Poll: Paul, Perry on move in SC
2012 Elections, Breaking News, Headlines Friday, January 13th, 2012By Jonathan Easley, The Hill
Mitt Romney leads the GOP presidential field in South Carolina, but his rivals are closing in fast.
Newt Gingrich is close behind the former Massachusetts governor, while Ron Paul and Rick Perry have posted impressive gains over the past week, according to an American Research Group poll released on Friday.
Romney came in at 29 percent, followed by Gingrich at 25 percent, Paul at 20 percent, Perry at 9 percent, Rick Santorum at 7 percent and Jon Huntsman at 1 percent.
Paul has climbed 11 percent in the last week and Perry has gained 7 percent. Santorum, who was tied for second in last week’s poll at 24 percent, plummeted into fifth place in the current poll.
Romney and Gingrich have remained steady in a week-over-week comparison.
To read more, visit: http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/polls/204019-poll-south-carolina-getting-tight?
Short URL: https://reteaparty.com/?p=5527
So sad that the teaparty does not understand simple republicanism. Our country survived because we accepted this up till about the middle of the 1800′s. What ever happened?
Forget who climed up and to where!
Paul–yes, Ron Paul is the only candidate who has an opportunity of restoring this situation to a true Republic.
So many want what they think they have from the government. Guys–it will not be there for your kids or your grandkids. Our country is bankrupt–except for the FEDERAL reserve that will and can print whatever is required.
Ron Paul can not be bought. He will folow through on everything he has stated. South Carolina–It is your turn. Go for it and Ron Paul!
Ron Paul is dangerous. He says it’s OK for Iran to have nukes.
I don’t think he has ever seen pictures of Hiroshima or Nagasaki. Pictures of London after the blitz or Berlin or Dresden after their bombings would give him a good idea of what a nuke could do to Washington DC or NYC.
An idiot was recently sent to prison for detonating a “weapon of mass destruction” in a SUV on Time Square NYC. Fortunately the bomb was a dud. Suppose it was a nuke instead and that it had gone off. Nice picture. It would make 9/11/2001 look tame.
Ron Paul doesn’t understand how many Jihadists would love to go down in a blaze of glory by setting off a suicide A-bomb. Paul is naive.
Hey Edward,
Did you read the reports last week that Iran does NOT have nukes? Didn’t you see Leon Panetta’s statement that there are NO NUKES in Iran? Meanwhile, we blow up one of their scientists & give Iran MORE REASON to HATE us!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did you read the ex-head of the CIA’s Bin Laden unit, Mike Scheuer’s endorsement of Ron Paul & how he thinks Ron Paul is EXACTLY RIGHT about foreign policy?
You probably didn’t because you want more war, no peace, & our country to collapse under its 15 trillion dollar debt!
The biggest threat to our security is OUR DEBT, not some imaginary nuke!
whyronpaul.com ronpaul2012.com dailypaul.com
An 11% gain in South Carolina in one week! Go Ron Paul!!!
Great message Jill. I would add only that the Fed isn’t going to be able to keep printing money indefinitely to prop the system up either — if they do, it will cause the destruction of the dollar and runaway inflation.
Como on South Carolina. Paul is the candidate who can save the Republic. Do this people! Vote for Ron Paul
I have decided to re-direct my activities this year and do all I can to assist Dr. Ron Paul in his effort to restore our republic to health once again.
Way better than that! Yes, he climbed 11% in the poll but the % gain is different. Divide 11 by 9 and you get 1.2, equal to a 120% gain.
voter fraud was reported in NH yesterday it seems there were extra voters I haven’t got the hole story yet but it’s happened before.SC beware
If Romney is the candidate then Obama care is off the table and we are done for. the gov. can mandate anything then Obama care Romney care potatoes pototoes you get the idea . The insiders will do anything to stop Ron Paul .SC video tape the count in all the districts if you can,and every ware else in the country. Let the media know you are watching
You hear that? That’s the sound of the GOP slowly moving towards its future. I think Republicans will look back at the emergence of Ron Paul as the movement that saved the GOP. It’s bringing in young people and a ton of energy. Keep in mind that the 11% gain is in REPUBLICAN voters. Ron Paul also brings in a massive amount of independents and Democrats.
Ron Paul is the only candidate that can beat Obama. If you turn off the media propaganda machine (TV) and actually talk to your neighbors you will be shocked that they also agree AND you will be able to help the movement to bring back our country from the brink.
It very simple America ! The Corrupt Status Quo REPS&DEMS) Both hate
Ron Paul ! They are the ones that have screwed over YOU and America !
Ron Paul is despised because he wants Politicians to follow the US CONSTITUTION !!!!
Here’s a VERY good read :
What’s truly disgusting is that Nikki Haley – SC’s supposedly “Tea Party” governor – got PAID to endorse Mitt Romney. Washington politics as usual!
Go Ron Paul! Money bomb today gang…give what you can please!! I’m unemployed, but I am still giving what I can.
Being a Libertarian, I don’t see it as my place to tell others what to do. I will only say that if Dr. Paul doesn’t get the nod from the GOP this go-round, I’m voting B.O. If the Republicrats insist on sinking the ship then I’m going to do my part and blast a hole in the deck to help hasten the process. The quicker we crash, the sooner we recover. Roscoe
In 2001, Ron Paul predicted the financial and housing bubbles. He has been warning the American people that the out of control government spending and unnecessary wars would bankrupt America and here we are. The man is highly intelligent, has vision and is willing to put his butt on the line to speak out against the powers that be possibly risking his own safety. He is the only one telling the truth. My vote is for the man with principles and integrity over anyone of those smooth talking bullshit artists. We must save this country right now. Even if you don’t agree with all of his positions, trust the man who speaks the truth!!!
Ron Paul is right !
To all those who think Iran having a nuke is the end of the world, You have
been Played the Fool !
N.Korea , China, and Pakistan has Nukes ! We know Iran and China share
info, gained US Technology ect… If they wanted they could already have
Nuke !
It’s the Corrupt Staus Quo in DC You have to worry about ! They have
done more Harm to the America People then Iran ever has !
Note The only time Iran has harmed Americas were when Americans
were in “IRAN” !!! You have been Played !
No one but Paul…
The Constitution is not dangerous… Niether is Paul
not following the constitution is dangerous.