NH Tea Party leaders splitting on endorsements

By JOHN DiSTASO, NewHampshire.com

THURSDAY, JAN. 5, UPDATE: LUTHER FOR SANTORUM. State Sen. Jim Luther, R-Hollis, will endorse Rick Santorum for President tonight at an event at Windham High School, UnionLeader.com State House Reporter Garry Rayno reports.

THURSDAY, JAN. 5, UPDATE: SPLIT LIBERTY MOVEMENT? In an example of how Mitt Romney could benefit in Tuesday’s primary by a continued split among New Hampshire conservatives, two key state Tea Party/liberty movement leaders today endorsed different candidates.

Jerry DeLemus of Rochester, chairman of the Granite State Patriots Liberty PAC, today gave his personal endorsement to Rick Santorum.

DeLemus had been one of the few New Hampshire backers of Michele Bachmann, who dropped out of the race on Wednesday following a poor showing in the Iowa caucuses .

Jane Aitken of Bedford, co-founder of the New Hampshire Tea Party Coalition and a member of the board of the Coalition of New Hampshire Taxpayer, gave her personal endorsement to Ron Paul.

Several weeks ago, another leading Tea Party activist, Jack Kimball, backed Newt Gingrich. Kimball founded the GSPL PAC and was DeLemus’s predecessor as chairman.

To read more, visit:  http://www.newhampshire.com/article/20120105/NEWS0605/110609989

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8 Comments for “NH Tea Party leaders splitting on endorsements”

  1. Santorum is the antithesis of what the Tea Party is all about…how on earth could DeLemus support him???

  2. At least the NH Tea Party Coalition recognizes the god father of the Tea Party before all the hacks & neo cons jumped on board flying under the Tea Party banner.

  3. I agree with Mike but have to add Newt. Both he and Santorum have records of favoring big government. Their only claim to “conservative” is their reputed pro-life and pro-war positions.

  4. Mike and McClain are both right. Newt is a big-gov, tax-and-spend, progressive Republican; Santorum is a moralist (wants laws to make people “good”) who favored Alen Specter and voted for Medicare Part D under Bush.

    Small government? Neither.

    Ron Paul is your ONLY small government choice now, TEA Party.

  5. RON PAUL 2012-2020

  6. The only real fiscal conservative is Ron Paul. I will not vote for anyone else and if he isn’t nominated I will still write his name on the ballot ……..Newt, Romney and Santorum are all lying smooth talking politicians the status quo. It’s time everyone in America rallies behind the only honest one, Ron Paul.

  7. Rick Santorum a “patriot” for “liberty” ? Get out of town. And that socialist double-talker Gingrich is even worse.

  8. How many Tea Party members pay any attention to their organizers? I think for myself, thank you.

    Ron Paul 2012!


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