Gingrich: Ron Paul’s base is “people who want to legalize drugs”
2012 Elections, Breaking News Thursday, December 22nd, 2011By Walt Cronkite, Sarah Huisenga, CBS News
Despite his mantra to stay “positive,” Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich took a swipe at rival Ron Paul on Thursday, suggesting that the Texas congressman’s political base consists of “people who want to legalize drugs.”
During a radio interview with conservative commentator John McCaslin, the former House speaker also said Paul is naive about the war on terrorism and Iran’s nuclear program. “This is a guy who basically says, if the United States were only nice, it wouldn’t have had 9/11. He doesn’t want to blame the bad guys. … He dismisses the danger of Iranian nuclear weapon and seems to be indifferent to the idea that Israel could be wiped out. And as I said, I think the key to his volunteer base is people who want to legalize drugs.”
Paul has grown in strength in recent polls in Iowa and is threatening Gingrich’s ability to merge from the state’s Jan. 3 GOP caucuses as the clear-cut conservative alternative to former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney. Both Paul and Romney have unleashed a barrage of negative ads against Gingrich in the first caucus state, prompting Gingrich to challenge Romney to go one-on-one with him in a debate.
“I’m happy taking the heat, why doesn’t he join me in the kitchen?” Gingrich said on Fox News late Wednesday, referring to Romney’s quip that his rival should get out of the kitchen if he can’t stand the heat of critical ads. Gingrich called on Romney to join him for a 90-minute debate, a shorter engagement than the three-hour “Lincoln-Douglas” style debates he has touted for several weeks now.
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Seems like Ron Paul only appeals to us crazies who believe in the constitution. Think about it, if some powerful Arab country came here and set up lots of military bases and a puppet government … we wouldn’t see any need to mess with them. We’d be as happy about it as they are. And I think with all the trillions we’ve got to blow, we might as well spend a few extra trillion attacking Iran. Sure it will get a few thousand of our military killed, but so what. Sure it will get tens of thousands of Iranians killed … many of them purely collateral damage, but that will only make them love us more. So Mr. Fannie/Freddie has it about right about us crazy constituionalists who don’t believe in a healthCare mandate as tne Newtster does.
Oh, come on, Mike. You know the Constitution is nothing more than outdated drivel, written by a bunch of crazy revolutionaries.
Oh yeah, Israel, with 300 nukes, could be “wiped out” by Iran with zero nukes.
Watch over my shoulder as I throw my vote away on Ron Paul. If enough of us waste our votes, they won’t be wasted! ! !
If our media weren’t bought and paid for, the immediate reaction from any interviewer to newt’s assertion that RON PAUL’s base are drug abusers, he would be marginalized, ridiculed and accused of being a fringe candidate! ! !
If we were to put together a checklist of positive vs. negative positions on each candidate I would venture a guess that Ron Paul would fair quite well especially when it comes to the economy and the issue of individual rights.
I’m a backer of Paul’s and have no desire to back a drug legalization effort. The only “drug” that Paul’s backers want to legalize in a new American political regime is the stand down of the Executive Branch’s rough shod, enforced domestic & foreign imperialism and the “drug” of the elite’s on-going global power grab.
Newt thinks prohibition actually works. Id say he is crazier than Paul who only wants to follow the constitution.
Paul is not crazy.
For the “historian” running in the group, Newt sure doesn’t seem to know much history about prohibition or Iran or even all the way back to May of 2011 when PM Bibi said before Congress Israel doesn’t need the US to protect them.
What we _really_ don’t want is prohibition-enabled black market crime, and what we really do want is adherence to the Constitution.
Classic: “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”
The MSM tried IGNORing him in the debates and the news – CHECK
They LAUGH at him; ridicule him & Iowa by making statements that he’s unelectable; he’s a “kook,” he can’t win in Iowa and if he does, then Iowa is no longer relevant in the process and as such, their credibility will be severely weakened – CHECK
The MSM has FOUGHT & attacked him by “rehashing” the race card; incorrectly labeling him an isolationist (one must look up the definition of isolationism to discover that he is quite the opposite) and labeling his ads revealing Newt’s political positions in the past as “negative,” when in fact, it’s the job of journalists – remember them in the very old days – to report these kind of facts to the masses; not persuade them to vote for a certain party or individual, but I digress. Now they want to call him naive as it pertains to Iran and the THREAT of nuclear weapons in the country. The attack is so desperate that now his “”political base consists of ‘people who want to legalize drugs.’” – Check
Next on Gandhi’s list is WINNING and that’s what the “established status quo” is very concerned about. The looting and corruption will be disrupted and hopefully drastically reduced with a Ron Paul presidency and that’s why we are witnessing a coordinated effort and attack to discredit Ron at every turn. Just remember what Reagan said: “Trust, but verify.” Please VERIFY all of the information that you are being “fed.” It is healthy to be cynical and it is far from being ignorant.
