WH Blames “Tea Party Revolt” For Likely Rejection Of Payroll Tax Cut

White House communications director Dan Pfeiffer said it is a “Tea Party revolt” that would be responsible for the House rejecting a two-month extension of the payroll tax cut.

“Speaker Boehner’s position on Sunday was not the position that he had on Saturday when the 89 Senators came together to pass a two-month extension of the payroll tax cut. Let’s think on that. 89 Senators, the Republican leadership. You can’t get 89 votes in this day and age for apple pie, yet they all supported this. The did it with the understanding that the House would approve this two-month extension and Speaker Boehner got on the phone with his caucus, tried to sell it. He had a Tea Party revolt. He reversed his position and he’s now putting danger, a tax increase of a $1000 on 160 million Americans in like 12 days now,” Pfeiffer said on MSNBC.

To read more, visit:  http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2011/12/19/white_house_blames_tea_party_revolt_for_likely_rejection_of_payroll_tax_cut_.html

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6 Comments for “WH Blames “Tea Party Revolt” For Likely Rejection Of Payroll Tax Cut”

  1. Yeah. The Taxed Enough Already people are responsible for tax increases. Riiiiiiight.

    And who believes that Boehner is even remotely perceived as being associated with the TEA party?

  2. edward smith jr

    Democrats have to find someone to blame but themselves. This country has not had a federal budget in more than 2 1/2 years. The House has passed budgets but the Senate, under Harry Reid, has refused to bring them up for a vote. Yet, the mindless and the media blame Republicans. Shame on the Democrats. They are saboteurs.

  3. There are no “89 Senators” in the House. There are NO Senators in the House. Boehner is the Speaker of the House. Senators are found in the Senate. What kind of IDIOTS write these press releases for the WH?

  4. Somewhere, someone is trying to figure out how this can be used as proff the TEA Party is racist.

    Meanwhile, OWSers call for expelling all Jews from the US.

    Go figure.

  5. And yet the Senate rejected Balanced Budget Amendments put for by the Democrats, (SJ Res 24 rejected 21-79) and the one put forth by the Republicans, (SJ Res 10 rejected 47-53) both on 12-14-11. Yep, it is the TEA Party’s fault alright. Anyone still wonder why Congress has practically a zero approval rating?


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