Rand Paul alludes to his own future presidential aspirations
Activism, Breaking News Saturday, January 7th, 2012By Alexis Levinson, Daily Caller
CONCORD, N.H. – While campaigning for his father in New Hampshire, Sen. Rand Paul declined to directly address his own presidential aspirations, but suggested that a future run for national office could be in the cards.
“I am interested in the national debate … I am interested in long range goals of changing the country…” the younger Paul said when asked about his presidential aspirations at a sit-down hosted by the Josiah Bartlett Center for Public Policy.
One of the ways to see those changes through, he said, was “running for national office.”
“You do that by appearing in the media, speaking to groups around the country, running for national office, or even serving in the Senate. I think it’s a great honor to serve in the Senate, he said.”
To read more, visit: http://dailycaller.com/2012/01/07/rand-paul-alludes-to-his-own-future-presidential-aspirations/
Short URL: https://reteaparty.com/?p=5409
Rand Paul and his father are both great American patriots. Lets hope and pray that Ron Paul will get elected president of the United States in 2012. The Paul’s are the only politicians that have the correct political platform to save our country. The Tea party groups that do not support Ron Paul have been co opted and should not call themselves a Tea Party group. Tea Party is synonymous with Ron Paul.
I have been saying the same thing about those fake “tea party” claimers ever since they paid about $600 a seat to see Sarah Palin telling them that they need a leader. Shortly after that, she endorsed Rand Paul. Of course she did it only to make the people think that she was a real “tea party” person. All other “tea parties” came after that indicating that since the movement was started in honor of (President) Dr. Paul, that they have to be fakes. Only those people calling themselves “Tea Party” people and endorsing (President) Ron Paul are the real ones for sure.
In addition to that, I am tired hearing the newest thing now about (President) Paul not going for a third party. It is being almost constantly said, even by his once backer, Lou Dobbs today, that he will not go for a third party run because it will hurt Rand Paul’s attempt to run in the future. Interesting. Now they are attempting to put the guilt trip scenerio on him and his backers because the system wants his supporters to go for someone like Romney. They will not care how low they have to give their blows. It is up to us to insist that if he is such a fringe, then there is nothing to worry about and they should just report the facts in addition that Rand can hold his own as he presently is.
January 10, 2012/Tuesday/New Hampshire primary day