Poll: Romney, Paul Tie Obama
2012 Elections, Breaking News, Headlines Tuesday, January 10th, 2012By Steven Shepard, National Journal
Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, run neck-and-neck with President Obama in a general-election matchup, according to a new CBS News poll released late on Monday that shows the two front-runners in Tuesday’s New Hampshire GOP primary running stronger against the president than their fellow Republicans.
Romney posts a two-point lead over Obama, 47 percent to 45 percent, within the poll’s margin of error of plus or minus 2.8 percentage points. He leads Obama, 45 percent to 39 percent, among independent voters.
Obama’s lead over Paul is just one point, 46 percent to 45 percent, as Paul leads among independents by 7 points.
The president posts more significant leads over the other GOP candidates, but against each he is below the critical 50-percent threshold: He leads former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, 49 percent to 41 percent; former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman, 48 percent to 41 percent; Texas Gov. Rick Perry, 49 percent to 42 percent; and former Sen. Rick Santorum, R-Pa., 47 percent to 43 percent.
Among all adults, just 45 percent of Americans approve of the job Obama is doing as president, slightly worse than the 47-percent approval rating he posted last month. Among independents, 38 percent approve of Obama’s job performance, while 49 percent disapprove.
To read more, visit: http://www.nationaljournal.com/2012-presidential-campaign/poll-romney-paul-tie-obama-20120109
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“Unelectable” they say.
Ron Paul 2012!
Freedom is catching on!! Go Ron Paul, the only one who speaks the TRUTH about what’s really going on in this country, ie the military industrial complex and the Wall Street banksters who are going to war for profit.
The ‘real” founder of the Tea Party before it got hijacked by the neocons!! Ron Paul for President.
Here’s one I came across on Coasttocoastam.com; Jan 7; second half of hour 3.
It’s what people REALLY NEED TO KNOW:
“Latest word is that Hillary will be Obama’s running mate in November. The word that hasn’t gotten out (and that is said to be that which is most troubling to “MY man, Paul”) is that there are six hundred trillion dollars of unredeemed derivatives ‘sloshing around’ out there. When they do ‘come home to roost’, we’re in for the worst recession this country’s ever experienced. Paul, with his experience on the monetary end of things, is actually the best person equipped to deal with the mess. If he does not gain the GOP nomination I’m betting he’ll run independently…and assure Obama’s re-election if this true picture of things doesn’t wake people up as to what’s going on so Paul can ‘take office’. Paul can’t use it as a campaign tactic (to gain the GOP nomination) as it would be viewed as being just that!!! Methinks our best bet is to see him run as an independent…and see that the “word” on this monetary situation gets around.
Hillary, it’s said, will be there to assume the presedency after two years (if she and Obama win) when Obama drops out due to an alleged illness, or some other reason. ‘Designed to give the left 12 years in the White House; long enough to stack the Supreme Court to suit the bankers who are running things. (‘Haven’t figgered out how all of this would ‘fit’ into their agenda for a “New World Order”. ‘Probably some real conflicts, there!!!…like the “end” of the U.S., as a nation.)
China has run out of $$$ to bail us out…and is lining up with Russia. The Euro’s time is limited. Greece and eastern European members will probably crash. Germany is lending stability to them at this time…but, sources say, there will probably end up being a northern and southern Euro…howsomever that may come about.
I guess, from my perspective, I’ve gotta hope Paul comes out on top…and is able to make the monetary reforms needed to bring about a correction. Big problem is…the whole damned congress needs to be replaced before anything constructive can be accomplished. They’re ALL a bunch of freakin’ crooks, save for just a few. I’d just like to see a return to a free market economy…where it would be possible for people to apply their smarts toward creating new businesses (jobs) w/o being swamped with needless paperwork (and undermined by taxes).
I am a little surprised and concerned that Ron Paul only got 23% of the vote. I for one think(something is wrong in Denmark)and that every one out there should be aware of voter fraud to me it seems there were some shenanigans going on last Tuesday.Nothing that I can prove ,but Mitt Romney? REALLY?We know him here in NH, to me it seems very unlikely when you consider he flipped on abortion. And Romney care, hello!Obama’s twin. If Mitt Romney is the nominee then Obama care is off the table and we have lost our republic. It’s ok for the government to tell us what to buy and what to do. and that’s why we as tea party members have to convince or fellow tea party members that Romney is the worst candidate to nominate.
any body but Obama and Romney