After endorsing Romney, S.C. governor feels heat
2012 Elections, Headlines Tuesday, January 3rd, 2012By Samuel P. Jacobs,
In South Carolina, the governor’s mansion is on the grounds of a former arsenal that was burned down by the Union army during the Civil War.
These days, that attack in the 1860s seems a metaphor for the besieged tenure of Republican Governor Nikki Haley.
Elected last year as a symbol of the conservative Tea Party’s rise in U.S. politics, the embattled Haley has had a rocky transition from government critic to government executive — and potential player in the 2012 presidential campaign.
Democrats and Republicans alike accuse her of being petty and distant. And some of the Tea Party conservatives who lifted Haley to a surprising victory last year now say she has lost focus on their priorities: reducing government and regulations.
Against that backdrop, the unapologetic Haley has endorsed former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney for the Republican nomination for president.
With that she has further infuriated some in the state who say Romney, a favorite in the Iowa caucuses on Tuesday, isn’t conservative enough.
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Amazing how the only candidate that always voted conservative and by the constitution and Haley as with many S.C.’s kick him to the curb. WTF?
The new stridency of the Tea Partiers is the number one reason I, a life long Republican and former chairman of a county level Republican Party, consider TPs to be nothing but Democrats in disguise. Romney is the only candidate who has the background, the experiences and the competency to defeat Obama and fix this screwed up country. His only obstacle is the TPs.
… and it’s an insurmountable obstacle. There’s just not enough difference between Romney & Obama. Those of us who want limited government have a choice even if Ron Paul doesn’t get the nomination: Gary Johnson. So go ahead and nominate Obamney. We’ll go 3rd party, and get divided government. That would be far, far preferable to another Big Government Republican with a Congressional majority. See Bush, G.W., who grew the federal government faster than LBJ did. You don’t get to put a RINO in & expect to count on my vote.
I’m voting for smaller government. A vote for Romney is a vote for larger, unrestrained government.
I’m donating to Ron Paul, and I’m voting for him. If he’s not the nominee, my money and my vote go to Gary Johnson.
Romney is nothing but more of the same as we have now. Has anyone noticed how he has not gone up or down in the polls? Would it be because he is the establishments candidate? I believe so. Ron Paul will put the pieces of the Constitution back together.
Romney is a big gov’t lover, and needs to go away… might as well be McCain or Obama if Romney gets in office… nothing will change and we’ll end up in an armed revolution. Vote Ron Paul to save this country financially or their won’t be anything left to defend…
When your top contributors include (people who work for) Goldman Sachs and J.P. Morgan you’re not going to change a damned thing. Follow the money before you decide.
As for me, I like the candidate whose top three contribution sources are the troops: US Army; US Air Force; and US Navy. That would be Ron Paul.
Anyone who seriously considers Romney as a conservative has really lost their grip on reality. One only has to see what he has done to MASS with respect to gun control, education, and health care. Indeed the TP has been co-opted by the neocons, but one would have to deny the truth that the Tea Party movement sprang from Dr. Ron Paul’s campaign message of limited government and it is THAT message that is resonating with America. Not the more-of-the-same from Mit PerrySantGrinchMan. .
Standing by the only true conservative in the race, Michele Bachmann.
Stanley, wish she could win, but I don’t think she is going to. She is too far down in the polls.
I disagree Ed. You, as a former chairman of a county level Republican Party, are the reason Republicans have slid into the abyss of ignorance and are actually more like a Democrat which is what Romney more closely acts like. Idiot.
Ron Paul, baby.
Actually, hte TEA Party is supposed to be non partisan, so you SHOULD expect this type activity from a non partisan group.
I agree with some that their narrow mindedness is as dnageroius as their enthusiasm. Ronald Reagan said “I would rather get 80% of what I wnat than 100% of nothing”.
The TP seems to have an ANTI Reagan philosophy. They want everything (even though the GOP conservatives only control one half of one third of the government) or nothing.
That is how we got Susan Murkowsi in Alaska, Chris Coons in Delaware and Harry Reid in Nevada among others.
The Tea Party was a good thing to start with, but I believe it has been infiltrated. That’s usually what happens when someone sees a chance to make monet.
This “teaparty” group is off the wall. Tonite will be a telling situation in Iowa. Hopefully SC will find that when the people vote, they will choose a conservative candidate. There’s only one….Ron Paul!
@Steven Lemon– The TP are doing the right thing, and sending a real message with teeth that continuing compromise with big government partisans and corrupt nest-featherers is unacceptable. Don’t send us any more of those candidates, or we’ll make sure that they go down.
Time for some compromise in _our_ direction after a century of abuse and thievery.
@E.W,: Amen!
Haley is a Neocon who ran as Tea Party candidate. I should know. I’m a SC Tea Party activist and I have followed Haley closely. The only reason I voted for Nikki is that her Democrat opponent was giving her a real challenge in the race and I just couldn’t support him for Governor.
Want to know more about Nikki? Read here..
Has the Tea Party abandoned its core values of Fiscal Responsibility, Limited Government and Free Markets in order to vote for Globalist Gingrich?
The only real candidate: PRESIDENT RON PAUL 2012
its is stupid and foolish for haley to endorse romney who is liberal and always changing. you cannot trust romney and makes me wonder if haley is a true conservative. she is a turncoat. ron paul is not answer either, i have never seen a man who does not care about this country the way he does. his foriegn policy is even worse then obama and i didnt think that could be possible. ron paul would sit on his hands and allow iran to have nuclear weapons and attack us and or isreal. there is something seriously wrong with ron paul. santorum is the best pick for president, but gingrich and perry would also be much better choices the paul or romney
I was one of those who supported Haley for Governor, thinking she was a Tea Party fiscal conservative. I don’t know what is more disappointing, donating to her campaign or Scott Brown, the supposed conservative senator from Massachusetts. I won’t be making that mistake again. I don’t live in either S.C. or Massachusetts, but I believed enough in the need for some fiscal sanity that I did what I could to support them. I am done with those two. If Ron Paul isn’t the nominee, I’ll vote as I did in 2008 and vote Libertarian.
Linda I gave to Scott Brown’s campaign also. How dissapointing.
Speaking as a former Naval Officer (USNA’74) , I believe RON PAUL 2012 is the only hope to stop our decades long slide into becoming a Socialist country. Read the 10 planks of the Communist Manifesto and see how RINO’S have led the Grand Old Party into this abyss. Romney,Gingrich,Santorum and Haley are all tools of the Military/Industrial/Congress and the Goldman-Sachs money interests. There is BIG MONEY in WAR!!!!
All of you Ron Paul supporters who want smaller government are on the right track. However, we must begin now to re-educated our children about the threat of big government, promise of capitalism, and miracle of our founding dathers. If they don’t understand what made America great they will not value Ron Paul’s philosophy. Leadership is fine but votes are essential. Please view AmericaGOYA on YouTube.
RON PAUL 2012!!!!!
What is really wrong is,? UNIONS, THE UNION IS NOTHING BUT CHICAGO MOBS Cant any Union person see they pay big bucks to put money in the hands of CROOKS. so wha t you have a JOB YOUR GOVERMENT CONTROLED. I WOULD RATHER BE SLEEPING ON THE STREET THEN HAVE A GOVERMENT CONTROL EVERY THING I DO
THE workers are the ones who start their own companies and hire, They are the ones who work and pay for the things in life that matter, Union members work to pay Union Boss’s to pay things like getting Muslims in office, Why not put that money in your pocket and pick who you want. Nope most unions workers are Democrats.