If Newt and/or Romney want a real debate, then bring in Dr. Paul for the real heat! What good is a debate between indviduals who really believe in doing the exact same thing? We’re just going to hear them attack each others records because they’re both about big government and with big government comes big spending. Have a 3-way debate on THE ISSUES and if Ron is going to be discredited and lose the nomination, then let it be about ISSUES rather than false accusations about his character, beliefs and those of his supporters.
Well duh – yeah, we do want to legalize drugs, and prostitution & gambling – SO WHAT! Didn’t Noot get the msg – Ron Paul wants to legalize FREEDOM!!!
I think millions of people would agree that the War on Drugs has gotten us nowhere. Think of how different the US would be if the drug cartels had nothing to sell because we could get it for a few bucks at the local drug stores, or grow it in our back yards. That alone is enough for me to yell,
RON PAUL IS MY PRESIDENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As one of those ‘people who want to legalize drugs’, I say “here, here”. Being as how over 50% of Americans FAVOR legalizing marijuana, I’d think Gingy would keep his f@#$ing trap shut!!!!
…Come on newt….Get real…You’re the only speaker to ever be fined…I think when people call you “Speaker” they should say “Speaker asterisk”….Because you did a horrible job. You cheat on 2 wives, what makes us think you wont cheat the US public. I have always DESPISED you. I dont know what it is. Something about you just smells of criminal and slimy.
You are absolutely off your rocker and will base your policies off of who is paying you the most….
newt gingrich…..You are a slimeball and have no business even setting your corrupt foot anywhere near the whitehouse.
(oh, and I purposely did not capitalize your name…You are not worthy of that.0
Gingrich is a big government Republican who wants to keep up the War on Drugs because it gives him more power and it’s big money, it doesn’t matter to him how many Americans lose their lives because of it — or what a dismal and expensive failure The War on Drugs has been. Likewise, Newt wants to keep up all the wars overseas & add more, not for America’s defense, but because it keeps the big bucks flowing out of this country to his defense contractor sponsors. Take a look at Newt’s history. Newt never does anything that doesn’t increase the power and wealth of Newt.
Newt thinks that by portraying all Ron Paul supporters as “drug users”, he’ll scare people into not being his supporters. Sorry Newt, I’m not “drug user” — haven’t smoked a joint since college 40 years ago — and I am not that easily fooled.
But that also makes me old enough to recall what a complete failure Newt was as Speaker of the House — so bad that even his own Party threw him to the curb and he couldn’t even run for reelection. And that happened even before he was hit with $300K in Congressional ethics violations.
Newt is a political retread and one who is so bad that he should be permanently sidelined as he is a total embarrassment to the Republican Party. If Newt is the best that the Republican Party really can do — then it is morally and ideologically bankrupt — and it too belongs in the dust heap!
Ron Paul make newt and Romney look like an amateurs. Also He is the only one that will fight to restore our country to it’s original luster as the founders intended his record reflects this.
Gingrich is clueless and out of touch with the American people.
We want less wars.
This includes getting out of the middle east.
Getting out of Japan, Germany, South Korea and other countries that should pay for their own military defense (or simply don’t need it).
We should also get out of the War on Drugs since it is a failed policy akin to the Alcohol Prohibition that we learned was a tragic failure.
We the People want Paul!!!!
Newt, where are you and the rest of the #elite waterboys (preferred lackeys) on Ending the FED and restoring the constitution and bill of rights and a crack down on corruption.
Are you so daft that you cannot figure out that #RonPaul is surging not because you accuse him of being the last hope of the drug culture, but because the rest of you are so beholding to the 1 and only 1 #corrupt #incumbent #rulingclass #elite that you cant and wont support the issues I initially pointed out.
Ron Paul is winning because the #rulingclass #elite have lost control of the flow of information via the internet.
Newty, the #statusquo politics is over… Move along.
From Newts positions, it looks like he is looking forward to being known as the President during WW3!
doesn’t anyone who has ever actually researched the war on drugs want to end it?
The War on Drugs nets millions of dollars in seizures for law-enforcement agencies. Drugs besides alcohol will never be legalized because too many union cops would lose their jobs.
Legalize freedom!!! Go Ron Paul!
Quoting from THE COUNTY SHERIFF: America’s Last Hope, by Richard Mack, “After years of research I am now totally convinced that the ‘Drug War’ is a farce. It provides no benefit to the public and actually makes the drug problem worse.”
Newt Gingrich isn’t just against legalizing drugs. As Gary Johnson recently pointed out, Gingrich has admitted smoking marijuana himself while in college, yet in 1997 he proposed legislation mandating the *death penalty* for bringing as little as a couple ounces of marijuana into the United States. That is hardly import/dealer quantities — more like an ordinary traveler’s personal recreational or medical cannabis supply.
