Conservatives and Tea Party warming up to Ron Paul

By Karl Dickey, West Palm Beach Libertarian Examiner

Congressman Ron Paul seems the perfect fit for true conservatives, however he was once considered the crazy uncle in the corner of the room. Now that his popularity has swelled putting him in the forefront of the GOP race for President of the United States, conservatives are taking another look. As Americans realized much of what he has been saying over the years has come true, they realize he may not be as crazy as once thought. Many in the GOP have despised Ron Paul and his supporters, however many are starting to carry a different tune. In the 2008 Presidential race, Paul was nearly laughed off the stage when he spoke about the economy and the blowback effect of our foreign policy.

Today, when speaking with several Tea Party members and GOP conservatives, I have found an ‘about face’ in their concerns over Ron Paul’s foreign policy views which has been the leading cause of conflict in the past. As more members of the Bush administration come out and are congruent with Paul’s views on how our foreign policy has developed unintended consequences, conservatives seem more interested in learning more about the candidate rather than the pablum being spoon-fed them by their leadership.

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21 Comments for “Conservatives and Tea Party warming up to Ron Paul”

  1. Expose International Banker’s NWO Bilderberg Agenda
    To understand their agenda – Google: “CFR,TC,Bilderberg”
    The PRIVATE FEDERAL RESERVE BANK must be exposed and abolished
    Both Parties have been partners in subverting our Constitution and under the control of THE FED – (The borrower is servant to the lender) Only Ron Paul will end the sell out to the Bankster’s globalism

  2. The following NWO agenda must be eliminated, Vote Ron Paul
    “An end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old fashioned frontal attack” – Richard Gardner ,
    Ambassador to Italy – quoted in (CFR) Foreign Affairs, April, 1974

    “Actions at the multinational level will be needed, if the process of international relocation of industries is to be accelerated in an organized fashion…” TC Report #23, 1982

  3. Can’t get myself to put Ron Paul on top but would welcome him to the nomination if the others fall out, I think . . .

    • Cathy: well, please find the time to really research his position, and then think some more and I guarantee that you will agree with all of his CONSERVATIVE positions. The biggest misnomer about Ron Paul is the “establishment’s” improper accusation that he is an isolationist. One must first know the definition of isolationism in order to realize that he is quite simply just the opposite. What they want to say is that he’s a pacifist which again, he is not. He merely states that before he risks the lives of our servicemen in a war, that he wants it declared by Congress so that the enemy is identified & the mission is clear so that the military generals can win the lawfully declared war quickly, efficiently and return victorious with minimal loss of American lives. That doesn’t sound like a pacifist to me and after careful research, you will discover that as well. All the “establishment” has left is another vain & desperate attempt to discredit him by attacking his character by recycling an old NON-STORY regarding some passages that were written in a few of his newsletters over 20 years ago that he admittedly did not review and edit that contained what would be considered incendiary remarks. He has addressed this non-issue repeatedly throughout the years. CNN has been on the “story” for the past two days because all of a sudden, a candidate who didn’t have a chance in heaven to win the all important Iowa caucus has a genuine chance of winning and because of that, now the caucus has been “minimized” by the “establishment” by not being so important after all. His campaigns is up against some serious forces and think about it this way: the changes and his philosophy will benefit the country as a whole but will not directly benefit those who are currently in “power” who have the ability to make those changes today.

      • Wow. I could not have capsulized what has been going on behind the scenes better, as I have been trying to do since 2008 primary. Finally his message may be getting through to the people despite what all the talking heads are saying in the establishment media. Thanks Joe. I assume I may copy this to all my friends.

    • As a note: you may want to visit this website: This will address the Austrian school and their science of economics in which Ron Paul has based his entire quest for returning to sound money. Once you understand the Austrian school, it is only then that you will understand the destructive power of Keynesian economics which has infected every level of our government and given rise to the inept Federal Reserve and so much more. In the end, you will understand that this election is not about the economy, but in fact, it IS about economics. Remember: always follow the money :-)

      • Joe:

        You are 100% correct. If people would study and understand Austrian school of economics there would not be any question as to who is the most qualified to lead the country. Ron Paul 2012!

  4. This is messed up. If there was no Ron Paul there would be no Tea Party. He is the father of the Tea Part and this article mentions the Tea Party is now warming up to Ron Paul!? It should have never cooled down to him to begin with. What a joke movement.

