Paul. I will never again vote the lesser of 2 evils.
It’s not about party, it’s about saving America!
Ron Paul 2012 or bust.
I listen to every speech he gives, donate money, read all of his books, spend every spare moment on the many websites devoted to his message of sound money, individual and economic liberty and forcing the national government back into its Constitutional corral because for the first time in my life on this planet, we have a social conservative, pro-life Christian man, who has educated me on what liberty is and how it is the job of the POTUS, not to create jobs, but to defend the liberty of the people against the powerful elite running a feverish campaign against the forces of the NWO to become the next President of the United States. Now, that his support is actually SURGING as Americans learn the truth about him via the Internet (as the MSM is trying to stop him) these lies remain: 1) that he is somehow weak on defending our country from attacks from abroad or within and 2) that he’s not really serious about actually winning the Presidency! Let me put this rumor to rest on this forum once and for all! He wants to be the President and the people of the US, once they hear the truth, will want him too! So, start listening to his videos, reading his books and prepare to get behind him and save our liberty!! Amen?
While Ron Paul works to steer America towards the Constitution and away from disaster, RE Tea Party looks for ulterior motives. Oh! It must be something dastardly!
“The Texan has made a habit of voting against legislation supported by his party in Congress, making clear that his allegiance is to his issues — civil liberty, fiscal conservatism and limited government — and not to the Republican Party.”
Well that pretty much sums it up. The “evil” that RP commits is to put Principle above party. Sounds good to me!
Perhaps if RE Tea Party weren’t really just stuck to the R party, they could be a bit more Tea Party.
I just wrote a nice comment several paragraphs and get a message “please write a comment” I go back and it is gone? This happened before and I do not have time to rewrite it again.
My Comment now is I support Ron Paul and he wants the nomination, then the office of the presidency. He is in this to win as well as all of us who support him. Please donate to help us win at ronpaul2012.com. Thank you!
Wow, I read all the comments and have never seen so many on this site in support of Ron Paul. His message is really getting out to the masses and they are seeing for themselves that Ron Paul makes sense. Ron Paul wants the nomination and is in this to win. He has the best chance of beating Obama because he appeals to Independents and Democrats as well as Republicans vs Romney. I have donated to the max $2,500 to Ron Paul’s campaign. His support comes from the grassroots which is Americans who donate $10 here, etc. He needs more donations to compete with Romney whose largest donations is from wall street Goldman Sachs. Paul’s three largest donors are the Army, Navy and Marines. Ron Paul supports the troops and the troops support Ron Paul. If anyone can help us please go to ronpaul2012.com. Also visit and join dailypaul.com a website with thousand of supports who come together to share ideas, etc. God bless everyone and here is to taking our country back.
My allegiance is not with the republican or democratic party. My allegiance is to the United States of America. If Dr. Paul doesn’t get the republican nomination I hope he runs as a 3rd. party candidate. God Bless Dr. Paul!
As a Constitutionalist and avid Tea Partier, I support Ron Paul for SECRETARY OF FED!
If you’re going to vote, then vote your conscience. Do not fall into this trap of Vote for So and So, ’cause he is the only one who can beat Obama, and any other vote is the same as voting for Barack.
That kind of thinking is what has led us to the fix we are in now.
I was for Cain until he got smeared and bailed, and now I believe that Ron Paul comes closest to my way of thinking about the USA. He may not win,
but he will get my vote, and I’ll sleep well knowing that I voted my principles, not some expediency.
You can count on Ron Paul to vote against legislation supported by his party when the legislation is not worthy of Republican support. The Republican Party was once the party of personal liberty, fiscal conservatism, and limited government, but no longer. Today’s Republicans are just slightly to the right of the average Democrat and claim none of our founding principles. Ronald Reagan explained that he could no longer be a Democrat because his party had left him. For those of us who still believe in the Constitution and liberty, the Republican Party has left us.
I am a lifelong Republican. Having seen how my party has treated Ron Paul, having seen firsthand the shenanigans at the caucuses, I will never give another dime to any Republican organization or cause. You did not lose me, you are lost, and America will be the worse for it.