Santorum leads with Tea Party base

From The State Column

Voters who identified themselves as Tea Party Republicans in an NBC poll are extremely divided. Mr. Santorum leads among the Tea Party base with 20 percent, and Mr. Paul and Mr. Romney are tied among Tea Party Republicans with 17 percent, while Mr. Gingrich finished with 16 percent and Mr. Perry drew 15 percent of the Tea Party vote.

Surprisingly, Ms. Bachmann, who seemed to have drawn the majority of her support from the Tea Party in recent months, finished last among Tea Party voters with just 10 percent.

Another result shown from this poll is that Mr. Paul has not suffered in Iowa from the negativity surrounding his campaign regarding the series of racist newsletters that ran under his name in the 1980s and 90s. The Texas congressman placed in first or second place in all of the polls of Iowa voters released this week.

Earlier this week, prior to his surge in the polls, Mr. Santorum summed up the Iowa caucuses into “three primaries.”

“There’s really three primaries going on here,” Mr. Santorum posited to reporters in Adel, Iowa Tuesday, according to The Associated Press.

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19 Comments for “Santorum leads with Tea Party base”

  1. I haven’t seen TEA party people preferring Santorum. What source(s) are being used to come to that conclusion?

    Methinks there’s a bit of bias being applied here.

    I’d like to see more details about just who Re Tea Party and the Tea Party Patriots are. I worry about fragmentation leading to marginalizing or dividing the power of the Tea Party movement.

  2. Santorum leads with Tea Party base? Balogna! He stands for everything the Tea Party is against.

  3. or Bologna! :-)

  4. Rick Santorum= flavor of the week. Ron Paul stood for the Tea Party core values decades before the Tea Party existed.

  5. Santorum is the reason we started the TEA party ! The Republican party is filled with these RINO’s !

    This website is always trying to twist who the TEA party really is !!

    • pthor,

      That is what I have been saying since before last year’s election. The shame of it all was when the people were conned by Sarah Palin who wanted something like $600 a ticket to hear her speak for supposed Tea Party movement people. Then she endorsed Rand Paul for his senate seat which was easy to see she was doing that to give her more teeth to maintain control of the takeover of the fake factions. If she were really for Rand Paul, she would have endorsed Ron Paul from the beginning even though she endorsed Turncoat Bachmann for her Congressional seat and Slick Rick Perry for his governorship over Debra Medina, the real Tea Party (movement) candidate who was wounded on air by Glenn Beck before her debate in Texas for the office.

      Yes, the Tea Party movement was started in honor of Dr. Paul and anyone who is not now backing him up under that banner are as fake as fake can be. Ron Paul has never wavered from his standings and therefore those who claim to be behind someone else cannot say that he is on another level from the Tea Party. It is contrdictive.


  6. I know many old-school war-hawk big-gov’t republicans who call themselves Tea Party because they hate BHO. As a loosely defined grass-roots group, it is hard to be terribly firm about our core beliefs, but anyone who believes in individual Liberty, limited gov’t, nonIntervention, a national defense (not offense), … has only one candidate to vote for. The good doctor from Texas (actually, from PA not far from where I lived … but I digress).

  7. FreedomJoyAdventure

    Santorum? Tea Party? Seriously? Pffft. Horse pucky.
    Ron Paul or none at all.

    • Ron Paul will continue to be my president and I will write him in again if he is not on the ballot. The GOP has shot itself in the foot. Paul will run 3rd party and take this country back! Stay strong…all those that know the TRUTH. Ron Paul = Over 30 yrs. of strict adherence to the constitution, THE RULE OF LAW. If not the rule of law, it is a rule by MAN = DICTATORSHIP. Think people.

  8. Oh, I’m down with that for sure. We just loved how Santorum endorsed Arlen Specter over Pat Toomey and then Specter switched to Democrat. Tea Party mainstream!

  9. Santorum has been my first pick from the very beginning. He’s totally tea party, totally conservative & most importantly totally pro-life (because if we lose that right, then the rest don’t really matter).

  10. Once again, this illustrates why the RE Tea Party is CO-OPTED, or formed for the purpose of CO-OPTing.

    That Tea Party people would support Rick Neo-con Santorum is as believable as them supporting Barack Obama, and for the same reasons.

    Get real. Once again the RE Tea Party proves that it is a Judas Goat of the elites.

    Now who pays your bills? George Soros? or David Rockefeller?

  11. Santorum just doesn’t get it. He doesn’t understand that HE is part of the problem.

    Paying lip service to topics you don’t understand or care to understand is what all politicians do.

  12. Sorry Julie, but Santorum is opposite of what the Tea Party stands for. He is for big government, (Patriot Act, Homeland Security, TSA). He isn’t conservative, he endorsed Arlen Specter who voted for Obamacare and Specter switched from the GOP to the Democratic Party. If you want to vote for Santorum because he is pro-life, fine…but don’t even pretend he is in any way a limited government Tea Party fiscal conservative, he is far from it. The Tea Party isn’t about social conservatism, although it is obvious there are social conservatives who are attempting to co-opt the Tea Party under their own social conservative banner when the Tea Party was never about that, far from it. The Tea Party wants limited government, not more government resulting in less liberty.

  13. Ron Paul is who the tea party supports. (he is the father of the tea party) Everyone else needs to start their own party.

  14. Santorum might lead with the Neocon base, but he’s certainly a long way from the Tea party base.

    He doesn’t really support individual liberty. Santorum supports big government control over everyone’s lives when that individual is not in lock step with his moral sensibility.

    He’s all for big government saving us from ourselves and endless wars of choice. Establishment politicians like Santorum ARE the problem, NOT the solution.

  15. So, who are you “Re Tea Party”?

    I asked you with a direct email and tried finding a way to make direct contact…..I got no reply.

    How about it? Let’s hear/see just who you are (or think you are). I think at least a disclaimer about not being THE Tea Party would be in order.

  16. Ronald Reisterer

    “In most communities it is illegal to cry “fire” in a crowded assembly. Should it not be considered serious international misconduct to manufacture a general war scare in an effort to achieve local political aims?”
    - Dwight D. Eisenhower

    Santorum either does not understand the Declaration of War clause in the US Constitution, or he is a tool of the Internationalists. Ron Paul is the only candidate that takes his oath before God to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies both foreign and DOMESTIC seriously.

    Support a candidate that is NOT a tool of the International Banksters or the Military Industrial Complex. Support Ron Paul!!

  17. I cant believe reteaparty is sending me emails asking me to donate to Santorum?? Ugh!! WTF! The unsubscribe link is not working!! ROn Paul 2012!!


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