Cedar Falls, IA Organizer Miffed at Campaigns Trying to ‘Hijack’ Tea Party
2012 Elections, Breaking News Tuesday, December 20th, 2011By Alison Gowans, AmesPatch.com
With just two weeks until the Iowa caucuses, GOP presidential campaigns have stepped up efforts to snatch the still-divided Tea Party vote, hiring key Tea Party activists to lure support from local chapters.
The move has at least one local Tea Party organizer miffed, but others say the hirings are a smart move.
“I know that if you’re trying to win a campaign, you have to do everything you can do to win,” said Cedar Valley Tea Party organizer Judd Saul, who recently endorsed Rick Santorum. “But it feels like another attempted hijacking of the Tea Party.”
Saul has watched as Tea Party leaders in early voting states have been scooped up by candidates, especially Newt Gingrich and Michele Bachmann.
Charlie Gruschow, also referred to as “Tea Party Charlie,” is both a local Tea Party leader and now a paid member of Gingrich’s Iowa campaign staff. He said he sees no conflict of interest between the two.
“I speak only for myself and not on behalf of the entire Tea Party movement,” he said.
Gruschow, who founded the Des Moines Tea Party two years ago and later co-founded the Tea Party of America, said he had been a Herman Cain supporter and volunteered with that campaign.
To read more, visit: http://ames.patch.com/articles/campaigns-hiring-local-tea-party-leaders#photo-8701496
Short URL: https://reteaparty.com/?p=5067
There is No Doubt that the TEA party has been infiltrated and completely spoiled by RINO loving liberals – calling themselves ‘Conservatives’ and backing the very politicians that spawned the TEA party movement trying to bring Real Conservative values to imitators.
We the (Real) TEA party support RON PAUL !
I can’t add any more to that. Well said!
The Tea Party movement was started 4 years ago in honor of Congressman Dr. Ron Paul. Therefore anyone who claims to be Tea Party leaders and backing someone else are obvious compromisers. It is plain and simple. Those who are real Tea Party movement people are for Dr. Paul and anyone else is a fraud. At the same time, it is sad that so many people are so easily swayed to follow such fakers.
December 20, 2011/Tuesday
I was recently banned from posting on Tea Party Nation’s site, after criticizing Judson Phillips for abandoning Ron Paul and backing Herman Cain. I said that he can back whomever he wants, but since it was Dr. Paul who started the Tea Party (in 2007), Judson should stop calling his site “Tea Party Nation”. I guess Mr. Phillips only supports Freedom of Speech when people agree with his positions. Anyway, this is just one more example of people selling out their principles. If the Tea Party does not “hang together”, the last chance to save our Republic will have come and gone.
[...] Cedar Falls, IA Organizer Miffed at Campaigns Trying to ‘Hijack’ Tea Party [...]
Charlie Gruschow is correct when he states he speaks only for himself and not on behalf of the entire Tea Party movement, because no one has the right to do that for a grassroots movement. Those that presume to speak on behalf of this Tea Party or that have co-opted the Tea Party for their own benefit, which more often than not includes some kind of social conservative ideals rather than fiscal conservatism, limited government and individual liberty. I am sick and tired of being lumped together with those that have given the Tea Party a bad name. Thanks to everyone who stands up to correct that wrong.
“Cedar Falls, IA Organizer Miffed at Campaigns Trying to ‘Hijack’ Tea Party”
Sorry, but you’re too late. Most of us “whacky, fervent” Ron Paul supporters saw this coming and we warned the TP but obviously, it didn’t matter. Ironic how the TP wants to cut taxes and spending yet the real Conservative in the party is filed away being accused of being an isolationist because he’s merely against “nation building” and “policing” the word on our “dime” and worst of all, at the expense of young American lives. In fact, his policy would make us stronger defensively and economically. Now the “new” attack is the accusation of racism – 20+ years old – due to admittedly incendiary remarks that were written by others but not personally read or edited by Ron. He’s accepted responsibility but made it very clear that they do not express his feelings. Oh well, he’s obviously a fighter and as the campaign continues, voters will hopefully immerse themselves in research in order to fully comprehend his positions rather than being “spoon-fed” by the mass media. As Reagan used to say: “Trust, but verify.” Try it and you’ll be pleasantly surprised.
[...] Selected excerpt FROM: https://reteaparty.com/2011/12/20/cedar-falls-ia-organizer-miffed-at-campaigns-trying-to-hijack-t…h163(); [...]