Tea Party Express backs Bachmann
2012 Elections, Breaking News, Headlines Tuesday, December 27th, 2011SACRAMENTO — The Tea Party Express offered support to Rep. Michele Bachmann’s bid to be the Republican Party’s presidential nominee, but stopped short of an endorsement.
The Tea Party Express, in a statement, said that while it hasn’t endorsed any candidate, it was committed to backing the conservative candidate who could best defeat President Obama in November, Roll Call reported Monday.
“While the Tea Party Express has not endorsed a presidential candidate at this time, Michele Bachmann [R-Minn.] garners strong Tea Party support because of her work and commitment to restoring fiscal responsibility to Washington, D.C.,” Tea Party Express Chairman Amy Kremer said.
The Sacramento, Calif.-based group advocated for a competitive primary, beginning with the Jan. 3 Iowa caucuses.
To read more, visit: http://www.upi.com/Top_News/US/2011/12/27/Tea-Party-Express-backs-Bachmann/UPI-8103/?spt=hs&or=tn
Short URL: https://reteaparty.com/?p=5173
Ron Paul is the Tea Party. The Tea Party was inspired by Ron Paul. Bachmann is a NeoCon war monger. She voted for the Partiot Act, Indefinte detention of American citizens without trial, and wants to expand the senseless wars.
Give me a break.
Thank you. I have been saying that for years now, ever since Sarah Palin had her “gig” and charged something like $600 a person to be in her audience claiming that the “Tea Party” needed a leader and she was prepared to take over that position if requested by the people (most likely by those very same one who just paid so much money to see her).
Yes, this is disgraceful and almost a paid plot against Dr. Paul to have these people claim to be of the very backers who started the movement in honor of Dr. Paul four years ago by Turncoat Bachmann. If anyone claims to be a “Tea Party” person and does not back Dr. Paul, then we automatically know that they are fake, phonies, and frauds attempting to hijack the already brain dead, media controlled people enmass.
Today, December 27, 2012/Tuesday, Lou Dobbs’ fill-in (Don Jerdano?) is having almost the entire show as a hit piece against the good doctor. Each time this person has filled in he has “hit” on Ron Paul. This has to be known by Lou Dobbs and therefore I now see the plot goes further than we see.
I will add that as far as Dr. Paul is concerned, the true racists present themselves while onstage with him during those debates. All of them want to kill all the brown people in Asia and Dr. Paul always wants to leave them alone. So who is rhe racist?! Too bad there cannot be enough of us to just make those real-time claims that are definately and strongly factual.
Michele “Turncoat” Bachmann is a racist. Warmonger Rick Santorum is a racist. Herman Cain, Rick Perry ahd Mitt Romney are racists all by their own words in what they think of a certain group of people and what they want to do to them, i.e. kill them all. Gary Johnson and Jon Huntsman are not part of this to the fullest extent, but the other five are hard core racists and it should be expoused as loudly as possible.
December 27, 2012/Tuesday
Ron Paul did NOT start the Tea party, which was formed in 1773. I know for a fact that Dr. Paul is not 238 years old, sio he had nothing to do with founding the Tea Party. Before the preset day revival of the Tea party, Michele Bachmnn was voting Tea Party principles and values inn Congress, against her own GOP and President Bush, and she has run interference with Obama-Pelosi-Reid ever since then. Where was Ron Paul when over 1,000,000 Tea Party patriots gathered inn Washington DC protesting Obamacare? Michele Bachmann was there. Where was Ron Paul when Bachmann called 50,000 Tea Party patriots to ring the Capitol on a Saturday to make sure Pelosi and Reid heard them outside. Michele was there.
Now, as to the vote for unlimited detention of Americans. Nobody is watching that more than Oathkeepers, and their scorecard shows that Michele Bachmann did not vote at all on that bill, as she was in Iowa campaigning for president. As for her wanting to start a war with Iran, Michele wants to support the 1,000,000 freedom fighters who took to the streets in Tehran all the while Obama strummed his harp and sang Kumbaya.Support for the freedom fighters is hardly a warlike stance.So I support the only true conservative and the only Tea Party Patriot running for president, Michele Bachmann and I’m not afraid to “endorse,” her myself, as a fellow midwesterner, in flyover country.
