Despite Ron Paul surge, tea party hopes on the ropes in Iowa

By Patrik Jonsson, Christian Science Monitor

Three days ahead of the Iowa caucus, the tea party as any kind of solid voting bloc is practically nowhere to be found.

Instead, Rick Santorum, a traditional Christian conservative, is on the rise. And Ron Paul? Although an intellectual keystone of the broader tea party movement that rose to protest government bailouts in 2009, he has consistently trailed far behind as a tea party favorite, suggesting his newfound appeal lies elsewhere. Rick Perry? Michele Bachmann? Herman Cain? According to polls at least: tested, considered, discarded.

A year ago, the tea party coalesced into a ballot box force that helped Republicans regain the House of Representatives while at the same time, as Sen. Dick Lugar (R) of Indiana has charged, undermining a Republican shot at grabbing the Senate. At the time, many tea partiers renewed their aim at President Obama, their undisputed public enemy number one.

But oh so much has happened since then. And here on the eve of Republican nominating contests, the tea party savior never quite made it to the ball, forcing the amorphous bloc of conservatives, gun owners, libertarians, evangelicals, and even disgruntled Blue Dog Democrats to break across more traditional lines, leaving no clear front runner and the prospect of backing a more establishment candidate like Mitt Romney closer at hand.

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12 Comments for “Despite Ron Paul surge, tea party hopes on the ropes in Iowa”

  1. I suppose a lot of tea party voters would go for Ron Paul if he was more hawkish. Somehow the movement that started as a protest against big government and big debt became a bastion of neoconservative sentiments and favors a kick-ass US military that spends trillions meddling in other parts of the globe.

  2. A man said on Patriots people should learn morse code. Again. Good idea, I think, as I heard the merchant ships no longer use it, what if the computer fails? How does the captain and radio man communicate? Have a happy and hopefully Prosperous New Year Get together in writing groups at school rooms not used, or any college, or grange, even the old north church, to teach each other the code. It is in Colligate Dictionaries.

  3. First off it is a myth to assume that some how Tea Party people favor one candidate since there is in no leadership structure, any endorsement by any of the so-called Tea Party lead groups is that of the leadership, not actual tea party leaning people.

    • So what is wrong with the leadership who have apparently abandoned the core values of Fiscal Responsibility, Limited Governme nt and Free Markets! Maybe we need new leadership?

  4. @ McClarin J- Very true. The False Tea Party is in name only and have no
    real conservative values. They are only interested in a progressive fear based we must make the world safe for democracy Wilsonian / neocon inflammatory stick our nose into everyones business blowback based foreign policy. So sad they can’t / won’t understand that US foreign policy has been hijacked by banking, corporate and military industrial complex traitors a long time ago for the benefit of their own agenda and are using We The Peoples blood and treasure to active it.

  5. The TEA party started with PAUL and we are still with PAUL !!! Fake factions and this lame website can promote all the fake factions they want…

    RON PAUL 2012-2020

    • pthor,

      That is what I have been saying since before last year’s election. The shame of it all was when the people were conned by Sarah Palin who wanted something like $600 a ticket to hear her speak for supposed Tea Party movement people. Then she endorsed Rand Paul for his senate seat which was easy to see she was doing that to give her more teeth to maintain control of the takeover of the fake factions. If she were really for Rand Paul, she would have endorsed Ron Paul from the beginning even though she endorsed Turncoat Bachmann for her Congressional seat and Slick Rick Perry for his governorship over Debra Medina, the real Tea Party (movement) candidate who was wounded on air by Glenn Beck before her debate in Texas for the office.

      Yes, the Tea Party movement was started in honor of Dr. Paul and anyone who is not now backing him up under that banner are as fake as fake can be. Ron Paul has never wavered from his standings and therefore those who claim to be behind someone else cannot say that he is on another level from the Tea Party. It is contrdictive.


  6. The Tea Party has already lost it’s way when it was infilitrated with Neo Cons Nazis. The Tea Party doesn’t know who or what is a real conservative. Ron Paul is a real conservative. Small Federal Government, strong military national defense. Keeping to our own business. He’s not a New World Supporter while the supposedly Republician Conservatives are. They have stripped away Habious Corpus and built 100′s of Fema camps in secret. Created a Corportism Facist Regime with our government and helped wipe out our jobs ie Bush’s, Gingrich, Rommey, Perry, and a lot of others.
    Ron Paul is the only real choice. He is right on and knows economics 101 and banking better than any of the other republician neo cons facist choices. If we don’t elect Paul were done..

  7. I recieved you’re special message from Rick Santorm.No Thanks.I am a Patriot.Bottom line,I support Ron Paul.Im for freedom,limited government,non intervention.Re tea party is supporting the same New World Order Neocons stooges that are nothing more than facist.You Just lost a subscriber.

  8. I intend to vote for the candidate who best expresses the way I feel about this country. There is no Tea “Party”. but a set of beliefs that strongly parallels my own. It’s not R nor D. I believe in voting for my beliefs, not to make one Party or the other win or lose Idealistic, I know, and probably not the least bit realistic.
    But its easier for me to live with myself when I vote my conscience. And that counts for a lot.


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