Iowa Results: Did the GOP establishment sabotage Ron Paul as it vowed to do?
Liberty Wednesday, January 4th, 2012By: Aaron Dykes,
UPDATE 1:46 AM CENTRAL: Mitt Romney has now been announced as the winner of the Iowa caucus, dramatically leading Rick Santorum by only 8 votes.
The two candidates have wrestled back-and-forth for first as various locales checked in with GOP officials– who moved today to meet at an undisclosed location to count the votes in secret after the hacker collective Anonymous issued threats to disrupt the caucus.
Ron Paul at a close third with 21%, conceded the race calling himself ‘one of the three winners,’ and dubbed his performance ‘nothing to be ashamed of’. After all, he led polls for months leading into the contest, under heavy fire from media hacks aligned with the GOP establishment ever-eager to dismiss his viability. Paul vowed to fight on, continue raising funds and fighting for victory in what he termed a movement, rather than a campaign.
Santorum’s surprise last-minute surge coincides with announcements that the vote in Iowa would be counted at a secret location– yes, vague threats from hacker collective Anonymous gave the pretext to count the votes in secret– and also coincided with statements from top GOP officials strategizing how to effectively take out Ron Paul and diminish his significance. It is no secret that all the stops have been pulled to minimize Paul’s media visibility throughout the campaign trail, with many top GOP figures and media commentators going so far as to pre-script a plan to ignore Iowa in the event that Ron Paul won the caucuses, in order to prevent the Congressman from dominating the national stage.
Did the GOP establishment succeed in sabotaging Ron Paul in the Iowa caucus vote as it vowed to do?
What accounts for Santorum’s swift rise to the top of polls in Iowa only days out from the contest when he barely showed a pulse in ANY state, let alone Iowa, among the crowded GOP field at any time in the weeks and months before?
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Ron Paul is the only candidate who has the Tea Party values; the rest are true RINOs. Dr. Paul’s foreign policy of non-intervention is respectful of other peoples’ liberty. The RINOs want a one world government with United States as “Big Brother.”
Mitt Romney, is not a RHINO his policies are identical to Obama’s so he is a Republican Democrat. As far as the secret vote, the Republicans of Iowa completely discredited themselves and if the national party does not speak out immediately and call the vote counting into question they will have discredited themselves too.
I wish it could be proven. It would really start an uprising in America!
Right on Jon Boy, I wonder if Rick SANITORIUM is proud with half of Ron Paul’s votes, I just witnessed the joke of the century
Right on Jon Boy, I hope Rick SANITORIUM is happy and proud with half of Ron Paul’s votes.
If Ron Paul isn’t the nominee, I’ll vote for Gary Johnson in the general. Divided government is preferable to Romney with congressional majorities.
I just found the most incredible article ‘From Israel: Vote Ron Paul and Let My People Go’ by a Jewish man in Israel of why he is on fire about Ron Paul and freedom. A MUST READ!
It may be OK if the convention goes to a brokered event. Ron Paul supporters/operatives swamped the signup after the caucus and got most of the delegate slots available. They are uncommitted delegates too, so essentially we won the actual battle, but they won’t tell anyone that little fact.
It wasn’t the GOP per se but the Christian Right in Iowa that boosted Santorum from zero to sixty. Several prominent clergymen endorsed Santorum and that was all the 40+ percent of undecided voters needed to stampede for Santorum. This factor will be much diminished in future contests. The GOP establishment was pulling for a Romney romp and probably fudged with a few phony votes at the very end to “save the day” from a Santorum victory.
Paul was driven down by a relentless media assault, especially on talk radio where Paul bashing has been honed to a fine art by Beck, Rush, and Hannity as well as most of the guest hosts in the week prior to the caucus.
Votes weren’t taken from Paul, they were taken from Perry and Bachmann. Paul supporters knew how many votes they had going into the caucus, and the final number was pretty close.
Ballots were counted in sectret at the precincts, then tallied in secret at an undisclosed location. In any other country that would invalidate the election.
It wasn’t the “Cjhristian right” that did it. It was the GOP establishment, and they had the audacity to tell the whole country they were going to do it.
How can we ever trust the vote-counters and vote “validators” when they are part and parcel of the same government that wants to “indefinitely detain, without trial, without charges” and, in some cases, even exterminate “we the people”? If they are able to do that to us, do we really think they care about giving us a ‘fair and accurate’ vote count??
Remember, 46% of Iowa voters did not decide until the day of the caucus for whom they would cast their vote. This is a HUGE mass of literally, uninformed voters, as they obviously did not take any time to do ANY independent research on the candidates Jus TV and caucus speeches. Many of this 46% were evangelicals, who, I would be willing to bet, responded to Rick Santorum’s social conservatism. We all know that voters who listen to words and who are to lazy to check out candidates records are easily duped by a good sales pitch. Our current President succeeded in this manner coupled with the fact that he virtually had no record on which to refer for those intellectually honest enough to look.
Below is a link I like to call “He Hates us for our Freedom”…ck it out. It’s just the beginning of the vetting process on Santorum – and there is A LOT more that will surface very quickly now that he is a ‘front runner”.
Isn’t it sad that we have come to the point where we don’t trust anyone in the government? We’ve been misled and lied to for so long that honor, courage, and honestry cannot be attached to any career politician.
“There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with power to endanger the public liberty.” John Adams.
We need to elect citizen representatives. Even an inexperienced honest, sincere, strong leader is preferrable to what we have now. We are fighting now trying to decide whether we want to trust our future to Billy The Kid, Jesse James, or Cole Younger. Please view AmericaGOYA on YouTube. Let’s change America Back to our founding fathers’ vision.