The Tea Party is going the way of the OWS. Fractured, disorganized, and not know WTH they’re fighting for and worse, what it takes to win. Your “party” was hijacked by the neocons and to this day, you’re still being used. Taxed Enough Already? How do you plan to cut the budget with the “warmongers” beating their drums and thumping their chests? Tax the “rich?” Hey, I thought were “Taxed Enough Already?” You don’t and can’t cut Medicare or social security, Welfare is here to stay and the neocons will continue to make it a FEDERAL matter. You guys are completely lost and are wasting your “voice” to make real change and actually matter. You’ve got a good to honest candidate in Ron Paul and all you can do is boo him at your sponsored debate for his stance on foreign policy or the neocons’ lack of one. What the Tea Party lacks is a thorough understanding between the difference of Austrian and Keynesian economics. Until you guys get a clue, you will continue wasting your time with the Bachmanns, Santorums, Gingrichs & Romneys in the party. Good luck. We all need it!! RON PAUL 2012! Please view this video posted on CPAN: http://www.c-spanvideo.org/program/CrisisCa
Michelle Bachmann is a former IRS attorney and a warmonger. Do you really want an IRS agent for president?! Is that what the Tea Party’s all about? Add to that the fact that she supports wars that have not been declared by Congress as our Constitution requires, and she is exposed as just another politician who only follows the Constitution and the rule of law when it favors her agenda. But would she be a better president than Obama? Yes she would be, about as much as a turd is better than cyanide poison. I’d rather eat the turd than kill myself by eating the poison. But really, do I want either?! Heck no! GO RON PAUL! Ron Paul is the only one who is truly on our side and who truly respects our constitutional rights. So many of these Tea Partiers are just a bunch of posers that don’t really understand what freedom is all about.
I am in total agreement. Who are these people who support the Patriot Act and now the NDAA of 2012. Is it willful ignorance? It must be something else like:
“You can’t fix stupid.”
LOL @ Bachmann. She would get CRUSHED by Obama. The only person deserving of support is the man who started the whole tea party movement, Ron Paul. The fact that they choose Bachmann made me realize how much of a joke the tea party express is.
Your tea party is run by Karl Rove.
I see this site is being mobbed by Pauliban zombies. No Ron Paul did not start the tea party, that is patently ridiculous!
Michele Bachmann did start the Tea Party Caucus in the US Congress that now has 66 members, including the Chairman of the powerful Judiciary Committee.
Michele Bachmann is a true Reagan Republican and she will destroy the teleprompter-in-chief in a real debate. I wonder if the Pauliban know how petty they look calling her untrue names?
Yes, you are correct. The party was hijacked by the neocons and Bachmann struck the first blow in order to capitalize on your well intentioned movment. Lets call it “unintended consequences,” shall we?
By what you say here and by what you say about the “Tea Party” on your website, either you are totally naive or are attempting to con the people by using what is “hot” today and selling your book supposedly teaching people about the Tea Party (or movement) but I have no idea in what aspect your teaching is.. Are you maybe just attempting to get a rouse from us? If so, please do not go any further. That is my job as a female outside of a place like these. I get the arousals, but in a much more desireable way.
December 28, 2012/Wednesday
Ron Paul has nothing to do with the TEA Party, he’s a Libertarian that has accomplished NOTHING in Congress, and who would legalize drugs and let our country and our allies get run over by our enemies. Bachman is indeed Conservative yet stands for a strong National Defense along with Downsizing Government and getting back to Constitutional Government. If not as Prez, she’d make a great Vice President running with Romney or Newt as Prez.
Newt has a lot of :”baggage” that Romney doesn’t have, but whichever wins will do a great job compared to Obama and the Marxist Democrats we’ve got now.
Wow.. FOX News has taught you well “Grasshopper.”
Thank you for not just backing me up since these naysayers are responding to what I said in defense of Dr. Paul and mentioning the truth about Turncoat Bachmann and the hijackers of the Tea Party movement that was started in honor of Dr. Paul, but for actually getting a laugh that few probably understand at all about your “Grasshopper” equivalent the FOX followers. Very good metaphor. May the winds help you upon your journey.
December 28, 2012/Wedneday
Dean Allen and Pete Laurence are all the proof you need to know that people who support Ron Paul are indeed the smartest, most informed citizens and actually know what they are talking about. Dean/Pete are what Staln used to refer to as “useful idiots”.
The so called “tea party” has obviously been highjacked by the neocon, big government, evangelical wing of the Republicans. There is zero “conservatism” in the movement. The real Tea Partiers are the grassroots Ron Paul supporters who believe in the Constitution, the rule of law, civil liberties and limited government.
What a shame that the “tea party” is now owned by the GOP and nothing more than a disorganized, hate mongering, fear mongering and war mongering astro turf movement.
Michele Bachmann – You Know She’s RIGHT!
The Media continually throws up Newt/Romney & Romney/ Newt, as though only these two deserve consideration?
Both are notorious, flip-flopping RINOS!
How can Perry be in bed with the Clinton’s, Al Gore’s head cheerleader, discover Jesus, and is now a Conservative? Donkeys don’t morph into Thoroughbreds!
Ron Paul, specifically, sought to stop foreign aid to Israel(our only friend in the Middle East), seeks to legalize pot, and declares Bradley Manning a Hero? These are the beginning of many strange Red Flags to come from Dr. Paul! Thanks for the warning Ron!
Michele Bachmann, ignored by The Media, and Republican Insiders, is the
Christian Constitutional Conservative Voice in this Presidential race!
