DNC chair blames Tea Party for Tucson shooting
Activism, Breaking News, Headlines Wednesday, January 11th, 2012By Joel Gehrke, Washington Examiner
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla., speaking in New Hampshire, reminded her audience of the tragic Tucson shooting last year — and also insinuated that the Tea Party, which she said regards political opponents as “the enemy,” has enhanced divisiveness in Congress and had something to do with the shooting, at least indirectly.
“We need to make sure that we tone things down, particularly in light of the Tucson tragedy from a year ago, where my very good friend, Gabby Giffords — who is doing really well, by the way, — [was shot],” Wasserman Schultz, the Democratic National Committee chair said during a “Politics and Eggs” forum this morning. “The discourse in America, the discourse in Congress in particular . . . has really changed, I’ll tell you. I hesitate to place blame, but I have noticed it take a very precipitous turn towards edginess and lack of civility with the growth of the Tea Party movement.”
Having brought up the Giffords attack as a political cudgel, Wasserman Schultz doubled down on that attack. “You had town hall meetings that [the Tea Party] tried to take over, and you saw some their conduct at those town hall meetings,” Wasserman Schultz said today. “When they come and disagree with you, you’re not just wrong, you’re the enemy.”
To read more, visit: http://campaign2012.washingtonexaminer.com/blogs/beltway-confidential/dnc-chair-blames-tea-party-tucson-shooting/307106
Short URL: https://reteaparty.com/?p=5475
Typical socialist tactics: accuse your adversary of the very things you’re doing, so as to deflect criticism.
I want to personally thank this GUTTER MOUTHED woman for accepting the fact that the TEA party is growing. She is showing the fear of one who is losing control. This from a person who supports OWS. There is very little she spits out that is believable. If you are blinking quickly is that a sign you are being disingenuous (LYING)?
She forgot to add the WTC Bombings and the Sunami in Japan…. I hear TEA party patriots caused those too !
Was this creature mentally vetted before running for office?
The “very precipitous turn towards edginess and lack of civility” started on the Democrat side of the aisle during the Bush Administration, before the Tea Party even existed.
Shultz is an absolute retard. She, as all her crony left wingers, have continuously shown absolutely no capability of rational thinking. To think that the Tea Party caused a nut case to shoot someone is absurd. Maybe she should spend time looking at the darling Union thugs that intimidate, destroy property and even injure any one that is against Unions with impunity so they can pour tons of money that they stole from workers that have been forced to join into the democrat coffers so they can win elections and repay the Unions with favorable legislation. Obama is so blatant about being in the Unions back pocket is nauseating.
Your comment is an insult to those who are mentally challenged. She is a despicable witch, and that was an insult to witches.
I am sick and tired of Political Correct speak. Just because a word can be used to denigrate a person or class of people doesn’t mean that it should be thrown out of the English language. Now if I had called her mentally challenged then it would be an insult to the mentally challenged. Perhaps I should have described her mental capabilities as is used by Psychologists which would be a ZIP (zero intelligence potential).
But wait, Scott Rasmussen just reported on Fox yesterday that Democrats and Independents say “They are loosing their taste for tea.” So what’s the problem? Sounds to me like they are a bit worried about those who demand fiscal conservatism and limited government.
That said, no one involved in the Tea Party movement has the right to endorse any candidate as the Tea Party is about an ideal, it isn’t a “third party”. All the articles shown on this website indicating some Tea Party or that is endorsing a candidate is pure bologna. As long as the media and the Chair of the DNC and the GOP continue to mention the Tea Party, the movement continues to be very relevant and maybe Ms. Wasserman-Shultz has reason to be concerned about her big intrusive government job.
Debbie Wuzza-a-mann is a congenital liar and unless you haul off and hit her in the mouth then tell her to just shut up she will continue to do so. Chris Wallace did just that on his FOX program and I salute the man for making her bite her tongue and admit to being a lying idiot…..like Barry.
LSD the drug of choice for democrats
She would make a great replacement for John Lovitz parthological liar character on Saturday Night Live…and I bet she even saw Morgan Fairchild Na..d too.
the woman is a prostitute by defination
Obuma said “she’s a cutie” there you go!!