The fact that Newt is such a hypocrite as to want to *execute* ordinary people harming no one for something he contributed to himself, just for possessing an herb that is healthier than the totally legal substances of alcohol and tobacco, is an outrage. This alone should disqualify him in the mind of any sane person from serving in elected office, let alone as president of the United States of America.
Hi all
Right now the country is spending billions on the so-caled “war on drugs”. It does not work. It will not work and it has not worked since its inception.
Ron Paul says, “Legalize the drugs.”
Know what? It will totally eliminate the drug cartels. It will put a few bucks into the state coffer for paying bills. It will eliminate about 1/3 of the jail residents. What’s going on is crazy.
Mr. Gingrich, leave the room.
Audit the fed, support HR 459 Paul
Ron Paul wants to get the federal government out of running the lives of people. Newt needs to realize many Dr. Paul supporters really want to downsize D.C. and this means getting the feds out of numerous areas that States can better control. Where in the Constitution does the federal government find the power to criminalize drugs? The Tenth Amendment is supposed to allow the States or the people to take care of matters not found in the Constitution. I believe in true federalism, not the phony type Gingrich mentions. Dr. Paul will actually downsize the monstrosity called big government and this scares the establishment. George W. Bush had the ability to truly downsize the government because Republicans controlled the House, Senate, and Supreme Court; and yet he allowed it to grow larger during his presidency. Gingrich is no different than George W. and will fail the American people. Dr. Paul believes in liberty and will stand firm in his quest to reign in the federal monstrosity.
Does anyone remember during the first prohibition (Newt is trying to extend the new one) people like him actually poisoned the alcohol supply and killed 10,000 people. I didn’t realize that our own government stooped this low until recently and it makes you think that if they can do that, then what’s to stop them from doing 9/11 just to get at the oil. We need to end all wars and bring people home to defend our shores and make friends again. The winner of the last peace prize ain’t doin’ it.
Newt’s numbers are falling…so he thought he’d push this issue to the fore…knowing that it is nothing by a buzz word for knee-jerk part of the electorate. He does not go into the philosophical and even practical reasons for the stance to decriminalize drug use. That’s politics for ya. It’ll get worse before it gets better.
I am a Democrat and I will vote for Ron Paul over both Obama and Newt. Newt is the Republican Clinton, an old, money grubbing 1%er lech. He and Obama want to keep the corrupt system going as they benefit from it. Ron Paul would stop their gravy train and that is what has got them terrified.
[...] now have Newt Gingrich coming out and personally attacking Paul supporters by stating that “The key to his volunteer base is people who want to legalize drugs.” So I guess in summary, if you support Ron Paul right now, you must be an unpatriotic coward [...]
Jeez. Newt, draw a line down a piece of paper. Now, put federal on one side of that line, and state on the other. Removing federal control over legalizing drugs does not remove state control. So unless my state of Texas removes it’s laws on marijuana, cocaine, etc…..they will still be illegal here after Ron Paul becomes president. You may want to brush up on how things work in the government Newt. Just sayin’.
CFR/TC/ members:Gingrich, Both Bushes,McCain,Clintons, Carter, Perry, Kissinger, Brzezinski,Soros,Greenspan, Bernanke, David Rockefeller, Etc.
Obama filled his cabinet with CFR/TC members & “The Fix” continued.
CFR members are very tightly affiliated with the U.S. government. Since 1940, every U.S. secretary of state (except for Gov. James Byrnes of South Carolina, the sole exception) has been a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and/or its younger brother, the Trilateral Commission. Also since 1940, every secretary of war and every secretary of defense has been a CFR member. During most of its existence, the Central Intelligence Agency has been headed by CFR members. Virtually every key U.S. national security and foreign policy adviser has been a CFR member for the past seventy years. Google: CFR,TC,Bilderberg
Ron Paul wants to decriminalize drugs, not legalize them. This means he wants to get drugs out from under the federal government and put the issue to each state to decide.
And as for Iran and any danger they pose to us and Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu said it best. He wants the U.S. to stay out of Israel’s business. Would he say this if he was worried about Iran? The U.S. gives twice as much aid to her enemies than they give to Israel. Dr. Paul would end this. Israel is more than capable to take care of itself.
Yeah Newt, I’m a 58 yrs old Republican grandmother for Ron Paul & I’m supporting him because I just can’t wait to shoot up./s
The one & only thing I’ve ever agreed with Paul Krugman on was his statement , “Newt Gingrich is what a stupid person thinks that a smart person sounds like.” God help us if this guy wins the nomination!
I used to like Newt, but, damn, what’s he been smokin’?