  5. Ron Paul is the only true Patriot who cannot be bought and paid for by banking interests and big corporations, he is our last hope, for America, for the World, for Liberty, Truth and Freedom. RON PAUL 2012.

  6. I will vote for Ron Paul as president. Completely on board with everything he says.

  7. If we don’t put this man in the Whitehouse next year we may never turn things around before they crash and burn…

    RON PAUL 2012

  8. When I met Dr. Paul in 2008, he looked me in the eyes unwaveringly. Only politican to do that since Barry Goldwater in 1968. Its a sign of an honest man. Two fine gentleman, and Barry Goldwater Jr is supporting Dr. Paul.

  9. Ron Paul has been saying the same thing for 30 years, and he has been right on just about everything.

  10. Most Americans today would gladly give 70, 80, or 90 percent of their income to their government for any cause, steal from their neighbors to support their own interests, and relinquish their liberty for security and dependency. One need only observe the Occupy movement to see what The New Deal and The Great Society have wrought. What puzzles me is why Ron Paul cares–he’s certainly not interested in power or prestige. His message is falling on deaf ears. Let the country die, let the idiots get what they deserve.

  11. Ron Paul’s foreign policy reminds me of a classic fruit cake. Hard to bite , chew and those who do , regret it later. You never hear Ron Paul’s son agreeing with him about Iran. Ron Paul is nuts. Those who vote for him help elect RINOS instead of selecting a realistic conservative. Abandon the old man and select a conservative who can beat Obama.

    • Jerry: For your consideration – You obviously do not appreciate Ron Paul’s foreign policy. I recommend you watch this video so you can understand why He says America need to change direction. This is the video taht has helped THOUSANDS to understand and come to support Dr. Paul, who previously felt as you do. Thank you for your consideartion.

  12. I’m a Tea Party conservative that considers Paul a strange bird. But I would support this kook over the speechmaker. The problem is that Paulettes are such rigid ideologists that they would not support the eventual GOP nominee even if it means Obummer gets 4 more years to finish destroying our country.

    • There comes a time in a voter’s life when you have to cease voting for the candidate you dislike the least. For me: No Ron, No Vote. I’m tired of the “insanity:” doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Einstein

  13. I couldn’t agree with you more Joe. I’m so done voting for the supposed conservative GOP candidates, when they have continued the expansion of intrusive government control over every single aspect of our lives. The GOP no longer believes in limited government, they aren’t much different than the Democrats which is why the TEA Party caught steam in the first place. Ron Paul or none at all for me and my family.

  14. Most people already know that Ron Paul refused to endorse John McCain in the 2008 general election. While I don’t necessarily agree with that decision, especially from a contender for the GOP nominee, I can certainly understand it. Lord knows I hated every nice thing I had to say about John McCain and wasn’t entirely pleased about pulling the lever for him (which is a dramatic understatement). Most people assume that Paul endorsed Libertarian candidate Bob Barr in 2008, which is partially true. However, that is not the entire story. Paul also endorsed three other candidates.

    The first of those was Chuck Baldwin. I don’t really know a lot about Baldwin except that he has been on record early and often in support of the proposition that the South should have won the Civil War. This sort of thing would ordinarily disqualify most normal people from endorsing Chuck Baldwin, but Ron Paul is not most normal people. And given what most Ron Paul supporters seem willing to forgive, a little Confederate sympathy (or even a lot of Confederate sympathy) seems like small potatoes.

    The second was Cynthia McKinney. Yes, you read that correctly, Ron Paul endorsed Cynthia McKinney in 2008. For those who do not know, Cynthia McKinney is a certifiably insane anti-American anti-Semitic lunatic. She first came to widespread public attention when she was arrested for punching out a member of the capitol police who tried to stop her when she wasn’t wearing her pin. Cynthia McKinney is so crazy that she got defeated in a primary by a guy who thought Guam might tip over and capsize. McKinney was once arrested by the Israelis while trying to give aid to Hamas and penned a bizarre anti-American and anti-Israeli screed. See more of her anti-Americanism here.