By supporting Bachmann you have proven to be nothing but a joke with no relevance whasoever. While other candidates have waged for increased military spending and weakening the Constitution to crush the civil liberties of Americans, Ron Paul is trying to take the U.S. out of foreign wars and reinstall freedom for every citizen. The voter loyalty is clear. Choose Ron Paul as your GOP Presidential Nominee or face a significant voter shortage come the general election. If Ron Paul is not supported by the GOP, then it will be their own fault Obama gets a second term. You can take that to the bank.
You write to your other fellow American with such anger. Anyone of the REP. candidates running would be 1000 times better than what we have now. You would be willing to loose our country over 1 man. Can’t understand that. You threaten your fellow Americans (sounds like an extremist like something maybe Axelrod or Emanuel might do under the guiding of OB). People are trying to decide Ron Paul scares many.
“We need the USA Patriot Act to stop terrorists, the 4th Amendment be damned! We must bomb Iran to keep them from getting nukes! We must put Israel’s national security before our own! I hate all Moos-Lims, they should all be shot!” -Bichele Machmann-
Very good quote. Have you seen the full interview by that woman from CNN where Dr. Paul finally removed his mic and walked away? She verbalized almost in detail what Turncoat Bachmann said that day (as well as all the others). We are to bomb the entire Middle East and kill over a billion people to get the few individuals who might actually, for real, want to terrorize us because we are free. I wonder who is the racist in reality?
December 28, 2012/Wednesday
RON PAUL is a REAL REPUBLICAN ! Like Republicans were before they turned into RINO’s Like Bachman-Newt and Romney !
Ron Paul (DID) pioneer the TEA party movement and If Reagan was a Conservative then I couldn’t tell between- Spending, Debt, Defecits and amnesty’s !!!
The “tea party express” IS NOT the TEA party ! They are a pseudo version influxed with RINO’s !
Amasing how many Ron Paul supporters wear tin hats and are clueless about Islamic terrorism and Ron Paul’s hatred of Israel. Ron Paul thinks Iran will make nice and get along with everybody even though their leaders advocate using nuclear weapons on the Great Satan (U.S.) and little Satan (Israel). If someone says they are going to kill you , you should take heed ! Ron Paul and his tin hat followers are stupid and naive a very dangerous combination. Had the Ron Paul followers been around in WWII they would advocated support for Hitler and Hito after Pearl Harbor and said we were at fault for the sneak attack upon us or as Ron Paul believes today that the Jews caused 9/11. Bachmann has it all over the field and crazy man Paul and she has been fighting for Tea Party principles long before 2009 and Rick Santelle’s CNBC rant about Obama’s bailouts. J. van Ee (Ultra Conservative in Reagan Library Country)
Jerry Vanee,
Are you aware that Turncoat Bachmann’s main Tea Party leader just left her/them today, the 28th, to go with Dr. Paul? He said that Ron Paul is the real deal and so has the real tea party movement people as backers. Interesting. Huh?
I will also bet you think Dr. Paul is an isolationist. Yes? You already answered that by what you said about him leaving another nation who has more fire power than any other nation in the region alone and not INTERFERING (namely called non-intervention) with their own lives. That is even if “Jews” caused 9/11. I will also bet that you are not aware of Bldg. 7 collapsing on that day demolition style. Of course not. How could you?
December 28, 2012/Wednesday
Ron Paul is the candidate the Tea Party needs to support because he actually has a plan. All the other candidates speak the same neocon message and will not end the endless welfare and warfare state. We the People need Ron Paul to restore the Constitution and liberty within the United States of America.
I think it is almost amusing how each and every candidate nowadays not only uses the tea party movement to claim as their own, but they all are using Ron Paul’s talking points and claiming that as their own also.
I will give Perry credit though. He gave Dr. Paul credit for bringing information about the Federal Reserve up that he was unaware of and did some studying on the subject. I would never have expected him to do something like that during a debate for Dr. Paul.
Anyway, if Ron Paul goes 3rd party, considering that he does not get the Republican nomination, he gets the disgruntled Republican voters who voted for him during the primary. He also gets the independents who generally are more politically attuned than the left/right paradigm two party followers as well as the mass amount of Democrats who were crossed by Obama who said, “You can take that to the bank” during his campaign in claiming that he would bring the military back as his first presidential function. I see where Dr. Paul’s voting numbers would be such a landslide that even the electoral college would not go against them since if we follow the Constitution, they can technically vote for anyone they wish no matter who the people votes for whom.
December 28, 2011/Wednesday
December 28, 2012/Wednesday
It is truly sad to read all the vitriolic remarks in the comments. America is at stake! Yes, we need to stop the rapid slide into socialism. Yes, each of you support different candidates for various reasons. No, it is not in anyone’s best interest to be closed minded, insulting, or self-righteous. Obama and the democrats, given 4 more years, will destroy what little freedom we have left. If divide and conquer is their strategy we are doing it for them. In order to return to the God blessed nation of our founding fathers it will take more than one election. I invite you to watch the YouTube video AmericaGOYA. We desperately need to pull together or we will be destroyed alone.