    Now, I know that the above is not necessarily persuasive to the average Ron Paul fan – after all, if they were bothered by siding with terrorists, they’d have probably jumped off the Paul bandwagon already. What is perhaps more important is that Cynthia McKinney is also next door to being a communist in terms of her domestic policy. McKinney is an open and avowed enemy of free market capitalism, preferring instead Ghadaffi-style socialism. Seriously, she literally and openly favors dictatorial socialism. McKinney ran on the Green Party ticket, whose platform explicitly includes guaranteed open-ended welfare (at a living wage) for everyone regardless of their ability or willingness to work, among other quasi-communist and far-left economic policies.

    The fourth and final candidate Ron Paul endorsed for President was Ralph Nader. Yes, the same Ralph Nader who was so far to the left on economic matters that he could see no difference between Al Gore and George W. Bush. The same Ralph Nader who also longs for the day when the last vestiges of capitalism have died in America. Nader, you remember was the guy who made running as the Green Party candidate famous.

    Why, you might ask, would Ron Paul, champion of economic freedom and limited government, endorse two avowed socialists for President? Well, you see, they signed a document:

    Paul will offer this open endorsement to the four candidates because each has signed onto a policy statement that calls for “balancing budgets, bring troops home, personal liberties and investigating the Federal Reserve,” the Paul aide said.

    You see, despite a lengthy and public history of supporting massive government expansion and infringement upon personal liberties, and despite running on a party platform that explicitly calls for the massive expansion of Government welfare, these people would clearly have been better at shrinking the government than the Republicans on the basis of signing this absurd pledge. To be fair, Paul was probably just following the Golden Rule here – after all, Paul had just spent the last two years being a truther in front of truthers and denying trutherism in front of the media, so he doubtless was extending the sort of blind eye towards Nader and McKinney’s insanity that he wished everyone else would turn towards his.

    For whatever his failings as a Presidential candidate and conservative (and they were legion), no reasonable person would say that John McCain was worse than any of these clowns. It was one thing for Paul to not endorse McCain – but we have to ask what sort of person affirmatively supports anti-American avowed socialists and confederate sympathizers over a Republican? The answer: Someone who, like Howard Dean, hates Republicans and everything they stand for.

    If you *justifiably* decided that BO should never be our leader because of Rev Wright, then you need to stay honest and consistent.

    If you’ve been under a rock somewhere recently you may not know that Ron Paul published a bunch of crazy, racist newsletters in the late 80′s and early 90′s.

    Ron Paul, ten years ago, took responsibility for the content, even admitted at one point that he had written some of them.

    Today, Ron Paul claims he knew nothing about them even though they generated around a million dollars in income for him.

    The newsletters were the “Ron Paul” newsletters and each was written in the first person as if from Ron Paul, without an author’s byline, conveying that the views expressed were Ron Paul’s.

    No one doubts that someone other than Ron Paul wrote them, but they were written as if they were from Paul and he profited handsomely and at one point took responsibility for writing some of them himself.

    One of the newsletters claimed that gays were going to donate blood en masse in hopes of infecting the American blood supply with AIDS.

    Let’s presume Ron Paul did not write that.

    But I know many Ron Paul supporters, including some in my church, who cast aspersions on Barack Obama for attending Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s church for 20 years. They don’t believe Barack Obama didn’t know Rev. Wright believed the CIA invented AIDS to kill black men. They will give Ron Paul a pass, but they will not give Barack Obama a pass.


    I fail to see how Ron Paul’s eponymous newsletter written in the first person as if from Ron Paul claiming gays intended to infect other Americans with AIDS through compromising our blood supply is any different from Reverend Wright claiming the CIA invented AIDS to kill black men.

    If you know all these things about Ron Paul, and know he was perfectly fine with Neo-Nazis raising money for his campaign in 2008, and know he was perfectly fine going on Iranian national television to claim Israel keeps concentration camps wherein it routinely kills Palestinians, and you still intend to vote for him, I don’t really see that the Republican tent needs to be big enough to accommodate you.

  15. It is a total lie that Ron Paul ENDORSED McKinney. That came from and Erick Erikson can spread all the lies and mistruths he wants… BUT Ron Paul Did not endorse Cynthia Mckinney. That is a LIE. He presented EVERY 3rd party candidate on a stage ONE time, so simply show that there ARE other choices.

    Proof from his Own Office. He supported Pastor, Christian, Conservative Constitutionalist Chuck Baldwin. (Here is his site, HIS own Press Release and Wall Street Journal)


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